
Battlegrounds: The Death Citadel

What happens when you, alongside countless others are transported into a different dimension? A battleground? Your only goal is to be the first to enter the Death Citadel,......or perhaps make sure that you're the first to enter the Death Citadel. Either way, get to the Death Citadel or die trying. Disclaimer The cover photo isn't mine

Forgotten_Tales · Fantasy
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Chapter One

It is on this day that I, Prince Leon of House Black, Third of His Name and rightful ruler of the Three Kingdoms, set sail with eleven of my trusted aides and knights as my crew mates forever leaving this rotten Kingdom.

Today I officially abandon my title, my inheritance, my wealth and all others that tie me to the Crown of the Kingdom.

It has been only two days after the death of my father; King Leon of the House Black, Second of His Name and ruler of the Three Kingdoms, but those traitorous bastards have already been overwhelmed by their own greed, and are now flooding the capital.

Many would assume that I'm absconding my throne or perhaps, fleeing from my responsibilities. Well they can all keep assuming and die torturing deaths for all I care, respectfully of course, for I am still bound by etiquette.

Today my allies and I set sail for the unexplored Seas of Terror and henceforth, using my final decree as the prince and rightful ruler of the Three Kingdoms, I shall be known as Leon Black

Leon Black,

The month of His Majesty Mordred,

The third epoch.


"Cough, cough"

"Where am I?"

James woke up only to find himself in the middle of a thick green forest with a throbbing pain in his head, almost as if his head had been smashed something quite heavy.

Trying his best to ignore the excruciating pain, he desperately tried to remember how he got here but soon found out he couldn't.

He couldn't even remember anything except for the fact that he was called James.

[Welcome to the Battlegrounds]

A strange unexpected message flashed across his retina, almost scaring him silly.

"What the hell is going on here"

He used the remaining willpower he could muster amidst the pain in his head to focus on the blinking message.

[Welcome to the Battlegrounds]

[To survive, you must be the first to make it to the Citadel. ]

[Excellent rewards awaits whoever makes it to the Citadel while the others will be eliminated]

[Good Luck]

"Oh you've got to be kidding me"


Day One


Deaths: 0

"Hehehe...., now this is quite interesting"

Authors Note:

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