
Battlefield Restart 2: An Identity Beyond Self

When he first realised he had a second chance at life, Simon Rainglow was ecstatic. After his failure of a first life, he reformed himself and lived in a way he wouldn’t regret in his past life. That was... until his life was abruptly threatened by shadows of his past. He goes on an epic journey. Finding lifelong friends, companions, lovers, all until he reached the climax. ...He lost in the final battle against the greatest calamity to ever befall him, the Galaxy Dragon! Some think that failure is just not trying enough, but what happens when you only fail even after putting in the effort? Slowly, the ‘Calamity Crusher’ who once embodied might became old and cynical. Without telling anyone else, he returned to Earth to drink himself away in sorrow. He abandoned it all...! His friends, family, wives, all of them. Creating a new home for himself on Earth after saving a young teen. Simon refuses to return to the Other World, even if everyone begged him. He started valuing his life...! This is about his journey to redemption... ——— Was once the story called ‘Battlefield Restart’, but now envisioned in a new form. The one thing that stays the same is the main character’s redemption into a worthy hero who might save the world... ——— https://discord.gg/m3seztuC

Stuman · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

One Word

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rather than admitting it, Jordan feigned blind ignorance.

"That so...?"

"I just happened to be training for a Parkour Tournament." Nonsense continued to be spoken.

It didn't look like the skull-masked individual cared about the truth. From what he heard, the reports said that their target had no loved ones. That was enough for a tinge of carelessness to appear...

"Oh, then it's my bad. Continue on with your Parkour training." The spider-like man apologised.

He got off the fence separating them and went back to protecting that black car, allowing Jordan to let out a sigh of relief... until the shifty individual came back. What did he want with him this time?!

"Do you wanna get to know each other?" It was a strange question to be heard from such a person.

"...Aren't you currently busy?" He looked at the car.

"Ah, that... I'm not exactly needed anyway." The young man failed to pick up on his implications.

Seeing how 'chill' the black-cloaked man was acting, he didn't know what to do. He might be a genius, but the sinister and shifty individual before him was unexpectedly throwing him off his game.

His tone and actions didn't match each other. It was like they were separated by different worlds.

But now wasn't the time for this...

"I need to get somewhere."

"I can accompany you."

"No no, I'm fine by myself." Jordan refused, but the suspicious 'Grandmaster' kept on following him.

The youth tried to pretend he wasn't following the black car and continued in one general direction.

However, the shifty man immediately caught onto his ruse. A smile curved underneath his mask.

"Do you have a name?" The skull-masked man asked while easily keeping up with the youth.

His speed and dexterity were abnormal...!

As someone who had been traditionally trained in parkour from professionals, the young college student immediately realised the masked man's way of doing things were learnt on the streets.

Still, that person was already faster than him...!

The mysterious figure merely used his feet to run up walls and climb buildings. It was like seeing someone who could 'fly' on flat land rather than being weighed down by gravity. It was amazing...

But the brave youth's amazement didn't change anything. He still needed to save his 'grandpa'.

Plus, he too realised he'd been figured out.

"Jordan Fisher."

"What's your connection to the man in the truck of that black car?" This blunt question struck him off guard. Jordan turned back to realise what happened next was dependent on his answer...

He was sure the masked man would see through any lies if he was confident enough to ask this...

Was he going to be 'disposed of'...?

"I live just next door."

"So you're a neighbour?"

"Yeah..." This wasn't a lie. He could feel the man's guard lower again after he spoke these words.

The skull-masked man laughed at his response.

It seemed like he saw something really amusing. An act that made Jordan wonder if he was found out.

"Heh~ You're a really curious guy! Take this as a word of advice: Curiosity killed the cat." The shifty individual patted his back after somehow sneaking up close to him front the front. It was real scary...

Jordan didn't sense him...!

"I'm still a bit curious." The young genius spoke courageously. He couldn't back down now!

He wasn't sure where his 'grandpa' was being taken to, but getting there wouldn't be helpful.

It was best to get Simon out of the car promptly...

Sweat dripped down his forehead. The young man watched the masked person take out a phone.

Was he going to call for reinforcements?

The reckless part of him wanted to attack the black-cloaked figure immediately, but he quickly stopped himself. The 'Grandmaster' before him had familiar eyes… ones showing preparedness.

He hesitantly watched as the call went through. An unexpected order was given to the man's pawn:

"Hey, quickly park up nearby."

"But Sir, this-"

"Don't argue and just do it already. It's not like a few minutes will make a difference or anything."

"...Understood." The driver of the black car holding their 'target' listened to the man with higher status.

It wasn't the driver's job to question his superiors...

