
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

The Classic of Elements

"The gold element, known for its formidable offensive power, is a great fit for my current swordsmanship practice," Lu Yunxiao remarked. He held his fingertips together, creating a gleam of golden grudge that radiated an unyielding sharpness.

Metallic fighting energy was inherently the strongest form of energy, and with Lu Yunxiao's innate golden energy, his attack power was pushed to the absolute limit.

"I'm curious to know how strong I've become now," he mused. Lu Yunxiao's fingertips dissipated, and he closed his eyes, relishing the immense gains that unlocking the gold element had brought him.

Over time, all the fighting energy in his body had been completely transformed into pure golden innate energy. These golden auras were not only more refined and purer than his previous fighting energy, but they were also of higher quality.

A strand of innate golden energy was now equivalent in effect to several strands of the old fighting energy.

In addition to boosting his fighting qi, the innate golden qi was also tempering his meridians, flesh, bones, and organs. He could feel a slight improvement in his physique in just a short time. With continued progress, he could expect his physique to become even stronger.

The gold element was known for its unparalleled attacking power. If a person remained strong even with powerful offensive abilities, then that person was truly terrifying.

Lu Yunxiao had also gained an added ability. With the awakening of the gold element, his perception was significantly enhanced. This newfound detection ability would prove to be a major advantage during battles, allowing him to react faster and identify an enemy's vulnerabilities.

Deeply immersed in his thoughts, Lu Yunxiao felt the profoundness of the innate golden energy flowing within him, losing himself in its mysteries.

As time passed, the afterglow of the unblocking experience faded, the golden light in the room slowly dimmed, and the golden aura around Lu Yunxiao subsided. He opened his eyes, revealing a radiance that hinted at newfound strength and determination.

"System, bring up the 'Elemental Classic,'" Lu Yunxiao requested, connecting with the system in his mind.

"The Elemental Classic" was one of the items in the novice package. According to the system, it was tailor-made for his innate elemental body and was the most suitable cultivation method for him.

During the earlier stages of his training, he had yet to achieve the fighter rank, so he had kept the "Elemental Classic" within the system without using it. Now that he had broken through to the fighter rank, it was the perfect time to begin his cultivation. He was curious to see how effective this method would be for him and what level it would be categorized as.

At first, he had no intention of practicing a Heaven-Rank Cultivation Technique or something of that sort. It simply wasn't realistic. Heaven-Rank techniques were immensely powerful, but they were not suitable for fighters to practice. They were complex and profound, making them unsuitable for cultivation at his current level. He hoped that this technique would be at a slightly higher rank, allowing him to progress rapidly in the early stages.

With his request, the system's voice echoed in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the upper part of the 'Elemental Classic,' an intermediate-level technique of the Mysterious Stage."

Lu Yunxiao: ...?

"Upper part? Is there a lower part?" Lu Yunxiao couldn't help asking.

"To be precise, there are middle and lower parts," the system responded calmly.

Lu Yunxiao: ...

"Do they really need to divide a single technique into so many parts?"

Lu Yunxiao inquired.

"Absolutely necessary. The original 'Elemental Classic' is a high-level technique, divided into three parts to best suit the host," the system explained.

"For fighters, Yellow-Rank techniques are too low in cultivation level, affecting future potential. Ground-Rank techniques are slightly higher, making them more complicated and intricate, thus hindering cultivation progress. The Mysterious-Rank technique is the most suitable for combatants. It not only ensures that the cultivation speed keeps up but also maintains a manageable complexity for smooth cultivation."

"When your strength grows, you can naturally transition to higher-level techniques."

"This is the approach taken by the ancient races. Each of their races possesses Heavenly-Rank techniques, but none of them start practicing those techniques from the fighter rank. Instead, they choose Mysterious-Rank techniques first, gradually incorporating Ground-Rank techniques, and eventually advancing to Heavenly-Rank. It's all about progressing step by step, not overwhelming oneself all at once."

"The 'Elemental Classic' is divided into three parts: upper, middle, and lower. The basic upper part is the intermediate level of the Mysterious Stage. Combining the upper part with the middle part forms the lower level of the Ground Rank. When all three parts are combined, it forms the higher level of the Ground Rank."

"And when the host's strength reaches a sufficient level, the system will also provide the advanced techniques of the 'Elemental Classic.' So, the host can practice with confidence. The system's division is well-reasoned, all for the host's benefit," the system conveyed earnestly.

"You're absolutely right." Lu Yunxiao nodded, understanding the reasoning. While he was initially surprised by the division of the technique into three parts, the system's explanation made sense.

"The Intermediate Mysterious-Rank should be adequate for the Master stage of a fighter. It's perfect," Lu Yunxiao commented with a grin.

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