
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

The Green Lotus Flame Core

Seeing the double-headed spirit serpent that suddenly appeared, Lu Yunxiao observed it carefully.

The creature appeared extremely lengthy, roughly about four to five zhang in length at first glance (Chinese measurement, approximately 3.33 meters per zhang). Its entire body emitted a fiery red glow, resembling a round piece of fire jade when seen from a distance. The surface of its body was covered in densely packed red scales, each about the size of a palm.

At the bifurcation of its slender neck, there were two menacing heads. In this moment, the enormous diamond-shaped eyes of this double-headed spirit serpent were filled with violent and bloodthirsty killing intent.

"That's it, old man, it's your turn. Subdue it, but do not kill it. I intend to keep it for later use." Lu Yunxiao instructed, as he still had plans for the double-headed spirit serpent.

"Alright, I understand. I'll handle it swiftly." Hai Bodong responded, eyeing the double-headed spirit serpent with a cold demeanor.

The two-headed spirit serpent's pupils, filled with killing intent, were now locked onto Hai Bodong. Compared to Lu Yunxiao, Hai Bodong, who exuded an icy aura, appeared even more detestable to it.

Fire and ice attributes were inherently incompatible, and this aversion was deeply ingrained.

With a piercing scream, the double-headed spirit serpent's neck suddenly swelled. Then, its ferocious mouths opened wide, and two colossal columns of lava, composed of magma and flames, erupted like a volcanic explosion. Two surging magma fire pillars shot violently towards Hai Bodong.

"You insolent creature, prepare to meet your demise!" Seeing that the double-headed spirit serpent dared to attack him, Hai Bodong snorted coldly. His body surged forward, and with a wave of his sleeve, he effortlessly crushed and dispersed the surging magma fire columns.

It's crucial to note that Hai Bodong was currently an Emperor Dou-level powerhouse who didn't hide his strength. His combat prowess could be described as quite formidable.

Hai Bodong's body quivered slightly, and a pair of ice-blue wings suddenly materialized behind him, as white mist condensed. With one strike, Hai Bodong slapped the spirit serpent directly into the air.

The immense white mist transformed into a palm that was dozens of meters in size. Before the double-headed spirit serpent could react, it was slapped, and its body was sent flying. It slammed into the mountainside with a deafening crash. The mountain wall shook, rocks scattered, and the double-headed spirit serpent let out a faint moan.

In the face of a Dou Huang like Hai Bodong, the Dou Ling-level double-headed spirit serpent stood no chance. It was an entirely one-sided battle. After just a few strikes, it lay defeated on the ground.

With a thud, the head of the double-headed spirit serpent landed on the ground, creating a loud noise.

What was once a fiery red and brimming with fire attribute energy creature was now completely encased in frost, thanks to Hai Bodong's decisive and efficient actions.

"Don't worry; it's not dead yet. I've left a bit of energy." Hai Bodong clapped his hands, landing gently, and picked up the Tier 4 serpent. For him, it wasn't too much trouble.

"Very well, thanks for your hard work, old man." Lu Yunxiao smiled, taking out a soul stone and pressing it onto the double-headed spirit serpent's forehead.

With the soul stone, the process was made convenient.

The soul bond stone emitted an orange-red glow, and the contract was established in an instant.

"Know where the Green Lotus Flame is and lead the way!" Lu Yunxiao instructed the double-headed spirit serpent through their bond. He intended to use the double-headed spirit serpent as a guide.

Listening to Lu Yunxiao's words, one of its somewhat ferocious heads nodded, then plunged back into the magma.

"Old man, are you interested in joining me to explore further?" Lu Yunxiao pointed towards the magma and inquired with a smile.

"Into the magma?" Hai Bodong was taken aback and said, "I'm fine, but are you sure about this? It's not a joke; the magma's temperature is extremely high, and if anything goes wrong, you could be reduced to ashes."

Lu Yunxiao smiled as the silver-white light on his body swirled around him. The Star Spirit Gold transformed into a suit of armor that covered his body, and simultaneously, it formed a silver mask that enveloped him entirely.

"I possess a Celestial Gold Body; magma can't harm me. Let's go." Lu Yunxiao said as he jumped directly into the magma.

The fiery red magma flowed against Lu Yunxiao's silver mask, but it had no effect on him.

The Star Spirit Gold might be constrained by the Green Lotus Flame, but it was more than capable of blocking the magma.

Moreover, his innate golden aura was still present. With the innate golden aura of the Star Spirit, he had no reason to fear even when facing a strange fire.

"Youngster, using tricks, I see." Hai Bodong sighed softly, generating a surge of cold air that transformed into an ice-blue mask, surrounding him.

The two dived into the magma simultaneously, following the guidance of the double-headed spirit serpent.

Within the magma lake, there were strong undercurrents hiding immense energy. A collision with one of these currents could severely injure even a Great Fighter, but Lu Yunxiao and Hai Bodong skillfully navigated around them with the double-headed spirit serpent as their guide.

Advancing slowly, the color of the surrounding magma grew darker, and the temperature continued to rise. Lu Yunxiao had almost lost track of time, and he wasn't sure how long they had been diving, but he knew that at this moment, most of his fighting energy had been consumed.

In such an underground magma environment, running out of vindictive energy was extremely perilous.

"How much farther?" Lu Yunxiao inquired through their bond with the double-headed spirit serpent.

One of its heads nodded and replied.

"Almost there?" Lu Yunxiao's expression brightened, and he pushed forward, continuing through the magma.

Sure enough, after advancing for another ten minutes, a brilliant cyan light entered Lu Yunxiao's vision.

Lu Yunxiao looked around and saw a cyan lotus bathed in the cyan light, with a cyan flame burning above it.

"The Green Lotus Flame! I've finally found it." Lu Yunxiao rejoiced in his heart and moved forward quickly, entering the cyan light. Hai Bodong followed closely behind.

As for the double-headed spirit serpent, it stayed outside the cyan light, exhibiting a sense of caution.

Upon entering the cyan light, the temperature noticeably dropped. The cyan light served as a barrier, blocking out the magma outside. Only the lotus's rhizome extended into the magma, with its long roots spanning more than ten meters. Numerous tendrils absorbed energy fervently.

"Is this a strange fire?" Hai Bodong wondered aloud, his expression filled with curiosity as he gazed at the cyan lotus.

Strange fires were famous and rare. It was his first time encountering one up close.

"Yes, this is a strange fire," Lu Yunxiao confirmed, his eyes filled with determination. The Green Lotus Flame was finally within his reach.