
Be Cruel and Even Crueller

Lyan_Leck · Eastern
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1 Chs

First Collapse

Inside the red-lit street was a three-story building, the broad body of which was covered with black wood. It was surrounded by maroon tile roofs, red lights, and flower-shaped fabrics, which curved into triangles on each floor. The murmur of a pleasant melody could be heard from inside.

It was not difficult to smell the sharp smell of spoiled flowers, even if it was difficult, while the inside was suffocating with the intense smells of alcohol and pleasure. While the drunken men were laughing and having fun at the tables, they did not hesitate to touch the obscene parts of the women who served them drinks.

Accompanied by a pleasant melody on the stage, the women were gliding with graceful and sharp movements like a leaf caught in the breeze, tapping their hands and feet in harmony with the extremes of the melody and making the melody more impressive.

The person playing the melody at the edge of the stage looked soulless. Her ink-dark hair was left half-open in a bun on both sides. Her rabbit-like red eyes reflected the harmony of the jewels. Beautiful but empty. Her peach-colored lips contrasted with her blood-red eyes. His tiny nose was slightly upturned, drawing a faintly boned crescent. Her round face didn't hide her baby fat, showing that she wasn't developed.

This little child plays Guqin's hard strings with ageless grace and patience. Even though her hands were red from playing and full of cuts, he continued the melody with great determination. She allowed her lilac dress to vibrate with the sounds from Guqin and dance like a butterfly in harmony with her.

Finally, when the melody ended, the little child clasped one hand to his chest and stood up, holding his skirt, bowing. Slowly and gracefully, he walked up the steps of the stage. As she descended the steps, her eyes met with the owner of the plum blossom dress from the back of the stage.

The lips of the owner of the dress with a plum blossom pattern drew a crescent moon. You'd have to be a fool not to understand the sarcastic expression behind her smile.

The little child didn't say a word, just walked past him and into the back of the stage. She could hear the sound of the incipient melody as she made his way down the back hallway.

The melody was constantly roaring with its lively and aggressive voice, defiantly climaxing the notes.

The little child's eyes were pale, she didn't care. Her steps slowed and she stopped. She lifted her bent head. Her bangs fluttered, revealing her eyes. Dead eyes shone, radiating the light of happiness.

+ mother

The bangs of her hair, which was made into a bun from above, were recommended. Her earth-colored eyes glowed with the red of fire. Her dress, adorned with the color of the sunset, was thin, revealing all the curves of her body. Bagdad opened his arms. He raised his hand in the air.

The little child's heartbeat was filled with anticipation. She believed his head would be stroked.

*Cat! *

The hand adorned with beautiful slender fingers met the little child's cheek.

The little child fell to the ground, her hand reaching for the redness of his skin as white as snow. His large eyes were watering, but she was still trying to grasp what was in the shock.

- Didn't you tell me to wear the plum blossom dress? Why are you going against my words?

The little child tried to change the subject.

+ B-but my performance was flawless. Customers liked it, Mom.

- SHUSH! You dare call me mom when you can't even properly say a simple greeting. Didn't you tell me to call Miss Jia?

+ ...you said it, Ms. Jia

- Beautiful. Now bend more while greeting, and take care to open your body a little while holding your skirt. You should be able to do at least that much if you want to seduce customers.

The Little child's eyes widened. Lifting his small body from the ground, she stood before her and denied it.

+ No! I do not want to do this.

- What?

+ I don't like the looks on their faces when they show my skin. I don't like drunk people approaching me, trying to touch me with their hands. That's DISGUSTING! I don't want to sell my body.

- Where do you learn such words? One of those street kids you meet in the morning? I tolerated you spending time with them so you would realize how filthy they are. Now I realize that this was the wrong decision. I forbid you to meet them.

+ B-but they're my only friends.

- If you want a friend, spend time with Bo Niao. You can learn a lot from a beautiful and elegant girl like her.

+ I don't want it!

- Joyful! You turn down my help for you when I can't even be half of it, you ignore my effort. I can't believe it... How could I have given birth to a disrespectful girl like you?

+ I'm not a girl. I'm a boy!

*Cat! *

The woman bowed. She leaned close to the little child's cheek and tugged at his ear.

- Open your ears and listen well. You were born a girl and you will always be a girl. Don't go against what I say to you and submit like a girl if you don't want me to castrate you.

