
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Little Lolita in White

In a somewhat spacious room, Lu Yunxiao was busy with brewing. This task required both technical expertise and a significant amount of time. Lu Yunxiao had sought the assistance of Elder Liu to arrange this room for the purpose of winemaking.

What he intended to brew was Bijing Wine, with Bijing Fruit as the primary ingredient, complemented by other components such as the Magic Core of a Bijing Python, Bishuiling Root, Heguhua, Xuanhuaguo, Xuebai Ginseng, and more.

Some of these herbs had been prepared during his time in the outer courtyard, while others were obtained through exchanges in the inner courtyard. The process had nearly depleted the fire energy in his card.

Bijing Wine, once brewed, exhibited a striking bluish-green color, a pure and transparent appearance, a robust aroma, and a refreshing sweetness, making it a top-tier delicacy.

The brewing process required various steps. The flesh of the Bijing Fruit had to be converted into pure juice, along with other fruits and medicinal materials. The Magic Core needed to be purified to extract its pure energy. Finally, all these components had to be meticulously mixed, and fermentation initiated. Any misstep could necessitate restarting the process from scratch.

Even with his intermediate winemaking skills, Lu Yunxiao couldn't afford to be careless during his first winemaking attempt. He had been working on this task for over half a month.

Estimating the timing, Lu Yunxiao believed that the Bijing Wine should be nearly ready by now.

With that thought in mind, he took a few steps forward and gently opened the lid of the wine barrel. The barrel, a substantial one, had more than half of its capacity filled with the Bijing Fruit Wine.

Upon lifting the lid, a vibrant turquoise wine met his eyes, emanating a greenish-blue brilliance. A white spiritual mist wafted from the surface, and a rich wine aroma enveloped the room, causing Lu Yunxiao to unconsciously swallow.

"Why does it smell so sweet?" Lu Yunxiao mused, finding himself eager to drink. This Bijing Fruit Wine exuded an incredibly enticing fragrance, reminiscent of fresh fruit, and it was hard to resist.

Lu Yunxiao fetched a wooden scoop, scooped up a portion of the wine from the barrel, and brought it to his lips. Tilting the scoop, the green wine flowed directly into his mouth.

Upon the first sip, he noticed the wine's coolness, its gentle and soft texture, its sweetness lingering on the palate. While it was called wine, it resembled juice, and the flavor was exceptionally delightful.

"But the alcohol content in this wine isn't low," Lu Yunxiao remarked. Despite its deliciousness, this wine could easily lead to inebriation.

The wine was highly concentrated in energy. Lu Yunxiao estimated that a bottle of this wine would be equivalent in value to a fourth-grade pill, and this was considered a relatively high-grade wine.

In other words, the wine was of fourth-grade quality, and unlike pills, its effects were gentle, making it highly conducive to cultivation.

"It seems that my first attempt at winemaking was quite successful. When this barrel is filled and each bottle is measured at one catty, there should be hundreds of bottles, perhaps even more."

"Well, it looks like I'll be quite well-off."

Lu Yunxiao grinned with satisfaction, setting the wooden scoop aside. Judging by the outcome, his initial winemaking endeavor had progressed remarkably well.

"Next, I can prepare to help Elder Liu craft Powangling Wine. This wine is of the sixth rank, and the difficulty is significantly higher than that of Bijing Fruit Wine."

Lu Yunxiao murmured softly to himself. Crafting a six-grade spirit wine was the highest level achievable with his intermediate winemaking skills. If he didn't focus entirely on the process, the likelihood of failure was quite high.

"What smells so good!" Just as Lu Yunxiao was lost in thought, a melodious voice suddenly reached his ears.

Looking up, he spotted a little girl dressed in white with two ponytails, who had seemingly appeared in the room out of thin air.

Indeed, she had appeared out of nowhere.

Lu Yunxiao hadn't heard any sound prior to her arrival, indicating that this little girl had simply walked through the wall.

The girl was impeccably beautiful, with a small face resembling sculpted jade. Her bright eyes twinkled with wisdom and agility.

She appeared quite young, likely around ten years old, if not younger than twelve. Her overall appearance was cute and endearing.

However, the faintly discernible aura of power emanating from her body made Lu Yunxiao pause. It was the oppressive force characteristic of a Douwang-level practitioner.

In other words, the little girl before him possessed the power of a Douwang.

"I'm guessing you are..." Lu Yunxiao's gaze flickered as he made a conjecture.

"My name is Zi Yan," the little girl replied softly. Her eyes, though fixed on the Bijing Fruit Wine, had a trace of a transparent thread of saliva trickling down. Evidently, she was incredibly tempted by the sight.

"Feel free to drink if you want," Lu Yunxiao said with a gentle smile. Zi Yan had likely been waiting for this opportunity. As soon as Lu Yunxiao spoke, she transformed into a gust of wind, reaching the wine barrel in an instant. Simultaneously, the wooden scoop in Lu Yunxiao's hand vanished, only to reappear in Zi Yan's grasp as she scooped the wine and started drinking eagerly.

"Be careful; this is wine, and too much can make you drunk," Lu Yunxiao warned. Confirming Zi Yan's true identity, he felt a sense of kinship with her. This girl was quite adorable, and he had a favorable impression of her based on his knowledge from the original story.

Furthermore, Zi Yan was a Taixu Cologne with a talent for treasure hunting. Given his desire for Geocentric Body Emulsion, Zi Yan might be able to assist him in obtaining it.

"It's delicious," Zi Yan sighed softly, having consumed more than a dozen scoops. She gradually reduced her pace, her cheeks slightly flushed, exuding an irresistible cuteness.

Rolling her large eyes, she stared at Lu Yunxiao, appearing somewhat intrigued. It was her first time meeting someone who had offered her a drink, and there was an appealing aroma emanating from him that made her instinctively want to get closer.

"If you haven't had your fill, you can take some with you," Lu Yunxiao suggested, his smile reflecting his warm-heartedness.