
Be at ease in the different

Do not want to bully through the world is not a qualified through, of course, is not yan absolutely the world of women will not be interested in less - Yifeng quotations!Wu3 Sheng2: "front elder brother, accept me to do attendant?"Yifeng: "What? ! Are you a warrior sage to be my attendant?"Wu3 Sheng2: "my younger sister grow pour a country pour a city!"Yifeng :(eyes shining) little saint! You can follow me from now on. By the way, ask your sister to come.Emperor: "Yifeng! What the hell is wrong with you?"Yifeng: "Mistake! Error! I only wanted to go for a walk in your harem, Sire, but I didn't think they would bother me. '[Martial arts level: Wu Zi, samurai, wu Ren, Wu Shi, Wu General, Wu Wang, Wu Zun, Wu Jun, Wu Sheng, Wu Shen Mastermind level: 1 to 9 stars, Soul fairy!]

DaoistWTS8ln · Fantasy
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Chapter 146 The Casino Plan

"Purple Voice runs a casino?" Yifeng some surprised asked purple sound.Purple voice some helpless wry smile 1: "before the death of her father's estate, he died after I have to follow."Yifeng astonished look to the arms of the ling, but see she has nest in his arms fell asleep: "Ling's father died?Yifeng not feel sorry for its, so lovely and clever woman, beautiful mature extremely charm woman. This generation of men want, he has about the same, but not happy."Well, Ling died when she was two years old! It's been three years now! ' The purple voice was sombre, and there was the same gleam of hate in her eyes.Yifeng some understand, want to be because of vendetta.Looking at a trace of comfort in Yifeng's eyes, Ziyin smiled and said, "Fortunately, I have a ghost to accompany me. It was a great comfort to me, too. Three years is long enough for me to forget everything."See purple sound seems not too sad mood, Yifeng smiled and said: "the deceased has died, the living fenfa!"The purple voice burst into a snigger and said, "You can pretend to be mature, little boy. Not yet of age?"Yifeng indifferent shrug, do not tell her that he has not known how mature: "Ha ha, still a few months of adult. But what about the recent decline in casino business?"Yifeng at will to change the topic, don't want to tangle in their young problem.Purple voice looked at the nest in The arms of Yifeng sleeping sweet soul, just want to call the maid to take it away, but see Yifeng shook his head and said: "Let her sleep in my arms. I was scared, so I can sleep better."Purple sound see Yifeng so said, her heart also surging up a warm current, she saw the Yifeng is really on the soul love. For her daughter as the only, who is good for her daughter. She'll be doubly nice to it."The casino left by Ling 'er's father was the most popular in the whole imperial city. But in recent months, business has been down!" Purple sound answer yi Feng offhand."And have you found the reason?""Ha ha! That's what it is! Be suppressed jointly by other casinos!" Purple sound helpless smile way.Yifeng nodded, as if some understand. Purple voice sister is obviously inferior to their strength, this was forced to step back. It's definitely not going to work against them. It's only a matter of wits."Is purple voice's casino dominated by your own house?"Yifeng has seen this exotic casino, most of them are casinos to find some of their own gambling skills. To win money from a gambler. It's gambling. Rather, it is more appropriate to cheat. After all, nine out of ten people who come to bet will lose. However, people have a fluke mentality, always think they will do one of the ten lucky.Purple voice is very confused looking at yifeng said: "Casinos are running like this ah? Why do you ask such a question?"Sure enough, purple voice elder sister's casino is no exception."Ha ha! Purple voice elder sister don't abandon me to say bad to hear! Although you say is gamble, but with cheat rob have no difference!" Yifeng said with a smile.Purple voice elder sister face reddened, but did not contradict.Yifeng continued, "I offer you an idea. Do you know why Ziyin wants to listen to it?"Although just yifeng said naked, but the bottom of my heart is not angry. After all, there's no difference between what you do in a casino and what you rob. Just to keep the line, to give people a little thought, but also to attract more people to come."Tell me. If your idea helps me out with my casino problems, I'll give you a big reward." Purple voice smiled and said. But there is little hope for Yifeng."It's very simple. Get rid of all the dealers in your casino. Just keep a couple of good punters in the house. That would save more than half of the cost of the casino?"Purple sound heard yifeng's words, not from burst into a laugh up: "that you let me drink the northwest wind. No banker to help me win money, although reduce the expense of light banker, but I rely on who to help me win money?"Yifeng paid no attention to Purple voice's smile and continued, "You hear me out! That's just the first step, and the second step is the casino Regulatory Equity Act. No one is allowed to cheat. All on your own luck, gambling!"Purple voice looked at Yifeng doubt, do not understand yifeng this is what move."All we have to do is build a platform, a site! A place where people like to gamble. Give them the most fair treatment, give them the best service! As long as you can do this, even if others suppress you, there will still be a stream of people will come. After all, fairness and enjoyment are things a gambler cannot refuse." Yifeng said with a smile.Purple voice doubt looking at Yifeng said: "That I also earn what ah? Isn't it beyond our means?"Yifeng shook his head and said: "You earn much. In a casino, there's always a winner and a loser. Then set the rules and charge for the site. And dunk each winner inside. Don't buckle too much, just a little bit, like one in a thousand! The gambler doesn't care and it doesn't affect their mood. Do you think about it. How long does it take? And how many people are gambling in a casino. Even if it's just a little bit. But add it up, and it's pretty scary! To do so is to offend and to have money! Isn't that a happy ending?"Purple sound heard yifeng's words, eyes a bright. With her cleverness. Natural can see inside business opportunity. Casinos have a good reputation, but they also make money."Well, as long as the reputation for fairness and comfort spreads among gamblers. Are you afraid no one will come? The more people you have, the more you extract. I don't know how much you make every day, though. But as long as there are more people, even if it's just a little bit of trivia, it adds up. More than you are now."Purple voice wanted to think, to also imperceptibly in yifeng talking big.Yifeng see purple sound intention to move, not smiled and said: "At the same time, the casino can make a dragon service. You can open a shop in a casino, which costs twice as much as outside. For those gamblers with money, they enjoy themselves and don't care if they can save time by not going out to buy something. If you will! Teahouse, lounge, get it up! These extra things don't matter if they cost more! Those with money don't care, and those without money don't think!"Purple sound heard The explanation of Yifeng, eyes more and more bright. Look at yifeng don't believe of say: "how do you think of?"Yifeng smiled and said, "Hehe! You hear me out first. The service in the casino must be good, making him feel regal. Even if you can, you can go to the flower house and dig up some women. Let these rich gamblers enjoy the regal enjoyment. You can rank them in the casino, and the higher the rank, the better off the gambler. Even the prettier the woman, I don't believe it! Such extravagant enjoyment cannot be sought after by the rich and gambling-loving aristocrats."Purple sound listen to the explanation of Yifeng, eyes are really brighter. However, also not by blush spit one mouthful way: "small age how so bad, do you also yearn for such a life?"Yifeng noncaring smile way: "I think no man will not like!"Purple sound see Yifeng finish this sentence, also in his fire on the body swept, she dizzy red face white Yifeng one eye way: "see you are also playboy appearance."Yifeng smiled, suddenly think of their own a year ago that ideal, he could not help but smile.