She let go of his ear and walked away without looking back. The Little child just stayed. Then footsteps were heard. The owner of the plum-blossom dress appeared, with a mischievous smile on her face.

- Little Jia, you look bad. Are you okay?

+ Go away Bo Niao

The owner of the plum blossom dress put her hand on her cheek and pursed her lips. She began to speak in a perverse voice.

- You're so mean, I'm just worried about you-

+ Liar! Do you think I don't know why you're wearing that dress? Because of you... because of you... my mother is constantly comparing me to you. You're doing it on purpose.

- I-I'm sorry. I didn't know I upset you. I would never do something like this on purpose. I am very stupid.

*Cat! * * Catt! *

+ 'What's going on? Why is she hitting herself? '

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I am so stupid. Please forgive me.

+ What do-

A group of ladies appeared at the end of the hall. It was understood that they were dancers with their colorful and light clothes, gold anklets, and jade bracelets.

- What's happening in here ? ... Little Jia what are you doing?

As if to protect her, the ladies quickly surrounded the owner of the plum blossom dress.

- Boni, are you okay?

- Are you okay, what happened?

- uwu.wu l-little Jia is not guilty. Uwu I came at the wrong time. uwuuw

+ 'Why is she crying? '

- Little Jia why are you bullying Boni?

- Apparently, Boni came because he was thinking of you? Yet you are using her sensitive nature, taking your anger out on her.

+ It is not. I did not do anything. She started hitting herself.

- Little Jia, lying is bad. If you made a mistake, you must make up for it.

- Boni is merciful. If you apologize, he will forgive you.

- You should apologize, Little Jia.

+ I didn't really do anything.

- Little Jia, enough!

- uwu sister uw little Jia didn't do anything uwuw

- Boni, you don't need to protect him. We all know you.

- Yes, Boni. You're very kind, but little Jia needs to realize how wrong what she did was.

'Why doesn't anyone believe me? '

- Little Jia, you have to apologize now.

He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

+ ' Why, why? Why do they believe him? I did not do anything '

One of the ladies stood up.

- Little Jia is okay. You don't need to be upset. Just admit your mistake and apologize. No one will blame you.

The lady extended her hand.

+ No!

The little child hit the outstretched hand and started running.

He disappeared down the winding corridors as he fled without looking behind him. Now only his voice could be heard echoing in the minds.

When the little child believed he had gotten far enough, he collapsed. He let out her tears. He struggled to hold back his sobs as the tears poured in, and he took the shape of a ball.

+ 'I didn't do anything, but everyone believes her. Why don't they trust me? We've been with them longer than Bo Niao. Yet they are protecting Bo Niao... Mother, I want my mother. At least she loves me ... right? '

He fell asleep, his body leaning against the wall, exhausted from crying, as his reddened eyes began to close.

* Crackle! *

* Thumb! *

The Child awoke as the building began to shake and the planks began to shatter with a terrifying sound. Stunned, he tried to sober up to grasp things. At that moment, the crackling sounds got stronger.

* Crackerrrrrrt! *

Both eyes widened, pupils constricted. He stared fiercely at the hole in the wall.

In this wreckage, a man whose green clothes were covered with dust was trying to stay. But he was knocked down again by a brown-clothed man behind him.

+ 'Cultivators'

The little child stood up. He started running towards the main hall. He passed through the collapsed walls, over the rubble. When he reached the main hall, he saw the chaos. Smashed tables, people swearing, women cringing with fear, and the falling ceiling searched for eyes in this mess.

+ 'Mom'

Joy filled his heart, as he moved toward the woman, but his eyes shook with fear as he saw the collapsing ceiling.


The woman turned and saw the boy coming toward her. But she couldn't react to the fast-paced event.

The little child was thrown and reached the woman.

* Bumm *

- ... be.

- now.

- What do you mean it won't heal!? Aren't you a doctor?

- Madam, I may be a doctor, but I cannot cure every disease.

- Did I ask you to heal a patient who was disemboweled? Just heal your hands.

- As I said, damaged tendons are difficult to heal. She's lucky to still be able to use them, even though she won't be able to move them like she used to.

- Joyful You charlatan! Get lost, you can't heal even a simple scrape.

- *sigh* I'm leaving a bottle of pills here. Her hands are stable, but I don't think she can stay calm when she sees their condition.