The masked man cut the call and patted the youth's shoulder. He decided to introduce himself:

"My name is Lightning Fang."

"Isn't that a title...?"

"I've given up my identity and name. Now, I'm merely a 'Fang' for one terrifying femme fatale."

"What do you want?" Jordan decided to get to the point instead of participating in this small talk.

"I only felt it just now but... we're similar."


"You're the type to 'think before you act', aren't you?" This question was somehow irritating.

"Isn't everyone that type?" Even though it was rude, the youth answered the question with his own. He didn't understand why the skull-masked man seemed so interested in him all of a sudden.

"That's not actually true. In tense situations like this, some act before they have the time to think."

"What's the point in even asking this...?"

"You seem to be in a rush. Hah... Fine. I want you to become my disciple. You're worthy of learning from me directly." This offer was one the young college student didn't reject immediately after hearing...

"What benefits will I get?"

"Just ask for it, and I'll give it you." The suspicious man generously spoke while heading down from the buildings. He started to lead the youth to where the black car was with deviant thoughts and intent.

"Sounds suspicious."

"My offer sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?"

"Exactly..." The young man agreed, causing the masked person to cough and try other tactics.

"You can earn a lot of money."

"I'm not exactly poor." He owned his own house and furniture. There was nothing he needed.

"You're life will be exciting."

"I'm already having enough fun acting like a young detective." He didn't need an adrenaline rush.

If he wanted that, he could ride a rollercoaster.

"Why are you refusing such a good offer?" The black-cloaked figure seemed stubborn about this.

"I'm not interested in shady activities."

"You mean killing people." The man seemed to clarify. It looked like that was their main job.

"If you already know, then don't bother asking."

"Come on~ It's not like I'm a bad guy here." This ridiculous statement was akin to Jordan's 'Parkour Tournament'. It wasn't much of a classy lie and was just spoken as if he was trying to excuse his sins.

"How is a killer not a 'bad guy'?"

"Isn't it a mercy to kill some people?" These words caused Jordan's mood to drop by several levels.

"No one wants to die."

"How naive~ You only know about the redeemable people in society. Sometimes, the pure trash of human society would consider death a mercy to them. Some people are better off being dead."

"My neighbour wasn't 'trash'." A tinge of outrage seeped out from under the youth's 'mask'. His feelings were immediately detected by Lightning Fang, making him suspicious of their relationship.

Of course, the masked man didn't say his doubt out loud. He just lead Jordan to the black car.

"Vermin who can't be 'recycled'. Those who cause trouble for themselves and others. That's 'trash'."

"...He wasn't-"

"There's no point arguing."

"There is...!" The young man finally couldn't hold it on anymore. He continued with a great ferocity:

"He had been trying to fix himself. I believe in him!"

"That's not what I meant." The cloaked figure eerily smiled. It was a look hidden because of his mask.

"Then...?" An ominous feeling arose in his heart.

Lightning Fang opened the boot and ripped open the black bag holding Simon. The way he leaned over the truck made it especially hard for people around them to see what was being hid inside.

'N-no... No! NO!!!'

Something cracked in the youth's heart. There was a strong stench of blood in the air, and the stains on Simon's clothes had already died. He put his fingers on the old man's neck and checked for his breathing, only to realise he had already stopped...

There was no saving Simon. He had already passed on. At least, that's what Jordan was lead to believe.

Tears started forming in his eyes...

Some might forget that despite his intellect, Jordan was still just an young average college student.

He hadn't experienced enough to be completely emotionless after seeing his saviour's corpse.

The fact that he'd only just saw Simon alive only minutes ago only reinforced his unending despair.

...He'd yet to properly thank the old man.

No, it was more accurate to say he'd gotten close to the helpless drunkard without even realising it.

The pain of loss made him forget where he was...

Seeing Jordan's pained expression, the masked man beside him continued with an icy expression:

"I killed him myself. 'Simon Stuman' was such a trashy human being... He begged for me to use you as collateral for the money he owed. Even willing to sell you out for short change." The skull-masked man painted the old drunkard last moment's darkly.

Seeing a lack of rage in Jordan's eyes, Lightning Fang sighed in relief. It was better than pure rage...

The shifty Grandmaster wanted a new disciple.

Jordan had shown great qualities such as courage and physical ability. He might be older than most who are taken under his wing, but he was sure the youth's talent would bloom in a good environment.

The only thing he wanted to change was the young man's attitude. That way, he would obey his words.

"He... wouldn't have done that." Despite what the youth heard, he rejected Lightning Fang's lies.

However, he had no proof. The masked man's words acted like poison that seeped into his heart.

The young man's heart was wavering since...

