
Be at ease in the different

Do not want to bully through the world is not a qualified through, of course, is not yan absolutely the world of women will not be interested in less - Yifeng quotations!Wu3 Sheng2: "front elder brother, accept me to do attendant?"Yifeng: "What? ! Are you a warrior sage to be my attendant?"Wu3 Sheng2: "my younger sister grow pour a country pour a city!"Yifeng :(eyes shining) little saint! You can follow me from now on. By the way, ask your sister to come.Emperor: "Yifeng! What the hell is wrong with you?"Yifeng: "Mistake! Error! I only wanted to go for a walk in your harem, Sire, but I didn't think they would bother me. '[Martial arts level: Wu Zi, samurai, wu Ren, Wu Shi, Wu General, Wu Wang, Wu Zun, Wu Jun, Wu Sheng, Wu Shen Mastermind level: 1 to 9 stars, Soul fairy!]

DaoistWTS8ln · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Chapter 67 the strangeness of the fifth floor

It is still familiar with the ancient gray stone bricks, glass made of a tree shaped bookshelf, scattered with some secrets. Not many, but every one is crazy about it.In the open space, there are only big trees carved for a moment. Next to them are the soft chairs. Although not often people come in, but clean. Obviously, it's been cleaned up a lot.Yifeng's hand gently slipped over the antique books on the glass bracket and took one out. The intermediate level of fist and soft, Japanese and palm.Yifeng couldn't help but smile. Although there are many Japanese level skills in the four levels, he has studied a lot, but he has not really learned much. The remnant soft palm is one of Yifeng's few skills. The remnant soft palm, after training, punches as soft as sheep. However, under the appearance of powerlessness, the whole palm is spinning at a high speed, and like a huge wave, the fighting spirit in the body surges toward the palm one after another.At the beginning, Yifeng chose this set of palms to learn. He felt that it was very cool to make people die by surprise. You think, you soft slap, in other people's scorn, but can blow people to death. Can he not learn the perfect palm technique of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger like this?In order to learn canmianquan, Yifeng once cracked several boulders. His hands were like braised pork chop, and the pain was unspeakable.Yifeng flipped over all the secret scripts, but he still couldn't find the skill she was looking for. He looked around at the space, but he didn't see where to hide things.In addition to the bookcase made of glass and several soft chairs, Yifeng couldn't even find anything else. Yifeng knocks around and wants to find something dark in the pagoda. Unfortunately, Yifeng didn't find anything.If you look at the empty fourth floor, you can see through it. What's more, there is no hidden grid. There is absolutely no skill shidaier wants.Thinking of this, Yifeng could not help rubbing his forehead: shidai'er, the demon queen, got the news that there was such a skill on the fourth floor? However, with her identity and character, there is no certain thing, absolutely will not say with the mischievous witch.Thinking of this, Yi Feng had to bite his teeth and muttered in his heart: mischievous devil girl, this Shao Huo go out. If you don't talk about life and ideals with me tonight, I will never let you go.Yifeng took a deep breath and called out softly, "Mr. Zhao!"Yifeng's voice just fell, a figure suddenly appeared beside Yifeng, still white beard, white hair, and even wearing white clothes. He is the old man who Yifeng is afraid of. Even he is afraid to see him. Every time he sees him, Yifeng's heart will tremble."Mr. Zhao!" Yifeng respectfully line a ceremony, hesitated to stand aside, extremely unnatural.If others in the Holy Land see this scene, they will feel that their eyes are dazzled. Yifeng, who can't be cured in the holy land, is as honest as a sheep."Yes! What can I do for you this time? " The old man's soft voice rings in Yifeng's ears, and Yifeng is more respectful."Oh, Mr. Zhao. It's like this. I like a set of Japanese level skills of water and wood. But don't know where to put it? Can you tell me? " Yifeng carefully whispered, eyes some dodgy looking at Zhao Lao, obviously facing Zhao Lao, Yi Feng lost his old temper.Zhao's turbid eyes suddenly brightened. Looking at Yifeng, he asked, "how do you know there is such a set of skills?"Sure enough!Yifeng heart a joy, but still respectfully explained: "a chance to know. I don't know where to put it? The boy wants to see it. "Zhao looked up and down at Yifeng, Yifeng straight feel his back out of a cold sweat, in his eyes, as if he had no place to hide, exposed."Not on the fourth floor."In the case of Yifeng nearly collapse, Zhao Lao finally opened his mouth, which also let Yifeng breathe out."Can Mr. Zhao tell the boy where he is?" Yi Feng asked softly. Yifeng knows that no one is more familiar with the whole secret script of the holy land than Zhao Lao, that is, the two sets of prefecture level skills that he got. It was also obtained after the reminder of Mr. Zhao.Is it on the fifth floor"I have no authority to go up on the fifth floor. So I don't know? " Zhao old light said, finish saying, ignore Yi Feng, blink of an eye disappeared. This let Yi Feng can't help but give Zhao Lao many scores.Yifeng sighed and had to go to the entrance of the fifth floor.Thinking of the fifth floor, Yifeng couldn't help laughing: what was put on the fifth floor was not Gongfa, but the files of various masters of the holy sect of all ages. As for the rest, nothing. What Yifeng couldn't bear most was that two sets of prefecture level skills were actually taken to press the table feet. If Zhao had not said: "the most unimportant thing, perhaps the biggest treasure."I'm afraid Yifeng can't think of it all his life. Two sets of top-notch skills will be used to press the feet of the table.Yifeng looks at the front door and smiles. Only he can enter the fifth floor. Even the big elders can't do it. Although Yifeng suspects that old Zhao can go in, he always says that he has no authority.Wuji Pavilion on the fifth floor, in the eyes of all people are looking forward to the existence. They never thought that a disciple could enter it. If they knew, they would be surprised to death.Yifeng takes out six pieces of iron like things from Naling ring. Red, yellow, green, blue, purple, one of each color. This is also the way to the fifth floor.These six keys belong to the five elders and the old man. However, Yifeng robbed them. Six pieces of iron are set on the stone gate at the same time, and the stone gate leading to the fifth floor will be opened.Perhaps, the five elders could never have thought of it. They six people together only have the authority, unexpectedly by the Yi Feng one person has. They don't know now that their six keys have been owned by Yifeng. They thought that Yifeng had only one in their hands, which could enter the fourth floor at most.Yifeng looks at the stone gate which opens slowly, and changes in his heart. He became suspicious of his own conclusions.For a long time, Yifeng thought that the fifth floor was the place to store archives. However, I not only found two sets of prefecture level skills on it, but also the skills that shidai'er was interested in.Most importantly, the files of the holy family. Why, it should be placed on the fifth floor of Wuji Pavilion, which does not match the two words of martial arts.Thinking of these, Yifeng is looking forward to the fifth floor. Maybe, there are many secrets on the fifth floor that I haven't seen through.