
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

The power of the master

Though encountering Fighter Slayer Fighters is rare, mainland boasts numerous prodigies. While the Fighter Slayer record remains unbroken, some peerless geniuses have achieved similar feats in the Fighter Realm.

However, simultaneously defeating three fighting masters remains unprecedented. While it's uncertain whether such a feat has occurred elsewhere, it's certainly the first time witnessed by those present.

That single strike not only felled the three fighters, but also shattered their preconceptions. Fighters could indeed wield immense strength.

Lu Yunxiao stood with his sword, his face pale. After extended combat, combined with the use of Skyborne Celestial Blade and the recent One Sword Separation, his vindictiveness had waned. Nevertheless, his spirits remained high, stirred by excitement.

The technique truly merited its status as a territorial fighting skill for a lifetime, exuding astonishing power.

"It's a pity—the flaw is substantial. The sword grows stronger with age, but the escalating power exacts a great toll on the body. Once the body falters, it results in self-destruction. Otherwise, there would be no need to hide its potential and refrain from using it."

In his heart, Lu Yunxiao sighed, the urge to modify the "One Sword Separation" technique deepening.

If the drawbacks of the technique could be eradicated, it would become a potent assassination move.

At least in the early stages, the power of a single strike would be unparalleled.

However, "One Sword Separation" was, after all, a territorial fighting skill. Despite his profound understanding, eliminating its limitations wasn't straightforward. Learning martial arts differed fundamentally from altering martial arts.

Thus, more experience was required to hone his martial arts understanding and elevate his skills.

Resolute in his intent, Lu Yunxiao shifted his gaze to the three headless bodies before him. His expression remained impassive, his face devoid of emotion.

"The villain died from verbosity, from underestimating the enemy. Had he charged straight ahead, eschewing hesitance and artifice, perhaps I wouldn't have had the opportunity to employ a single, world-splitting stroke."

Lu Yunxiao shook his head, internalizing the lesson that underestimating an adversary could lead to one's demise.

Past mistakes serve as lessons for the future.

Henceforth, when facing an enemy, he would dispatch them decisively, without affording even the slightest chance of retaliation.


Just as Lu Yunxiao ruminated, a pained female voice echoed. He turned his gaze, witnessing a figure hurtling towards him.

Swift action averted catastrophe, as Lu Yunxiao managed to catch the figure—a female instructor. The ensuing force propelled him backward over ten paces before regaining balance.

"Teacher Ruolin, are you alright?" Concern laced Lu Yunxiao's voice as he cradled her in his arms.

"I'm... fine," the instructor strained to reply, yet blood still trickled from her mouth, staining Lu Yunxiao's clothes a vivid red.

Lu Yunxiao's complexion soured. Clearly, Instructor Ruolin was severely injured.

"Distracting yourself in a battle against me leads to this fate!" A domineering voice sounded, prompting Lu Yunxiao to raise his head, where a middle-aged man garbed in black armor stood.

The man's appearance was ordinary, but the purple armor covering him roused Lu Yunxiao's attention, his expression becoming grave.

"Master!" Lu Yunxiao addressed softly, a mix of reverence and jealousy in his eyes.


Amid the dusky sky, three figures streaked across.

Each bore resplendent wings that propelled them through the clouds.

Hues of Dou Qi fluttered—an ability reserved for those above Dou Wang strength, symbolizing Dou Wangs and their extraordinary power.

"Elder Li, Elder Zhao, let's hasten our pace. I fear Zhang Yuyan and company might not hold out much longer."

The leading middle-aged man, his wings aglow in fiery red, issued the command in a faint voice.

"We understand, Captain Huang," the two elderly men beside him concurred. Their wings undulated vigorously, propelling them even faster.

Compared to third-tier Griffins, the speed of a King Fighter was over ten times faster. Moreover, accommodating people further slowed down the Griffin. Thus, in comparison, a King Fighter's speed was nearly twenty times swifter.

The Black Duan Mountain Range lay near Heping Town, reachable by Griffin in a day's time. For the strongest Douwang, they could reach the scene within half an hour, considerably shortening their travel time due to their swift flight.

This explains why Canaan Academy dispatched King Fighters for aid. Employing an ordinary team would have resulted in a substantial delay.

Two of the assisting trio were elder outer courtyard members, while their leader, Huang, served as Canaan Academy's law enforcement deputy captain, an eight-star fighter and a renowned figure within Black Point Domain.

Sending him underscored the importance Canaan Academy attributed to this matter.

Five to six minutes later, a towering mountain range appeared on the horizon.

"Captain Huang, the Black Duan Mountain Range approaches," one of the elders announced, his voice tinged with astonishment.

"Excellent. Let's expedite our approach and prepare for landing," Captain Huang replied, his wings agitating as he surged forward.


A resounding boom resounded as two figures were flung, crashing to the ground.

Lu Yunxiao gazed skyward and expelled a mouthful of blood. His internal organs seemed aflame, and an indescribable ache gripped his chest.

His right-hand tiger's mouth was fissured, blood smearing the Feihong Sword's hilt. Dust marred his white attire, and his hair lay disheveled. He cut a sorry figure.

Beside him, Instructor Ruolin shivered, her visage wan, blood seeping from her lips—a clear sign of severe injury.

Lu Yunxiao cast a concerned glance at the instructor, attempting to rise. However, aches and weakness overcame him, making even standing a challenge.

"The Great Fighter truly lives up to its reputation. It far exceeds my present capabilities."

A wry smile touched Lu Yunxiao's lips. In the end, he remained somewhat inadequate, unable to stand against the opponent's mastery even when allied with Instructor Ruolin.

The two had joined forces, yet were bested in under a hundred moves, suffering heavy suppression from their adversary.