
BE MINE (Jungkook x Reader)

Will she ever imagine that the unrequited was confirmed because of a bet?

Dessy_Kimmy · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"Gosh Aera what the hell have you done?" 

Aera laughed, parking at the school's lot

"You know baby we call it making a teaser... Don't worry you will thank me later"

Sasha sighed rubbing her nape

"Thank you? You just caused a commotion for crying out loud" Sasha shouted throwing her hands up.

"Just how I wanted it! Come on you are a Queen and every Queen needs to have a grand entrance"

Sasha unbelievably stared at her quite astonished by everything.

Well, it turns out she just found out about the whole school spamming down with that one post. She did let her guard down putting Sasha in charge of the posting.

"Gosh, you are so unbelievable! Never letting you do the posting again" She grabs her bag from the back seat as she huffs opening the door.

"Sash' come on you can't be angry over that" She effortlessly said trying to muffle the laughter rolling out.

Sasha ignored her as she rolls her eyes slamming the door close.

"Come on Sasha wait up" 

Aera locks the car as she stomps off running after Sasha...

The two girls walked side by side into the school premises lost in their world chat to notice the hot stares following wing their path in the hallway.

'More like they are used to it'

School life consists of the wise, smart, famous, and loners. Their life all differs where the famous have to cope with the everyday eye show and tagged into putting on a cinema in whatsoever they do.

This was the exact life that the selected few of the students leave as Sasha was among the top ten in this least.

This has become her everyday routine and whether shy or socially free going...

'As long as you belong to the famous team you are bound to this'

"Annyeong" A deep voice with a melodious tone was heard behind

The girls curiously turned their back noticing the loud cheering resonating from the hallway become more intensify than usual. 

And what they saw didn't disappoint them...

There stood him, the all-famous heart crushers of girls. 

Jungkook- The player of the group

A tall muscular blond male with beautiful eyes and sexy body features.

He stood there with a mischievous smile as he waves his hand at the slightly carried away girls.

"I am Jungkook," He said making two sexy steps.

"Why the Introduction? Who doesn't know you?" Aera said breaking out from her awkward state.

Jungkook let out a muffled smile as he slightly nods;

"Same goes to you too! Park Aera, the club queen, and the all-famous Jeong Sasha" His eyes scrolled down to the complimented female eye searching her.

Sasha was lost in her world trying to control her racing heart from being heard as she bluntly stared at the blond male with no facial expression.

Aera smiled and gave her a slight nudge...

She blinked her eyes snapping at from her not so noticeable trance state. Her natural calmed face masks it well.

"Sorry for that she might be a little cold sometimes but don't take it to heart, is just her personality " Aera laid down a defensive excuse.

"Is ok! The school website has been blowing up over a piece of news and, as surprising it might be, I heard the school goddess will be at tonight's party?"

"And why do-"

"Yeah, she will" Aera cut her off sending her a secret glare.

"Good! Do you have a partner?"

"Nope" This time Sasha answered for herself.

Jungkook nodded and smiled

"Wanna be my partner? And that if I am not late and which I know I am not"

Sasha scoffed at his overflowing confidence.

"So confident huh?" 

"You know every beautiful lady should have a man and not just any man. A hot, sexy, and beautiful lady deserves a special kind of man."

"And you think you are that man?"

Jungkook tilted his head seductively. He was using his sexy move which works on every girl.

"Then tell me if I am not?"

Sasha could only chuckle probably shorten of words;

"Imagine how big of news it will be. The goddess and the heart crusher together in a party... I tell you babe it will break records"

"Am not your babe and I am not interested in having a partner!"

"Yes, you are going to have" Aera cues inside glaring at her before turning towards the blond male with a smile. "She will be your date tonight"

"No am not!"  

Aera intentionally ignored her leaving secret glares at her.

"Date it shall be! Well, can I have your number?" He brought out his phone handed it over

"Not in your dreams..... Yah! Aera don't you dare" She was cut short as Aera collected the phone and started imputing her phone number.

"+82 10-xxxx-xxxx that's her number" She handed the phone back to the blond male.

"Yah Aera what do you think you are doing?"

"I will call you, ok?" He smiled waving his phone.

"Don't even dare!" Sasha roared

"Impressive! The silent but aggressive type, I love it" He said with a little smirk. " Get ready baby I will pick you up tonight" He made small steps backward as he waves again with a wink before walking down the hallway.

"Wow isn't he handsome?" Aera bit her lips as she admiringly watches the almost gone figure.

Sasha pretentiously looked away and stole glances at him careful of her surrounding.

"Handsome my foot" She muttered walking away.

​​​​​​Aera rolled her eyes trailing behind her.

"Yah Sasha, what was that all about?"

"I should be the one asking you that, why the hell did you give him my number?"

"I know you are just pretending! It might not be too noticeable but I saw how you were trapped up at that moment"

Sasha stopped furrowing her brows.

"What are you trying to insinuate?"

"In case you've forgotten, I know how you act when you love someone and that was how you acted a few moments ago"

"Don't change the topic! You shouldn't have given him my number, aside from his fame and group of friends you barely know him"

Aera rolled her eyes...

"He is not the first stranger you gave your number to, at least you know something about him"

Sasha sighed and slightly ruffled her hair careful not to ruin it.

"Gosh! At times I wonder why I am best friends with you"

"Period because am irresistible and charming! Am the best friend you can ever ask for... Bet me you won't regret it"

​​​​​Sasha sighed and continued on her path...