
Be at ease in the different

Do not want to bully through the world is not a qualified through, of course, is not yan absolutely the world of women will not be interested in less - Yifeng quotations!Wu3 Sheng2: "front elder brother, accept me to do attendant?"Yifeng: "What? ! Are you a warrior sage to be my attendant?"Wu3 Sheng2: "my younger sister grow pour a country pour a city!"Yifeng :(eyes shining) little saint! You can follow me from now on. By the way, ask your sister to come.Emperor: "Yifeng! What the hell is wrong with you?"Yifeng: "Mistake! Error! I only wanted to go for a walk in your harem, Sire, but I didn't think they would bother me. '[Martial arts level: Wu Zi, samurai, wu Ren, Wu Shi, Wu General, Wu Wang, Wu Zun, Wu Jun, Wu Sheng, Wu Shen Mastermind level: 1 to 9 stars, Soul fairy!]

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Chapter 42 beat you to death with a brick

"Flowing Maple?" Yi Feng looked at the young man in front of him and frowned. This young man is no one else. He is one of the four disciples who can enter the holy land. It can be seen that his talent is also very high. It's just a little lower than sidle. Just, this boy usually sees Yi Feng to walk around. How dare you provoke him today?Shidai'er turned her beautiful eyes of seeping water and looked straight at Liu Feng. She was very curious about the elder martial brother who had been making her own idea. Dare to provoke Yi Feng who is detached."Do you mean me?" Yifeng points to his nose and confirms that he has heard wrong. In the holy land, does anyone dare to challenge himself?"That's right, that's what you're a punk." Flow Maple sneer at Yi Feng, in the eye is quite contemptuous.Liu Feng never thought that Yifeng, the holy land, would be a waste with broken meridians. He heard this news by chance when he went out to carry out the task. He knew that Yifeng was expelled from the house by his father because of the waste. Liu Feng thought of a waste riding on his head for five years, and even close to his love to the bone shidai'er. The jealousy in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he felt his anger blow out. When he got the news, his whole green muscle was in a riot. Even now, he can't help it.How can a waste stand on the head of the favored one. How can a trash be so intimate with her favorite shidai'er.Yifeng felt that his head was not enough: did the boy have a fever? Do you dare to challenge me? Besides, I don't seem to have offended him. However, when he noticed that Liu Feng's eyes were obsessed with shidai'er, he suddenly realized."Ha ha, you are very strong. You are the first disciple who dare to challenge me in the holy land. But where does your courage come from? " Yifeng does not believe that this boy will challenge himself for no reason. This boy is not a fool, but very smart.Yifeng does not know, which in addition to the flow Maple know that he is a waste, there are other elders secretly instructed. In addition to the five most respected elders in the holy land, there are many attendants. These people are all the elders of the holy land. But, one by one, they are under the jurisdiction of the five elders.The status and arrogance of Yifeng in the holy land will certainly cause dissatisfaction of some of the elders. After learning the news of Yifeng's disabled people, their hearts became active. When they remembered the rules of the holy land, they also became bold and sent Liufeng to challenge Yifeng, who was standing behind the five elders.If Yifeng is really a waste man, even the five elders can't keep him.Liu Feng said sarcastically: "for five years, you have covered the whole Holy Land in the drum. Five years ago, your meridians were broken. It's hard to believe that a punk, the five elders, why do they love you so muchYi Feng calculated to understand, this guy's feelings is to explore their own details. Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. If three days ago, he could have shot the bastard to death with one hand. But now he is really a waste man."What? Shut up? Ha ha, I've been said to be right. I don't have to refute it. " Liu Feng tries his best to satirize Yifeng. Seeing the appearance of Yifeng, he is sure that Yifeng is really a waste man.Yi Feng's non-verbal, immediately let a few people who follow the flow Maple cast disdain and disdain."Oh, my God, it turns out that Feng Shao, who has been high and high again, is really a waste...""A waste, still pretending to be forced, fuck...""Why doesn't he die? How can a waste man stay in the holy land?"...A sentence of extremely insulting words sounded in Yifeng's ears, just like a touch five years ago. Thinking of all kinds of ridicule he received five years ago, Yifeng felt his heart palpitation. His hatred for the assassin also soared, and he would like to be pulled out to whip his corpse.Yifeng tried to calm down his mood for a while. He knew that revenge must be done, but it is definitely not now."Have you said enough?" Yi Feng light said a word, eyes gently swept along with the flow of maple several people.Several people just feel as if they have been fixed by the eyes of beasts. They have never seen such cold eyes, even in Tianni. One by one, they couldn't help but shiver. Yifeng is not fake, but in their hearts in the past is unattainable let them can not help but fear.Shidai'er looks at Yifeng stupidly. She can't imagine that her mysterious brother Feng is a waste man. If so, will they be able to socialize in the future?Shidaier thought of her teacher, and immediately came to an answer: there is absolutely no intersection.Shidaier Leng in situ, she felt her heartache, she thought of Yifeng tens of thousands of identities, but never thought he would be a waste."Are you here? Is it to expose my identity as a disabled person? In that case, you can go. Your purpose has been achieved. " Yi Feng swept Yi Feng lightly.Liu Feng looks at Yi Feng's indifferent expression, he suddenly feels a little cold, but remembers the elder's order, he immediately throws this silk cold idea out of his head."What? Trash, do you have the face to stay in the holy land? I'd advise you to settle down earlier. " Flow Maple does not let go of the opportunity to attack Yifeng, acerbic said.This and five years ago the same insult, let Yifeng's heart can not calm, he forced to endure anger, light said: "Liu Feng, after a year, you will return to their respective ancestral door. I'll give you a chance. A year later, I'll fight you and give you a chance to kill me. "Liu Feng was stunned, and then he was ecstatic. He laughed and said, "well, I will wait for you for a year. After a year, I will let the whole holy land know that I am the most outstanding disciple of the holy land.""Brother Feng, you..." Shidaier seems to want to stop it, but is interrupted by Yifeng shaking his head.Shidai'er was stunned, and then stood aside without saying anything: he knew that in Shengzong, the life of a disabled person would be worse than death. Death may be a better relief.Shidai'er looked at the terrible Yifeng with a deep expression. She bit her delicate lips and made a resolution: even if she was fighting to fall out with her master. Brother Feng, I must keep it. Can not be with him, can also give him a quiet life."In a year's time, I'll make your life worse than death." Flow Maple ferocious way. Obviously, he has learned all about the cruelty of saint."Elder martial brother Liufeng, it's just a waste of time. Are you still worth wasting time for him for a year?" Standing behind Yifeng, a young man fawns.Yifeng recognized that this person has been a follower of the flow maple, called samothie.Yifeng chuckled and walked towards him."What are you doing?" Samothie was surprised and took two steps backward. Can immediately think of him is a waste man, stopped the pace, but Yi Feng's behavior is still let him tremble."Shit! What are you doing? I'll beat you to death. " Yi Feng suddenly scolded, picked up the brick on the ground and beat it hard.People see this scene, one by one from Leng in situ: I am not wrong? This waste man has been exposed, but he is still so arrogant? Take a brick to shoot people?Shidai'er opens her small lips. Although she knows that Yifeng is always arrogant, she doesn't expect to be so arrogant.