The man gathered his things, took his bag, and left. Innocent eyes widened when the mother and son were left completely alone. He spoke in a hoarse but delicate voice.

+ M-mother

The woman frowned. She wrinkled her silky skin and pursed her plump lips in an expression that didn't match her pretty face. She glared at him with disgust, and she left in a fury.

+ 'What happened?'

The little child strained his memory and tried to remember what had happened.

+ ' The ceiling was collapsing ... on my mother. Did I push her? My mother looked fine. I saved her. '

The little boy smiled happily.

But the expression on his face soon disappeared. The owner of the plum-blossom dress came in with a tray in her hand.

She placed the tray on the table and pulled out a chair and sat across from the little child.

+ Why did you come? I don't want you near me.

- You're so rude as always. Don't worry, because I'm such a nice person, I took it upon myself to bring you your food.

+ You gave up the food, go now.

- Can you eat alone?

The owner of the plum blossom dress smirked sarcastically.

+ What do you mean?

- Ahhh ... My dear, you don't know, don't you remember what happened in the accident?

+ ...

- When you sacrificed and pushed Ms. Jia, the broken ceiling fell on you. Fortunately, the rubble that would normally have killed an adult if it fell on him formed a small triangle of life and protected your body. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for your hand, your hands were crushed outside the triangle of life. Your bones were broken, your flesh was torn, blood constantly flowed from your veins, and your hands were in terrible condition. I believed they would be cut, but the doctor did a better job than I expected and saved your hands. That counts... No doctor can completely heal a hand in that condition. You will not be able to use them as before.

+ W-what?

The boy's little body trembled, convulsed with small convulsions. Raising his hands a little and seeing their state… His breathing accelerated uncontrollably. His heart is stuck. Hid cute cheeks got wet and wet.

The owner of the plum flower-patterned dress extended her hand and stroked the little child's head.

- Shhhh... Calm down, you're fine, you're fine.

The little child's contractions began to increase, and the hand on the little child's head gripped the coal-black hair. She pulled her towards the bed.

The child reacted to the sudden movement and tried to push the hand in his hair.

+ I do not want, I do not want I do not want !!

The owner of the plum blossom dress quickly stuck a pill in the little child's mouth. She forced her to swallow.

+ I DON'T WANT! No, if you don't play those strings again... my mom will hate me...

The little child soon became numb. His arms fell calmly, his eyes were dry. A miserable sight remained.

Eyes red from crying, hair stuck to his face from sweat and age, pale skin and eyes that were more empty and pale than jewels, he looked like a dead man.

- You look much cuter now.

Her face was red, and her innocent smile began to shine with pleasure.

- You must have been clear, I am so sorry. We had so much fun, I forgot to feed you.

The owner of the plum blossom dress took a plate and spoon from the tray.

- Now open your mouth, your dear sister will feed you.

The owner of the plum blossom dress filled the spoon and held it towards the corpse. She acted as if it were normal while looking at the corpse that never moved, and kept pushing the spoon into the little child's mouth constantly.

- What a naughty child you are. If you're not willing to eat food the normal way, I have no choice but to use force.

She pinched the little child's chubby cheeks and thrust the spoon into his mouth.

- That's it, well done. Eat a lot so that you can become a tall, strong man. You want this, right?


The sound of a melody echoed in the room at intermittent intervals. Tiny moans could be heard, mixed with the sound of the insistent melody. Finally, the sound of the melody stopped.

- You little idiot again and again ... You can't catch the rhythm! You are too slow!

+ Sorry Mom

- Didn't I tell you not to call me mom!? You will be called Miss Jia! ... Who am I to say, I'm sure you lost your ears in that accident.

The little boy's tiny face was pale, showing signs of insomnia with dark circles under his eyes.

- Play Again! Let it be faster this time.

The little child's hands moved again. But the melody did not change one gram.

- Play Again!

The little child's hands moved again. But the melody did not change one gram.

- Play Again!

The little child's hands moved again. But the melody did not change one gram.


The little child's hands moved again. But the melody did not change one gram.


Just as the little child was about to start the melody again, a lady in a plum blossom-patterned dress entered the door.

- Miss Jia, isn't that enough? Little Jia must be tired.

- How is such a thing possible? She'll be even better than before if he works hard enough like this because she's always sleeping

The owner of the plum flower-patterned dress went to her child. He grabbed the tiny hands and held them.