"He wouldn't..."

...he could imagine the old hippie doing that.

"Tsk tsk, it's unfortunate you have such a big heart for this kind of trash. What was your relationship?"

"He saved... my life."

"Interesting." He was really surprised. The youth seemed heartbroken like it the world was ending.

Did Wind Fang purposely give the wrong info?

That shouldn't be the case. Every 'Fang' put their loyalty above personal reasons. Only a traitor would give the person who organised them the wrong information... He needed to check this.

Regardless, the masked man spoke manipulatively:

"It isn't your fault he didn't open up to you. It only happened to turn out this way because you're too strong." These words confused the youth for a moment. He couldn't understand the meaning...


"I'm guessing this old trash relied on you for everything, right?" Jordan was incensed when Lightning Fang referred to Simon as 'trash', but he couldn't deny what the masked man said was true.

"So what? Are you saying he wasn't being independent enough?" The youth asked defiantly.

"Not that. It's the fact that you probably didn't find it hard to take care of someone like him that makes you 'strong'. However, that strength of mind makes it hard for someone 'weak' to get close to you."

"That's nonsense...!"

"Is it? Would you be able to understand his putrid heart? His sinful feelings of jealousy and envy towards others? No, you've probably only seen him as slothful. Someone who wasted away his life for nothing." The more the man spoke, the more his words started making sense. He got it right...

There WAS times Jordan couldn't understand Simon at all. Several instances he was annoyed...

He DID feel like Simon was just being lazy...

"I saw him like that... because I was 'strong'?"

"This is my 'enlightenment'. As a psychologist who had always been talented in my field, it's easy for me to see why you two never really 'connected' despite being so close. You were a tool to him."

The young man couldn't deny that claim, but...

"I believed... we could have understood each other if we had more time." He patted Simon's head.

The memory of someone like this old geezer reluctantly saving him was etched into his memories. He already knew what kind of person the drunkard was, and knew of the man's regret.

Still, the fact someone with such a horrible personality decided to save him proved something.

...Simon was capable of change.

It might not be immediate. Perhaps years would go by with him being stuck in one bad mindset to another, unable to fully change at his core. He was the kind of man who was blind to other people...

However, that old man was capable of change.

He looked up to this saviour of his, and losing him tore into his soul. Then, darkness became a flame.

Tears was igniting within him...

The disappointment and despair he felt slowly started to channel itself into anger. His face still had the same expression, but endorphins were being produced by his brain and his blood circulation was being increased at a steady pace.

What was amazing was despite being in this condition, Jordan was still 'thinking before acting'.

He knew he couldn't fight Lightning Fang fairly...

Doing so would make him lose instantly. The man with the skull-mask would cleanly knock him out.

And so... he hid the rage under his tears.

He knelt down in agony. Holding his head in pain.

This wasn't an act though... The youth clearly felt so much hatred that it was banging on his head.

His heart was like a drumbeat of war, and his mind was like a tactician who was brimming with wit.

A strategist who delighted in the drumbeats...

From the Akashic Library, the primate butler widened his eyes along with the others there.

"What's this new energy?"

"Has Master revived himself?"

There were joyful exclamations, but a little more investigation lead to them realising something.

"This... is definitely Master's energy."

"Then why does 'he' have it...?"


"..." Arnold wasn't able to speak. The pure feelings of hatred were somehow being passed onto him.

He could empathise with Jordan's feelings, but how was that possible? He could feel the deep guilt, outrage, bloodlust, and anarchic desires of wanting show zero mercy to Simon's killer…


Arnold felt a dormant power within the young genius unlocking, yet also being held in firmly.

It was to the fact even Lightning Fang was tricked.

Believing he broke the young man's spirit, he knelt down in order help the youth up... but then heard:


That one word filled with Jordan's malice made him lose his senses momentarily. The sheer magnitude of the feelings the youth held in converged into that one word. It gave strength to what he spoke.

He neither shouted nor screamed, but the heavy emotions behind that word hit the masked man.

It may be 'one word', but hearing it almost took him out of reality. He was used to the pressure of death weighing onto him, but this was the first time he clearly felt like a grim reaper held onto his throat.

In the face of death, no one could stay calm...

'This...!' It was at that moment Lightning Fang realised it wasn't the emotions ensnaring his body.

Instead, it was the 'curse' that laid beneath it.

'Was he a shaman?!' The skull-masked man was flustered. An opportunity had revealed itself...

...and Jordan wouldn't let go once seeing it.

A punch sunk into Lightning Fang's neck like the jaws of a hound straight from hell. It was merciless!

The young man changed from that moment. He was no longer the person Simon used to know.

All he became was violent killer...