
Enrolling in the Law Enforcement Team

"Xiao Yu?"


As their eyes met, both of them couldn't help but exclaim in surprise simultaneously.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing here?" Lu Yunxiao's face was filled with curiosity, but he also had a sudden realization in his heart. No wonder he found the figure somewhat familiar. It turned out to be Xiao Yu.

Today, Xiao Yu was wearing a law enforcement robe, which covered her quite well. Otherwise, with her astonishingly long and snow-white legs, he should have recognized her earlier.

"I'm a member of the law enforcement team, of course, I'm here." Xiao Yu brushed aside the strand of loose hair falling on her forehead, a faint smile appearing on her pretty face. She was also delighted to meet Lu Yunxiao.

Thinking about it, she hadn't seen Lu Yunxiao for almost two weeks. Since the beginning of the semester, Lu Yunxiao had skipped class many times, so their chances of meeting were not that many. Unexpectedly, they met here today.

"You joined the law enforcement team?" Lu Yunxiao raised an eyebrow. The law enforcement team wasn't a simple place. It often dealt with people from the Black Corner Region, which was very dangerous. Could someone with Xiao Yu's strength as a two-star Dou Zhe handle it?

"Yes, I feel that my strength is not enough, so I came to the law enforcement team to gain some experience." Xiao Yu smiled slightly, her tone gentle.

Ever since she saw Lu Yunxiao's battle with the students of Fourth Class Black Rank, she felt that her strength was far from enough. During Lu Yunxiao's battle, she felt like she couldn't do anything besides cheering him on.

She was somewhat interested in Lu Yunxiao, but she was also aware of the huge gap between them. Lu Yunxiao wasn't interested in her, otherwise, he wouldn't have deliberately kept his distance from her. With a slight movement in her heart, she joined the law enforcement team, hoping to enhance her strength through training.

She didn't expect Lu Yunxiao to like her. At least the next time when they encountered trouble, she could be of some help. That was her idea. After all, her decision to train with the law enforcement team was partly because she wanted to become stronger, but also partly because of her relationship with Lu Yunxiao.

"I see." Lu Yunxiao nodded. Although he had sensed something, he didn't show it. For him, Xiao Yu was just a classmate and a friend. He didn't have any special thoughts about her. What Xiao Yu chose to do was her own business, and no one forced her. As long as she was happy. 

If he made it clear, it would only make things awkward between them. After all, he didn't like Xiao Yu, nor did he intend to accept her. So, there was no need to add unnecessary trouble. This wasn't about being heartless; he simply adhered to the principle of not getting entangled with someone he didn't like. Otherwise, it would only cause trouble for both of them.

"By the way, Yunxiao, are you also joining the law enforcement team?" Xiao Yu blinked her beautiful eyes, looking at Lu Yunxiao and asking softly.

"Yes, I practice swordsmanship. Sometimes, you need to fight and hone your skills to make progress. The academy is too comfortable for me now and doesn't help much with my current training. So, I came here to broaden my horizons and hopefully make some progress." Lu Yunxiao was straightforward and honest about his intentions.

"I see. Then you should hurry up and register. This is Sister Yue Ling, she is responsible for registration matters. She's a great beauty." Xiao Yu introduced Yue Ling to Lu Yunxiao with a smile.

"I dare not accept the title of a great beauty. You are the true beauty." Yue Ling smiled gently and looked at Lu Yunxiao, her beautiful eyes revealing a hint of admiration. She had never seen such a handsome boy before. 

"What's the relationship between you and our Xiao Yu, the great beauty? It's the first time I've seen her smile so gently at a boy." Yue Ling chuckled lightly, with a hint of teasing in her tone. With her experience, it was easy to see Xiao Yu's feelings for Lu Yunxiao, so she thought of helping a bit secretly. After all, it's also enjoyable to witness the beauty of mature relationships.

"Sister Yue Ling!" Xiao Yu called softly, a faint blush appearing on her pretty face.

"Sister Yue Ling, we're just good friends." Lu Yunxiao calmly uttered these words. Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu's expression slightly faltered. Although she knew that Lu Yunxiao didn't like her, there was still a trace of desolation in her eyes. But she quickly recovered and concealed this hint of desolation.

"Sister Yue Ling, could you please help me register?" Lu Yunxiao quickly changed the subject. Continuing this topic would definitely make the atmosphere awkward.

"Oh, sure. What's your name, junior?" Yue Ling was also taken aback by Lu Yunxiao's response, but she quickly recovered and asked softly.

"My name is Lu Yunxiao, from the Yellow Rank Second Class."

"You are Lu Yunxiao, the outstanding talent of the outer Academy?" Hearing Lu Yunxiao's name, Yue Ling paused. Wasn't the young man in front of her the famous Lu Yunxiao? No wonder he could decisively refuse even someone as beautiful as Xiao Yu. So, he was Lu Yunxiao. 

Xiao Yu, oh, Xiao Yu, if you fall for such a genius, isn't it asking for heartache? It's destined to be a melancholic love. Such a genius would shine brightly, and even the most outstanding women wouldn't catch his eye!

However, such a young man was so excellent that he was incredibly attractive to girls. If she were younger, she might also be attracted. This young man possessed the charm to captivate girls. Even though it was like a moth to a flame, one couldn't help but feel a palpitation in their heart! Yue Ling couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"Sister Yue Ling, you're too kind. Jia Nan Academy has many talented individuals, how can I claim to be the first?" Lu Yunxiao smiled gently, modest in his words, without a hint of arrogance.

Hearing this, Yue Ling couldn't help but sigh inwardly, feeling even more impressed with Lu Yunxiao. With extraordinary talent, yet humble and modest, his future was truly limitless. What an outstanding young man.

"Yellow Rank Second Class, Lu Yunxiao," Yue Ling muttered to herself as she registered Lu Yunxiao's name on the registration book.

"Alright, junior Yunxiao, after you're registered, you'll be a member of the law enforcement team. The team's uniform is in the clothing room. Xiao Yu knows where it is, so let her take you." Yue Ling smiled slightly. Although she knew that Xiao Yu's chances were slim, she still arranged it this way. Moreover, Lu Yunxiao was only familiar with Xiao Yu here, so it was most appropriate for her to take him.

"Yunxiao, shall we go then?" Just as Yue Ling finished speaking, Xiao Yu's gentle voice sounded.

"Sure, thank you." Lu Yunxiao didn't refuse. Simply leading the way wasn't a big deal. After all, no matter what, he and Xiao Yu were friends. As long as they maintained the proper distance, there was no reason to avoid each other.