
Battle Through the Heavens: Emperor of Black Sun

A person is transported into the world of Battle Through the Heavens, steadily developing their abilities through sheer natural talent without relying on any system. They don’t intentionally target Xiao Yan, avoid building a harem, and instead pursue opportunities with strategy and reason. The looming catastrophe of the Black Sun approaches, hehe~ A fanfic featuring genius-level cultivation, invincible flow, a mature, no-cheat protagonist, and a ruthless, decisive path to dominance. TL Note - This is a Translation Raw Name -斗破:阳帝 Original Author - 叫我老唐 Translation Rate - 2 Chapters/Day Do let me know any errors in the chapter comments, and rate and review if you liked it :) If you wish to tip - patreon.com/geriatricvibes. Your support would help.

Geriatric_Vibes · Book&Literature
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Chapter 81: Take Her Away

The desert at night was very cold.

Howling cold winds accompanied by sandstorms ravaged the land, hitting people in the face and making them shiver with cold to the bone.

A flash of red-golden light swiftly streaked across the night sky, like a shooting star flashing and disappearing in the darkness.

Beside them was the violent sound of the wind.

But at this moment, Qinglin didn't feel a trace of coldness; rather, she felt very warm.

She hugged Wei Yang's neck tightly, her small body curling up entirely in his warm embrace, shielded from the cold wind outside by a layer of battle energy.

His embrace was really warm!

Qinglin secretly thought, unable to resist tightening her hold a bit more, secretly breathing in the pleasant scent from his body through her nose.

"Are you scared? Should I slow down?" Wei Yang suddenly asked softly.

Qinglin was startled, a bit guilty as she looked up to glance at Wei Yang stealthily and shook her head, speaking in a timid voice, "Young master, I'm not scared."

"Young master" was Qinglin's current way of addressing Wei Yang.

She didn't know when exactly it started, but at some point, calling him "young master" felt more natural than calling him "master."

Wei Yang smiled but still slightly reduced the speed of their flight.

Here, the underground magma world was not too far away, at most a hundred miles or so.

He looked down at Qinglin in his arms, a hint of pity flashing in his eyes.

Qinglin was very light in his arms, almost weightless, and looking at her skinny frame, she must have suffered a lot.

He couldn't help but think with regret, knowing what he knew now, he should have searched for her and taken her away when he left the Tagore Desert.

That's just how Wei Yang was as a person. If he cared about you, he would genuinely care for you.

It's very difficult for most to walk into his heart.

But if you successfully walked into his heart, he would truly care for you.


Dressed in a brand new, clean green dress and with her stomach full, Qinglin looked much better.

She was fourteen years old this year, nearly two years younger than Xian'er.

The light green dress on her made her look petite, yet surprisingly she had developed more maturely than one might expect for her age, even comparable to the almost sixteen-year-old Xian'er.

Albeit still seeming somewhat naive.

Her cute, delicate face was like that of a beautiful porcelain doll, skin as smooth as cream, and there were three tiny emerald green light spots faintly flickering in the depths of her pupils, looking very exotic.

She had a timid expression on her face, like a scared little rabbit, making others feel a bit of pity for her.

Holding her petite body, with his arm around her slender waist, especially when Qinglin occasionally shifted slightly, Wei Yang could not help but feel an unusual sense of allure from her slender waist for some reason.

It was like a beautiful snake swaying in his arms.

The feeling seemed to be more charming than Xian'er's allure.

"Damn!" Wei Yang couldn't help but shake his head, dispelling the wicked thoughts from his mind, and cursed himself, "What am I even thinking."

She's only fourteen, after all.

At the same time, he felt a bit smug.

His initial thoughts back then were right.


Qinglin's slender waist was indeed more exceptional than Xian'er's.

Damn, I really am a pervert!

But he couldn't help but criticize Xiao Yan. In the original, that guy only married Medusa and Gu Xun'er in the end; what was he thinking?

Either don't get involved with others, or take responsibility if you do.

Someone put their whole heart into you, and in the end, you just leave them?

That's wasting someone's whole life.


"Qinglin, when we get to the place where we'll temporarily stay, there's another sister there, older than you. You can call her Sister Xian'er," Wei Yang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qinglin's little face immediately became tense, and she responded timidly with an "Oh."

"Don't worry, she has a good personality, and she's a very gentle and kind girl, just like you, Qinglin."

Wei Yang reassured her with a smile, "She has had quite a... sad past, so you should be able to get along well, don't be afraid. After spending time with her, you'll see."

"Oh." Qinglin tightened her hold on Wei Yang's neck a bit, looking at him with her eyes that faintly exuded a peculiar charm, and nodded her head timidly.

Seeing this, Wei Yang did not say more.

He decided to let them get along on their own.

The two of them were close in age, and after spending some time together, Xian'er should be able to accept Qinglin.

After all, they had a lot of similar experiences, both being unfortunate girls with gentle personalities.


In the underground magma world.

With Qinglin in his arms, Wei Yang flew out from the entrance of the passage, floating in the void for a moment before finally flying toward the platform and landing slowly.

He didn't let go of Qinglin, and a thin layer of battle energy shield still tightly enveloped her, isolating her from the terrifying high temperature and toxins here.

Since Qinglin had no cultivation at the moment, she couldn't withstand the harsh environment where even ordinary Dou Ling had to be cautious.

However, despite being protected by his battle energy, there was an eerie, cold energy within Qinglin that was continually helping her adapt to the environment.

This strange energy, cold yet filled with a vibrant life force of the wood attribute, seemed to be about eight parts cold and two parts life force.

(kinda unsure if the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils had a wood attribute in the original work)

Wei Yang, sensing the changes within Qinglin, was somewhat relieved but couldn't help marveling.

As expected, the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils were indeed an extraordinary constitution.

Without any cultivation, even without his protection, she might survive in such a harsh environment.


On the platform, a white-clad, white-haired silhouette sat in meditation, now opening her eyes to look over.

Upon seeing Wei Yang, the vigilance in her eyes faded, replaced by a slight smile. However, when her gaze fell on Qinglin in Wei Yang's arms, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Qinglin also looked at Xian'er with a timid expression.

The two looked at each other from a distance for three full seconds.

Wei Yang was about to greet Xian'er but shut his mouth seeing how things were.

This atmosphere, something seemed off?

After three seconds, Qinglin looked away first, smiling shyly, "You must be Sister Xian'er, right? Hello, my name is Qinglin."

Xian'er's eyebrows lifted gently, a slight smile seemed to appear on her lips as she looked at Wei Yang.

"Ahem." Wei Yang cleared his throat, moved with Qinglin to Xian'er's side, and put down Qinglin, still keeping a thin battle energy shield around her for protection.

Sitting cross-legged, Wei Yang explained with a smile, "I met Qinglin when I went to buy medicinal herbs this time..."

He explained the detailed process of meeting Qinglin to Xian'er.

TL Note - Read up to 50+ chapters ahead for some really good novels (according to my taste) and other perks on my Patreon - patreon .com/geriatricvibes. Thanks a lot for the support

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