
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

One Strike

The longsword struck with a cyan wind attribute vindictiveness, emitting a sharp, gleaming sword aura.

As a pinnacle Nine Star Fighting Master, Zhang Lingfeng's strike was undeniably impressive. The sword aura surged forward like a venomous snake, approaching Lu Yunxiao at incredible speed.

The blue sword aura swept through the air, producing a shrill, whistling sound as it aimed to pierce Lu Yunxiao's throat.

"Is that all?" Lu Yunxiao raised an eyebrow slightly, his eyes glowing with golden vindictiveness. He extended his fingers straight out. When Zhang Lingfeng's longsword thrust forward, Lu Yunxiao simply clamped it between his fingers.

With a slight application of pressure, the vindictive energy on the longsword vanished, the wind ceased its howling, and the sword aura dissipated, all while the slender blade remained locked between Lu Yunxiao's two fingers.


The sudden turn of events prompted exclamations from the audience. No one had expected that Lu Yunxiao would effortlessly catch Zhang Lingfeng's powerful attack with just two fingers, leaving the spectators in awe.

Zhang Lingfeng himself was taken aback, his anger surging. He couldn't believe that Lu Yunxiao would underestimate him to such an extent.

"Let go!" Zhang Lingfeng seethed with anger as he forcefully attempted to pull back his longsword. However, it felt as if the sword was glued in place by Lu Yunxiao's fingers and wouldn't budge despite Zhang Lingfeng's immense effort.

"If you insist," Lu Yunxiao replied with a faint smile. He flicked his finger, and the longsword quickly retreated. Caught off guard, Zhang Lingfeng, who had been exerting force, stumbled backward seven or eight steps before regaining his balance, looking rather embarrassed.

"Enough of the games. Let's continue," Lu Yunxiao whispered and extended his right hand. A silver-white longsword materialized instantly. Holding the sword horizontally, Lu Yunxiao executed a casual and effortless sword strike.

The longsword descended with a dazzling cold light, emanating a chilling and sharp aura.

Zhang Lingfeng felt an icy grip tightening around him, raising the hair on his skin and igniting a profound sense of danger within him.

"Fighting Spirit Armor!"

"Mystic-level intermediate combat skill, Armor of the Martial Situation!"

Confronted with this perilous situation, Zhang Lingfeng unleashed all his hidden cards, including the rudimentary fighting spirit armor that hadn't fully formed yet.


The blue sword light shattered the fighting skills of Zhang Lingfeng, breaking his rudimentary fighting spirit armor. The cold light struck Zhang Lingfeng immediately.

The simple fighting spirit armor crumbled, and Zhang Lingfeng was sent flying like a broken kite, crashing out of the arena.

In just one sword strike, Zhang Lingfeng, a pinnacle Nine Star Fighting Master, was soundly defeated.

The crowd fell into stunned silence at this incredible display of Lu Yunxiao's strength. After a brief period of quiet, enthusiastic cheers erupted, shaking the sky.

"The battle is over, and Lu Yunxiao of the second squad of Huangjie emerges victorious."

With Zhang Lingfeng lying outside the arena, the referee declared Lu Yunxiao the winner.

"Sorry, brother, for such a humiliating defeat. But, it's your fate for being in the fourth class of Xuanjie," Lu Yunxiao muttered as he made his way down from the square, his steps bathed in the adoring gazes of countless female students.

"Ah, you're amazing, Brother Yunxiao!"

"Just one sword, incredible!"

"Great job, Brother Yunxiao!"

Lu Yunxiao was met with fervent applause and support from the students upon his return.

"Yunxiao, excellent," Instructor Ruolin praised, her eyes filled with admiration.

If Teacher Ruolin had any doubts about Lu Yunxiao's ability to enter the inner courtyard before, she certainly didn't now. Defeating Zhang Lingfeng with a single sword was a testament to Lu Yunxiao's combat prowess, which was more than sufficient for the inner courtyard.

"Teacher Ruolin," Lu Yunxiao greeted with a smile, his face calm. Winning against Zhang Lingfeng seemed like a matter of course to him.

"You always maintain that calm demeanor," Teacher Ruolin remarked with a helpless smile. Nearly a year had passed, and she had never seen Lu Yunxiao exhibit arrogance. He remained gentle and composed, not resembling a fifteen-year-old at all.

Lu Yunxiao shrugged in response, choosing not to comment.

"Did he really win like that?" Hu Jia, sitting in the high stand, asked incredulously.

While she had jokingly suggested that Zhang Lingfeng could defeat Lu Yunxiao, she knew deep down that Lu Yunxiao was bound to win. However, she hadn't expected the victory to be so swift and decisive.

Hugan had even suggested it would take ten moves, but Lu Yunxiao had achieved victory in a single stroke. His growing prowess was becoming increasingly terrifying.

"This young man possesses a treasure, likely Spirit Gold. It's extremely rare, and having it signifies his exceptional talent. Girl, you have to work hard; Lu Yunxiao is quite impressive," Hu Gan commented with a sigh. Spirit Gold was a treasure on par with Fire Essence and extremely scarce. If he hadn't been well-read and knowledgeable, he might not have recognized it.

"Cut, I'm not any worse than him, and I'll prove it," Hu Jia retorted, her eyes ablaze with determination. Lu Yunxiao's strength had kindled her fierce fighting spirit.

The trials continued with one round after another. After defeating Zhang Lingfeng, Lu Yunxiao encountered several opponents, including fighting masters and great fighting masters. However, all of them fell to his sword.

None could withstand a single sword strike, not even a genuine Great Fighter, even if they wore complete battle armor. This astounding feat solidified Lu Yunxiao's reputation across the outer courtyard. His reputation was no longer based on his genius, otherworldly appearance, or rumors about his interactions with the little demon girl. Instead, it was due to his sheer strength.

Lu Yunxiao had now become a prominent contender for the top five positions, standing shoulder to shoulder with the four courtyard masters in terms of combat prowess. His ability to defeat a Great Fighter within seconds, even if only a one-star Great Fighter, was enough to prove his strength.

Whenever Lu Yunxiao appeared, he garnered the undivided attention of his opponents, who were now thoroughly wary of him.

Today marked the last day of the trials, and the battles took on a different format. Unlike the one-on-one duels of previous years, this year featured a chaotic battle.