
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Siluet Tsing Yi




Lu Yunxiao and the second-order muddy sand spider engaged in a fierce battle within the group of muddy sand spiders.

The Feihong Sword clashed with the spider's leg with each strike, creating a series of ringing sounds.

Unlike before where Lu Yunxiao had a slight upper hand, this time he found himself in a disadvantaged position.

The second-order muddy sand spider was already powerful enough to match Lu Yunxiao's strength, and the presence of numerous first-order muddy sand spiders further complicated the fight.

"The sword aura bursts!" Lu Yunxiao's voice was low as he released a burst of sharp sword aura in all directions, clearing out the Tier 1 muddy sand spiders near him, creating a three-meter buffer zone around him.

Holding the Flying Rainbow Sword, Lu Yunxiao faced off against the second-order muddy sand spider.

"Hey!" The second-order muddy sand spider roared, its huge legs sweeping through the air as it issued some kind of command.

Countless first-order muddy sand spiders halted their advance, standing a short distance away and spewing out khaki spider webs.

The webs were dense, covering the area and creating hundreds of cobwebs that entangled Lu Yunxiao. It was a trap, and if he got stuck, he would be paralyzed and lose the ability to fight, an easy prey for the spiders.

Lu Yunxiao's expression changed as he struggled against the webs, using his fighting spirit to push back the second-order muddy sand spider. With a powerful leap, he slashed his sword in a determined manner.

The sword energy spread out, shattering the webs and freeing the area around him.

Holding the Flying Rainbow Sword, he turned towards the second-order muddy sand spider.

"Hey!" The second-order muddy sand spider let out a cry and retreated into the group of first-order spiders behind it, using its superior positioning to control the situation.

Lu Yunxiao was determined to kill the second-order muddy sand spider, the mastermind behind the group, to disrupt their command structure.

Lu Yunxiao rushed forward with intense attacks, wielding his innate Gengjin fighting spirit. The sharp sword aura left deep wounds on the second-order muddy sand spider, forcing it back steadily.

"Break!" Lu Yunxiao roared, slashing the second-order muddy sand spider's legs with the Feihong Sword.

The second-order muddy sand spider roared in pain and retreated, jumping back into the midst of the spider swarm. It seemed to be issuing orders to its subordinates.

As Lu Yunxiao pursued, he was blocked by a surge of first-order muddy sand spiders, each taking turns attacking him.

"Move!" Lu Yunxiao's sword swept, cutting down several Tier 1 muddy sand spiders blocking his way.

However, this delay allowed the second-order muddy sand spider to successfully position itself, commanding the group of first-order spiders and inching closer to Lu Yunxiao while spewing webs at him.

"Damn it, this is bad!" Lu Yunxiao's face grew grim. He realized that the second-order spider had outsmarted him, keeping its distance and coordinating the first-order spiders' efforts to trap him.

Surrounded by the spiders, Lu Yunxiao's energy was draining rapidly. His only hope was to eliminate the second-order spider and disrupt their strategy.

"Gather the thief and capture the king!" Lu Yunxiao thought to himself. He had to find a way to target the second-order spider, hoping that killing it would demoralize the rest and give him a chance to escape.

He fought fiercely, his attacks turning more violent. His Gengjin fighting spirit surged, unleashing a barrage of powerful sword strikes that left the Tier 1 spiders shredded in his wake.

Lu Yunxiao planned to unleash his ultimate move, "Flying Fairy Beyond the Sky," which was incredibly powerful but also highly energy-draining.

As he prepared to strike, several cyan sword auras suddenly rained down from the sky, tearing through the spiders like paper.

The sudden change surprised Lu Yunxiao, causing him to halt his impending attack.

Looking up, he saw a figure dressed in blue appearing in the sky. Although distant, her slender form and sword-wielding actions seemed familiar to him.

She effortlessly swept through the spiders, her sword aura obliterating them, including the second-order muddy sand spider which fell to pieces.

Lu Yunxiao's eyes were fixed on the figure, his recognition dawning. The cyan figure with wind attribute sword aura overlapped with someone he remembered from his past encounters.