- Oh my... How she's shaking. She must be very tired

- These are the fruits of her work and proof of how incompetent, I used to work until my hands bled when I was his age.

- If you say so.

- Anyway, Boni, you're interrupting the study. I'm sure you have jobs too.

- Yes, of course

She spread a smile before releasing the little child's hands. Only the child could see the devilish smile. She had to sink into it.

The owner of the plum blossom dress quickly left.

- I think you've had enough rest, play again!

The little child started playing again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

As it started to get dark, the woman started to get out of control.


The little child reached for the strings, but I couldn't play a single note. His hands were constantly trembling and twitching.

+ B-baya-n J-ia, b-I d-can-not-steal-comment.


+ B-but I can't.


+ don't be


+ I-n-can-can't.


+ ...


The woman grabbed the little child's neck and started dragging him. The little child tried to resist the hands but in vain.

+ Mom, mom, pleas. I won't eat, I won't sleep, I'll do whatever you say, please, please, don't leave me, I-I'll be playing guqin all day. Please, please don't throw me like this. Mom!

The woman ignored him, ignoring his words as if they were nothing. She kept dragging her.

When they finally reached a door, the woman slammed it open and threw the boy out. She then closed the door.

As soon as the little child got up, he knocked on the door. With the feelings of fear and anxiety, he acted hard and hard. Even though his hands were starting to turn red, he couldn't feel it. His only goal was to get her to open the door.

- Please mom! Open the door, PLEASE! MOM! Mom! Mom, mom...

The child collapsed and began to cry in loneliness and grief. The hiccups never stopped, as he slowly began to calm down, he began to hear the sounds around her more easily.

The rustle of leaves, the howling of the wind, the distant human noise, the cries of insects, the barking of wild dogs, and the laughter of a group of people.

The little child was about to go nuts. Voices are constantly echoing in his head. He was frightened, trembling all the time. The sound of laughter coming toward him worried him.

The little child was not stupid. She knew she'd been kicked out of the door at the back of the building. The building was on a particularly busy street, people were constantly passing by and walking around in this never-ending entertainment, but when you crossed the back street, it was possible to see the darkness, which was destroyed and the buildings became one with the night. These two streets were like night and day. One was a night of never-ending fun, the other was a torture horror place.

You were either too strong or too stupid if you dared cross the back alley

In this haunted street, the boy was worried and afraid of the people approaching him.

+ 'What should I do, what should I do? Should I crouch in the corner and pray they don't see me? Should I call my mom? No, then they'll catch me for sure. What should I do, what should I do? I SHOULD ESCAPE. I have to get away from here. '

The little child got up from his seat and started running as fast as he could. Not knowing where you're going...

- There's a girl over there.

- Yes, she runs with her tiny legs.

- Did you see the clothes she was wearing? It looks expensive.

- Is it good to steal? She may be from a wealthy family.

- What is a rich kid doing here? I'm sure she comes from a well-to-do family.

- It does not explain what the child of a wealthy family is doing here, but

- Fuck it. We won't give you a penny if you don't want to.

And the group began to run after the little child.

The little child realized that he had been burned, and tried to dodge them by passing through alleys and narrow streets. But no matter how hard he tried, a group of adults was too slow and tried to get over it. He soon realized that he would solve it.

He sought a way to escape. His eyes gleamed with delight as he saw the cars parked by the side. He quickly jumped into a car and hid under the cover that lay on him.

- Where did it go?

- Fuck it, how did you lose a little child?

- Don't talk like it's our fault you sack of shit

- You can't be slow and talk to us.

- Now it's my fault... you idiots

- Stop fighting, try to find the child.

- Of course, why don't we try our luck with these cars?

The little child began to tremble as soon as he heard the word car. He took the fetal position, bracing himself for the risk of being exposed.

- You idiot, can't you see they're goods transporters? I'm sure he's a rich person. If you don't want to get hung up on a tree by your ass, I say don't touch it.

- Anyway, then let's fuck off. Finding a child shouldn't be this hard.

- Not that I think you're right, but I think we should go too. The girl is not here.

- Son of a bitch

- Bitch

As the men began to move away from the place, the boy could not relax until he could not hear the voices. Even when he was finally alone, he did not dare to step out of anxiety, and his weary body fell, unable to carry him any longer. He fell into a comfortable and quiet sleep.

Unfortunately, by the time he awoke, vehicles had begun to move towards another city.