
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Yun Yun's Escape

Anyway, her precious apprentice didn't like Xiao Yan either, and it happened to align with Lu Yunxiao. This also spared her from enduring such torment. She believed that with Lu Yunxiao's excellence, it would be easy for him to win over her precious apprentice. After all, even when facing Lu Yunxiao herself, it had been difficult to put up effective resistance.

"Stop talking, or else don't blame me for kissing you again," Lu Yunxiao warned with a slight raise of his eyebrows. This woman still wanted to escape and tried to deceive him with Nalan Yanran. Was that even possible?

He preferred Yun Yun over the so-called Nalan Yanran. Moreover, everyone knew that although Nalan Yanran was beautiful, she couldn't compare to Yun Yun in any way. Lu Yunxiao wasn't a fool, and he couldn't be tempted so easily. He wasn't a woman; he wouldn't fall for such tricks.

Hearing Lu Yunxiao's words, Yun Yun fell silent immediately. After all, Lu Yunxiao rarely talked about martial arts unless he was in agreement, and she felt somewhat helpless.

She feared that Lu Yunxiao would kiss her again. She knew that with each kiss from him, her resistance to him weakened further. This man was like a poison.

This was only the second time they had met, and their total time spent together had not exceeded twelve hours. Yet, her feelings had changed so dramatically.

Now, being held by Lu Yunxiao, she didn't feel the slightest disgust. Instead, she felt strangely comfortable. It was scary to think about how much this young man had affected her in such a short time.

Lu Yunxiao remained oblivious to Yun Yun's internal struggles. Since she didn't resist, he was content, gently holding her delicate body. His heart was at ease.


Time passed quickly, and within a blink of an eye, two days had gone by.

During these two days, all the internal injuries on Lu Yunxiao's body had healed. Through his determined efforts and a stroke of luck, his original three-star Master's peak strength had further improved, providing an opportunity for a breakthrough.


The wind whistled through the air, creating a humming sound.

Lu Yunxiao sat cross-legged, his body radiating a mix of green and gold auras, his white robes fluttering, his hair flowing, and his aura pulsating vigorously.

"Dual-attribute grudge, this guy is truly incredible, his talent is unmatched," Yun Yun remarked as she sat cross-legged on the stone platform, her hand brushing through her slightly damp hair, her beautiful eyes fixated on Lu Yunxiao.

From a rational perspective, Lu Yunxiao had the highest talent she had ever seen, with limitless potential. Even though he was currently only a three-star Master, his future was promising. He could certainly reach the level of a Dou Zong, or even a Dou Zun, in the future. Perhaps he might even become a legendary Fighting Saint.

However, she had reservations. Lu Yunxiao was too young, and their relationship might be seen as inappropriate. Furthermore, she was unsure if Lu Yunxiao's affection for her was long-lasting or just a passing infatuation.

She also worried that making such an important decision so hastily, based on their short acquaintance, might lead to insecurity. She desired love but was also cautious.

She knew that love obtained too easily might not be cherished. That's why she kept trying to distance herself. She had never been in a relationship, but she wasn't naive. She had her own concerns and principles.

As she contemplated, Yun Yun sighed softly, her gaze once again focused on Lu Yunxiao.

Her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and she appeared startled.


It was as if an invisible barrier had burst. With a muffled sound, Lu Yunxiao's aura suddenly surged, propelling him to a new level.

A powerful wave of fighting spirit emanated from Lu Yunxiao, his starry pupils opening wide as a sharp gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Four-star Master," Lu Yunxiao murmured with a smile, his voice filled with satisfaction. He had taken another step forward.

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough to Four-star Master," Yun Yun's gentle voice rang out.

Lu Yunxiao turned his eyes toward Yun Yun, pausing slightly. He couldn't help but smile gently. "Did you take a bath?"

Yun Yun's hair was still wet, and her pretty face was as pure and beautiful as a lotus flower. She had just finished bathing.

"Yes, I hadn't had a bath in two days, and I was feeling quite uncomfortable. I decided to take one since more than half of my injuries have healed," Yun Yun explained.

Lu Yunxiao teased, "You didn't even invite me to join you in the bath. Why did you have to break through at this moment?"

Yun Yun didn't hear Lu Yunxiao's murmured words clearly due to her sealed aura and weakened spiritual senses. She asked, "What did you say, Yunxiao?"

Lu Yunxiao coughed lightly, "Nothing, I mean, your hair is still wet. Let me dry it for you."

Yun Yun quickly declined, "No, I can do it myself."

Lu Yunxiao insisted, "Sit still, I'll do it."

Yun Yun found herself unable to resist Lu Yunxiao's unwavering determination. She took a step back, but he continued to advance. She seemed unable to refuse, and Lu Yunxiao gently wiped her wet hair.

Yun Yun bit her lip, feeling conflicted. Lu Yunxiao seemed to be closing in, and her attempts to escape appeared futile.

Lu Yunxiao wiped her hair gently, and Yun Yun didn't reject it in her heart. Her resistance to Lu Yunxiao was weakening with each passing moment.