
Be at ease in the different

Do not want to bully through the world is not a qualified through, of course, is not yan absolutely the world of women will not be interested in less - Yifeng quotations!Wu3 Sheng2: "front elder brother, accept me to do attendant?"Yifeng: "What? ! Are you a warrior sage to be my attendant?"Wu3 Sheng2: "my younger sister grow pour a country pour a city!"Yifeng :(eyes shining) little saint! You can follow me from now on. By the way, ask your sister to come.Emperor: "Yifeng! What the hell is wrong with you?"Yifeng: "Mistake! Error! I only wanted to go for a walk in your harem, Sire, but I didn't think they would bother me. '[Martial arts level: Wu Zi, samurai, wu Ren, Wu Shi, Wu General, Wu Wang, Wu Zun, Wu Jun, Wu Sheng, Wu Shen Mastermind level: 1 to 9 stars, Soul fairy!]

DaoistWTS8ln · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Chapter 171 The Sword

Purple voice shook his head and said: "If just not out of the auction I can do the main sell to you. But now that it's all over, isn't it all right to take it back?"Yifeng nodded, helpless heart at the same time, also looked at the auctioneer's sword. He was short of a weapon, but the auctioneer held a sword that could be blown off, which undoubtedly touched Yifeng's heart.Although the sword is not spiritual sword, but the external appearance is very streamlined, the weapon is very sharp. This originally also pour is just classy just, but its another function, let Yi Feng love matchless. That swords could be soft or hard, and could even be belts.Such a soft sword attribute makes Yifeng overjoyed and obviously he likes it. He has several sets of martial arts, only with the help of weapons to display out.Purple sound is looking at the hot vision of Yi Feng, slightly smile way: "if you want, I help you to take down is."Yifeng smiled, now also have to do so, fortunately, Butterfly Yun Plump gave himself a purple gold card, but also do not worry about the problem of gold COINS.The auctioneer did not stop at all. After introducing the attributes of the soft sword, he said slowly: "The sword is called The Fine tiger. One hundred thousand gold COINS will be auctioned!""One hundred thousand!"120,000!""One hundred and fifty thousand!"..."It was clear that many nobles liked the sword. A hundred thousand gold pieces might be the cost of a common man's life. But the noblemen took them out without frowning.Soon the soft sword climbed to a quarter of a million gold pieces. This makes Yifeng wry smile to purple voice said: "These aristocrats are really rich. A quarter of a million gold pieces, enough to feed a family of common people for a lifetime."Purple voice smiled and said to Yifeng: "These noble salaries are high enough. Besides, they almost all have fiefs, and all the people in them keep him, and it is strange that he is not rich."Yifeng smiled. He understood that the world was still in the semi-slave era. The aristocracy exploited him too much, and though he despised the institution of society, he had grown used to it over the years."If you want it, go for it. Your medicine is far better than this fibber sword." Purple voice smiled, heart said: this as their own gift you help me.Yifeng did not guess purple voice of mind, because at this time fibregurgine sword has grown to 30 gold pieces.Perhaps fiber tiger is also about the value of this price, to three hundred thousand many people have stopped, the auctioneer asked again a few, in yifeng ready to bid. The box that just made a sound to ask purple tone six steps Dan medicine, suddenly appeared a voice: "three hundred and fifty thousand!""Hey!" Yifeng is a little surprised, but there is no or mouth said: "four hundred thousand!"The man in the opposite box, who had seen no bid and thought he could get it for himself, was surprised to find that someone had outbid him by fifty thousand ducats.The man thought for a moment, but said: "Four hundred and fifty thousand ducats."The price was so high that the owner of the sword was so overjoyed that he had sent it to the auction house, thinking 350,000 gold pieces would be the ultimate. But I didn't think it would reach 450,000 gold pieces.Yifeng slightly frowned, took a look at the sword, ultimately unable to resist its temptation, light said: "five hundred and fifty thousand!""This sentence, immediately let the people below in an uproar, one eye suddenly turned to this box. Mind sigh way: "this is which prodigal son in prodigal ah?"The master of fibreck was almost not excited to faint, he was a mercenary, this sword is also his adventure when the chance to get. Five hundred and fifty thousand ducats, enough for him to feed and clothe himself with several concubines.A marque of one hundred thousand ducats is a kind of extravagant extravagance that a discerning eye can easily see is a sure bet, regardless of money. Think of this, one can not help but turn their eyes to another box, ready to see the show.However, the opposite box obviously also understood the meaning of yifeng, quiet as well. He did not speak.The fine auctioneer knew that the price was too high for him. The action of his hand was not at all satisfactory.'Congratulations to box One!Yifeng heard the auctioneer's words, Yifeng to purple sound pie pie mouth said: "do a big head, he also congratulated me?"Purple sound giggled straight smile, the mature charm sent out on the face of the United States, quite attractive eyes, Yifeng also smiling looking at purple sound, gaze at this man crazy scenery.Purple sound white yi Feng one eye way: "who call you so domine, one plus one hundred thousand gold pieces."Yifeng shrugged his shoulders with a smile. Bidding a sentence is too complicated, and doing so will give people a momentum of momentum.In yifeng ready to say what, Yifeng will see a maid put the tiger sword over. Yifeng took over, just long distance just listening to the auctioneer introduced, but did not see too clearly.In this way, the entanglement which had just been robbed of more than half a million gold pieces disappeared in an instant. The body of the sword radiates blue and blue light, and yifeng gently waves, a hair flowing in the void at both ends in an instant.The cold sword body let Yi Feng feel ooze cool at the same time, he also put the fiber tiger sword ring in the waist. Sure enough, the ends fit together perfectly, just like a green belt.'Good sword!Yifeng chuckled, but just to see the sword maid is still smiling waiting for Yifeng.The maid wondered, too, why her wife was in Box one. If she wanted it, why did she put it up for auction? Buy directly to that mercenary inside ok.When the maid couldn't figure it out, purple voice said: "You go to the auction house to pay the gold pieces to each other."In the maid of doubt ready to nod to leave, Yifeng smiled to take out purple gold card, purple voice said: "Or I come. Now you need a lot of money to clean up the casino."Purple sound looking at yifeng purple gold card, she was shocked at Yifeng, purple gold card, the empire does not have a few people? How could he have? Is this still a teenager struggling for 10,000 gold pieces?The maid was obviously shocked, she was slightly excited: Purple gold card ah, this is the legendary purple gold card ah?The maid shook hands respectfully received, to the face of Yifeng blushed red ran a leer. Then he stepped out of the box.Yifeng saw this, not startled, whispered: "The original money where the charm is universal!"Purple sound dull looking at yifeng way: "how did you suddenly have purple gold card?"Yifeng smiled and said: "Someone else sent it!""I thought..."This sentence, let purple sound almost did not sit.From someone else? Purple and gold card? It's not just money, it's status.However, when the purple sound thought of Yifeng even seven doctors can find help for themselves, it is no wonder.'Mysterious fellow!The purple voice murmured something in her heart.