
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

The wolfhead mercenary group is destroyed

After walking for a while, the two of them returned to the cave entrance.

Lu Yunxiao extended his arms naturally as they walked. Xiaoyixian cast him an irritated glance, but she didn't resist his gesture. Having gone through the cave together, their relationship had grown considerably.

"You're not allowed to make any improper moves," the little doctor playfully flashed her small tiger-like teeth in a mock demonstration, then nestled into his arms like a bird returning to its nest.

A gentle breeze brushed against them as Lu Yunxiao instinctively wrapped his arms around Xiaoyixian's slender waist. It may have been an illusion, but he felt that holding her was more comfortable than holding Gu Xun'er.

[Gu Xun'er: Brother Gu Xiao, you can talk after some reflection; grinding your teeth doesn't count.]

"Hold on tight," Lu Yunxiao reminded her before swiftly darting out like the wind.

With a tap of his tiptoes against the cliff, Lu Yunxiao's figure rapidly ascended.

The wind whispered in their ears as Xiaoyixian leaned against Lu Yunxiao's chest, gazing at his perfect profile. Her heart fluttered slightly, and there seemed to be a twinkle of starlight in her eyes.

Was it an illusion?

She couldn't help but feel that this man was becoming more and more pleasing to the eye. It was an unusual sensation.

Such thoughts swirled in Xiaoyixian's mind.

Lu Yunxiao's figure ascended swiftly and soon reached the top of the cliff.

He transformed the stars and spirit gold into a silver-white longsword, swiftly striking down, instantly dealing with the mercenaries who had stayed on top of the cliff.

They landed gently, both standing firmly.

"Don't let go," the little doctor reminded Lu Yunxiao as she noticed he was still holding her waist tightly. Her eyes held a playful glint.

"Hey, we reached the top so quickly," Lu Yunxiao murmured, reluctantly letting go with his left hand.

Observing his peculiar expression, Xiaoyixian couldn't help but find it amusing.

"Where to next?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Let's head to Qingshan Town first and deal with the Wolfhead Mercenary Group. If they want destruction, then they'll have it," Lu Yunxiao shrugged.

"What about you? Will you return to Wanyaozhai?" Lu Yunxiao inquired of the little doctor.

"Well, I still have some business to attend to at Wanyaozhai, and they have readily available medicinal ingredients for me to prepare poisons. I've just acquired the Colorful Poison Scriptures, and I want to study them thoroughly," Xiaoyixian replied, flicking a strand of hair from her forehead with a smile.

"Well, that works out perfectly, and it's on the way. By eliminating the Wolfhead Mercenary Group, we'll ensure that no one learns of our whereabouts, making it safer for you," Lu Yunxiao suggested with a smile.

"In that case, I must thank the young master for handling this potential crisis for me," the little doctor graciously acknowledged.

"No need for thanks; it's only right. After all, with a girl as beautiful as the little doctor, it's only natural to lend a hand," Lu Yunxiao raised an eyebrow slightly, smiling.

"Oh, spare me; you're being too kind again," Xiaoyixian playfully swatted Lu Yunxiao and then, as if remembering something, asked, "By the way, I still don't know your name."

"May I inquire, young man, what's your surname?"

"My surname is Lu, and my name is Yunxiao. How does that sound to you? Good?" Lu Yunxiao inquired with a smile.

"It's just alright," the little doctor replied, unimpressed.

"Come on, don't mince words. Girl, remember that honesty is a virtue. Is it so hard to admit that someone's name sounds good?"

"It doesn't sound good at all," the little doctor insisted.

"You're just..." Lu Yunxiao began, but before he could finish, Xiaoyixian interrupted.

"Enough of that; you're teasing me again."

They continued their laughter as they walked, gradually disappearing into the depths of the dense forest.


In Qingshan Town, the Wolfhead Mercenary Group's headquarters:


A blue tornado swept through, instantly causing dust to fly, rocks to shatter, and sending the burly men hurtling through the air, demolishing the nearby houses.

As the wind roared, a figure was sent hurtling, spewing several mouthfuls of blood in the air before crashing heavily onto the ground.

In mid-air, a white-clad youth wielding an emerald-green longsword struck an ethereal pose as he descended like a celestial being.

"Who are you... Why have you attacked my Wolfhead Mercenary Group without reason or cause?" gasped Mu She, struggling fiercely. Despite his severe injuries, he clung to the last vestiges of life.

Yet he was deeply perplexed. Why had this handsome youth, who hadn't uttered a word, appeared out of nowhere and attacked the Wolfhead Mercenary Group?

Moreover, he himself had been gravely injured by the youth's sword.

The youth's terrifying strength filled him with dread.

"Why? Ask your son, Mu Li," Lu Yunxiao responded, slowly raising the Dragon Slashing Sword in his hand.

"Furthermore, those who live by the sword die by the sword. Mu Snake, your Wolfhead Mercenary Group has committed countless wrongdoings over the years. This is simply retribution."

With a swift stroke, Lu Yunxiao's eyes remained cool as he cut down Mu She.

"Wait, Li'er, what's happened to your strength?" Mu Snake's eyes widened in shock as Lu Yunxiao's words instilled a deep sense of foreboding.

Mu Li had been gone for quite some time, and he hadn't returned yet. Could it be...?

"Mu Li? He met the same fate as you," Lu Yunxiao declared, his eyes devoid of emotion as he delivered the final blow.

With Mu She's despairing and reluctant roar, the Wolfhead Mercenary Group, which had terrorized Qingshan Town for years, was completely eradicated.

Lu Yunxiao let out a soft sigh as he sheathed his sword.

With the Wolfhead Mercenary Group eliminated, Xiaoyixian wouldn't face any danger in Qingshan Town. As for her undercover maid, he had faith in Xiaoyixian's abilities to handle the situation.

Now, he could go about his business in the Warcraft Mountains with peace of mind.

But before he left, it was best to bid farewell to the little doctor.

He had to admit that he had developed deep feelings for Xiaoyixian.

With that thought in mind, Lu Yunxiao lightly treaded forward, his figure disappearing like a wisp of smoke, heading towards Wanyaozhai.

After informing Xiaoyixian of his plans, Lu Yunxiao once again embarked on a solitary journey into the Warcraft Mountain Range.

This time, he was venturing deep into the mountains, as he anticipated the arrival of someone he had longed for. This encounter was something he had yearned for for a long time.

As Lu Yunxiao entered the Warcraft Mountain Range, news of the Wolfhead Mercenary Group's downfall rapidly spread, causing a sensation in Qingshan Town.

The other two mercenary groups trembled in fear, and their unruly behavior came to a halt.

Qingshan Town, usually a bustling hub of activity with troublemakers galore, had suddenly become a much quieter and more cautious place.

However, Lu Yunxiao remained unaware of these developments, as he was on the cusp of another major breakthrough.