
BE MINE (Jungkook x Reader)

Will she ever imagine that the unrequited was confirmed because of a bet?

Dessy_Kimmy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"So guys meet Sasha, my date, and Aera her friend and Girls meet my friends" Jungkook did the introduction.

"No need for the formalities Jungkook, who doesn't know these two beautiful ladies?" Jimin's voice was so flirty. 

"Same goes for you guys! Anyways nice meeting you and this is Sasha, who you know " Aera said pushing her forward.

"Yup! Who doesn't know the school goddess? You are way prettier in real life... Don't mind my manners, I'm Taehyung" He said with a smile.

"Sasha! You are a lot more handsome too"

Taehyung chuckles with a head nod;

"I get that a lot!"

"Sure you do'

"Guys come on why don't you introduce yourselves," Jungkook said gesturing to the other males.

His voice seems so innocent but it also felt like a hint of sarcasm as if he was pushing the introduction.

"As you know, I am Yoongi who is so interested to know how he managed to make you his date tonight"

"You never can tell hyung, it might be Fate," The tall guy with dimples said.

"I am Namjoon! Please don't mind him, he is pretty much like that and so damn straight forward" 

Sasha let out a muffled smile;

"Is ok! I'm also curious to know how everything got here"

"Our Jungkook is just good in what he does! Don't you think so Aera" Hoseok unexpectedly asked, his eyes on Aera?

Aera chuckled quite taken aback, to say the least. A smile left her lips as she nodded along with it.

"Yup! He won't be the school heart crush for nothing"

"Exactly my point" Hoseok chipped happily biting his lips "Glad to know someone agrees with me and I'm Hoseok" 

He stretched out his hand to the wavy-haired girl.

"I am Park Aera but just call me Aera, no need for the formalities"

"Never intended to, I don't do formalities especially with beautiful girls like you," He said with an eye wink.

"Aww, the flirty type? I like it" Her index finger sexily slides down his face.

"Same goes to you"

"Just flirt with people who are my type"

A slick smile pestered Hoseok's lips as he smirks.

"Whoa bold of you to say that out loud in front of my friends. Interesting!"

"What's interesting is if we get out of here"

"Whoa! Am ready whenever and anytime just call me, am at your service" 

Areum chuckled with furrowed brows understanding the imaginations running through his mind.

"Easy their lover boy, I meant let's get out of here and go rock that dance floor, heard you are pretty much a good dancer. What the heck were you thinking of?"

"Ahh, nothing! Come on let's go" He stretched his palm out for her.

Aera smiled placing her palm in his;

"Got to go guy's and nice meeting you Sasha but now, I gotta steal your friend from you"

"Nice meeting you too, Hoseok!" She said with a smile "Have fun Aera" She mouthed to Aera with a teasing smile.

The two intimately walk down to the dance floor in the not so surprising eyes of the others.

"Mhm, gotta get a drink from the kitchen," Sasha said turning to Jungkook.

"Ok,"  He said with a small nod.

"I will be back" She made a slight hand gesture before leaving.

The boys watched her walk down the stairs leading to the kitchen. 

Quite sure she was out from sight, they all turned to Jungkook giving him a nudge.

"So Dude! What's up?" Taehyung the most curious asked.

"Anything yet?" Jimin's asked with a very slimy smile.

​​​​​​"Chill, Is step by step," Jungkook said with a playful tone.

Yoongi chuckled as he sips through his wine glass.

"Must be a hard one, right?" He asked with a face saying he knows it all ​​​​​​"I guess so, she doesn't look a bit easy'

"You gotta wild up on your games, Kook!" That was Jin.

"She might be a hard one but it won't be time before I get her wrapped around my teeny weeny finger's" His voice were so filled with confidence.

"That's our Kook! Who will ever think that Sasha, the school goddess will be played" Jimin's voice was so sarcastic?

"She is too beautiful and popular to play and that makes me feel guilty but a deal is a deal. Don't back down on your deal Jungkook,  you got to make her yours at all cost" Taehyung's said in a voice that seems to be a reminder.

"I never go back on my deal, just watch and see how tonight will be a mark of a new beginning"

He felt so relaxed as he looks at the boys, an evil smirk visible on his face.

"I still have a feeling that this is not gonna go as planned but anyways I will sit back and watch how it turns out to be. No matter the ending, am certain that a drama must follow" Yoongi's face clearly states the expectation

"I love drama's and I am sure Hoseok gonna look forward to it too," Jin said

Jungkook grabs a cocktail from a wine waiter and nods his head.

"Then drama it shall be" He raises his glass cup in a toast.

The boys lifted their glass as they clink their glasses together.

Sasha walks into the kitchen. Thankfully it was quiet and practically empty, just one or two persons there.

With a heavy sigh she pulls out a slope upholstered bar stool and sits down on it, her elbows placed right on the bar counter.

She was nervous and getting tired, not used to the party life and they were all wearing her out. Not to say about how nervous she felt just some moments ago.

She was practically putting up an act to not show any form of nervousness in her.

"This is tiring!"

She grabs a whiskey bottle on the bar counter and a wine glass lying next to it.

She slid the lid open and pours it into her wine glass, slowly sipping on it.

It felt so relaxing, getting away from all those noisy crowds and all.

'She was too Introverted to be here'

"Drinking alone?" A voice chipped from behind.

She slowly turns back and saw Jungkook standing behind.

"You told me you were going to get a drink and not drink all alone here at the kitchen"

"Just wanted some quietness" She didn't bother about defending herself.

"You should have told me If you want some quietness and I will be glad to help you out. You are my date tonight and making you happy is my top priority"

A feeling of happiness washed over her face as she hears those words.

"That's nice coming from you"

"So you wanna go away from here?" His voice was soft.

"To where?"

"Somewhere with peace and quietness. A place that matches a queen like you"

Sasha chuckled hearing his remark.

"Ok as long as I am away from this noisy ground"