

BATWOMAN fight for justice in Gotham,...................... what else were u expecting, ok. Kate Kane has a chance to do over, this time not only will she stop her sister but also save her, and she has the perfect plan. none of this is mine,all belongs to DC,cw all anyone else who owns it enjoy.... I will be focusing more on her relationship with her sister, family and friends than just being batwoman, but there will be fighting of crimes just not all the time.

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It's was already late noon when Kate got to the crows headquarters, before she came to save Sophie ,but now it was to save her sister, walking inside she was usher into her father's office, besides her father, Catherine ,Mary ,Sophie ,Tyler (author: didn't need to add him just felt like)and two other agents were sitting around the table, they all stopped what they were doing as soon as she got inside.

Commander Kane stood up and hugged her,"Kate, you look well!".he said.

"Well I came as soon as you called, please explain to me what you said on the phone"Kate said, she acted very well.

"Please take a sit, let start from the beginning, Catherine please". Kane said.

Catherine Hamilton cleared at throat, she explained what she's done and why she did it, says she faked beth DNA, found some deer skull fragments and said it was beth, she wanted them to get away from their misery, she never knew beth was still alive.

Mary was shocked, speechless even, she turned to Kate but was surprised to see a calm face"aren't you angry ,you always believe that your sister was still alive but because of my mother ,you and your father stopped looking for 15 years, I'm so sorry Kate "Mary said.

Everyone was looking at her even her dad, she had the time to process everything that happened last time, even though she was angry at Catherine she just wanted to leave here, besides she has a sister to counsel, she turned to face her father.

"You said there was an incident ,that was how you knew it was beth, what incident and where is she?". She said knowing she was putting other persona at risk but she couldn't help it, part of her was still angry at her father.

Commander Kane stood up and turn on the TV, it was the bank CCTV showing what had happened inside the bank, after batwoman took Alice the screen turned off, commander Kane turn to Kate.

"The blonde lady is beth, the knife she dropped was tested for DNA and it matches hers, but right now we don't have her ,she's with that Mask vigilante, we are doing everything possible so we can catch her then get beth back ".he said.

Kate was surprised, in the last timeline it took a very long time before her father acknowledged Alice as beth, but now it was different. She stood up and took the report looking at it, at least she doesn't have to make her father believe Alice was beth.

"I want to bring you in as a crow, you've always wanted it, now you can track the mask vigilante and find beth, this two agents is going to show you your locker room, let meet here in 20 minutes". Kane said.

Kate looked at everyone inside the room, she can't be a crow, not just because of her other persona, she doesn't belong here, besides Sophie is here with her husband, things might end badly.

"I don't want to be a crow, yes I know I trained for almost 5 years, but you and I know this isn't about the job this is about both of us."

"What!..."he father stammered,he knew she always wanted this so her rejecting it, came as a surprise.

'Where was Luke when you needed him, he promised to be here'she thought,just then the door opens, Luke walks in with three other men.

"Yes how can I help you?."Kane asked.

"Hello everyone, I am Luke Fox, head of Wayne security, this are our lawyers!". Luke said.

"I know you are, I meant what are you doing here?". Kane asked again.

"Prior to his disappearance ,my boss BRUCE WAYNE made miss Kate Kane here his successor, but we haven't been able to reach her, I just got word she was back now the company is hers, she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want, just sign this papers with the lawyers here then we are done". Luke said smiling.

Everyone was surprised and then turn to Kate, who was equally surprised this wasn't what she was expecting but it's okay, beside Bruce was the CEO and Batman at the same time, so easy peasy.;


"You know what dad, I think I will run Bruce company, you never wanted me to be crow, admit it, this formality was just for you to keep me close to you, I'll look for Alice myself and I'll let you know what I find ,I got a company to run now ,bye"she stood up and walk with lawyers.

"We never said her name was Alice, how did you know?"agent Moore asked, everyone was equally surprised.

Kate turns to face them back, and smiled "well, let's just say I knew before you told me, good to see you too Sophie!, I'll call you soon Mary". she said and left with the lawyers and Luke.,at least she wants a good relationship with Mary in this timeline.

As Kate and Luke leave the building she turned to him and said"since when was Wayne industries mine?I don't remember this."

"Well Bruce never name anyone his successor, but he left all of his shares in your name, and since you are taking the bat mantle too, I thought you might just become female Bruce Wayne".he said.

"Awesome, hilarious, handsome?"she said jokingly.

"Well, I don't see the harm in that, besides, you don't have to run the company, Bruce didn't do it always, it just attend any event he was sponsoring."he said.

They both went back to the batcave, even though everyone knows she's back she wasn't going to leave beth all alone locked in a room, she took her luggage and went in to meet her.

"Well good news dad knows you are alive, not slightly good news I think he forgive Catherine, but don't worry I'm going to file a complaint, she's going to pay for what she did that I promise you."Kate said.

"Finished?because I'm about to take a nap and I don't think this is time for some counseling". Alice said frowning. She was furious ,Catherine was supposed to pay for what she did but now Kate was going to make it easy for her and that's not what she wants.

"Well more good news"kate says, dropping the luggage on the floor,"we are going to be ROOMMATES!! Haha"kate said happily.

She was going to make up lost time with her sister, well two sisters, she will have to make up with Mary ,who knows ,the three of them might have a girls sleepover one day.

'I should stop daydreaming now let's think about that later'she thought, she sat down on the bed facing Alice.

"I promised you that I wasn't ever leaving you again, you might hate me now but don't worry I'm a very good roommate". Kate said.

Alice looked at her sister, some part of her is happy for what kate is doing, another part just don't want anything to do with her, and lastly one part wants to kill her, she was conflicted she never felt like this before, when she want someone dead she doesn't think twice this is a first,'I'll give it some time once I have mouse I'll be leaving and if she wants to stop me then ,then I will have no choice but to kill her even if she's my sister and I love her'she thought."make yourself comfortable, but I'm taking the bed sleep on the couch". she said out loud.

Kate smiled ,she was going to do just that, she was about to start rearranging at things when her phone beeps, looking at the screen she saw a message from Luke'bat business 🦇'she turned off the screen, looking at Alice she said"well, got an errand to run will be back for our first sleepover years". She got up and left the room locking the door behind her.

"So what do we have here?"she said as soon as she sees Luke, who was sitting in front of the computer.

"We got some gang shooting in 4th avenue ,I think you should suit up ,you know ,to let them know batwoman is still with them, not just a one time thing". he said looking up at her.

"Well then"she said walking up to her suit"let's go kick some gangster ass".