
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs


"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the achievement, the champion of the inner court trials, rewarding an amethyst gourd, and a Dragon Slashing Sword."

"Amethyst gourd, cast from heaven and earth's spiritual thing, amethyst chalcedony, contains space and can hold everything."

"The Dragon Slashing Sword, the seventh-rank low-level, comes from the world of Zhuxian. It is cast by the green crystals under the Southern Territory. It contains the righteousness of the heavens and the earth. It is a nine-day **** soldier. Supernatural power."

After winning the championship in the inner court trials, Lu Yunxiao received his achievement rewards in his dormitory. He examined the amethyst gourd and the Dragon Slashing Sword with great interest.

The amethyst gourd, made from amethyst chalcedony, was designed to hold various items and had spatial properties. It would be perfect for storing his precious spirit wine without losing its medicinal properties.

The Dragon Slashing Sword was a remarkable weapon, a seventh-rank low-level spirit soldier from the Zhuxian world. It radiated a brilliant blue light, and its blade was more than three feet long. Lu Yunxiao unsheathed it, and it emitted a dragon-like sword roar, its blue light illuminating the room.

Lu Yunxiao felt a strong connection with the Dragon Slashing Sword. It was evident that this sword was not an ordinary weapon and had a high level of spirituality.

"This sword is impressive. It suits me quite well," Lu Yunxiao commented, examining the sword with satisfaction. It was undoubtedly a significant upgrade from his previous Feihong Sword, which he considered a mortal-level weapon. The Dragon Slashing Sword, on the other hand, was a spirit soldier with tremendous potential.

With the Dragon Slashing Sword in hand, Lu Yunxiao's combat abilities would significantly improve.

"I'll take good care of you from now on," Lu Yunxiao said to the sword, his hand gently caressing its blade. He then sheathed the sword and began to meditate, recovering his expended energy from the recent battle.

Three days had passed since the Inner Court trials. During this time, Lu Yunxiao and the others had recuperated. It was now time for them to receive rewards from the library.

Hu Gan, the vice-president of the Outer Hospital, led Lu Yunxiao and the other top five participants to the library. The library contained a vast array of treasures, including ground-level techniques, seventh-level pills, seventh-level magic cores, rare herbs, and precious gems.

As the top five participants, they were each entitled to choose one item from the library.

Lu Yunxiao's choice was clear. He wanted to find a set of low-level ice attribute combat skills for Hai Bodong. Hai Bodong had treated him kindly over the years, and Lu Yunxiao wanted to repay him by helping him improve his strength.

The Jiama Empire, where Hai Bodong came from, had limited access to high-level cultivation techniques. Lu Yunxiao wanted to help him acquire a set of ground-level combat skills, something that would greatly benefit his cultivation.

When they arrived at the library, they saw a massive valley with cliffs on three sides. In the center of the valley was a large pavilion with an ancient plaque bearing the three characters "Cangshu Pavilion." The characters appeared aged and carried a profound artistic conception.

Hu Gan explained that they had to request permission from the guardians of the library, who were two elders at the peak of the Nine Star Dou Sect. These elders had been guarding Canaan Academy for many years and were incredibly powerful.

As they approached the pavilion, the two elders appeared out of thin air. One of them, an old man in a gray robe, scrutinized Lu Yunxiao with sharp eyes and noticed his star spirit gold. The other elder remarked on Lu Yunxiao's talent, acknowledging his control over star spirit gold at such a young age.

They identified Lu Yunxiao's star spirit gold as the seventh-ranked one, praising his talent.

Lu Yunxiao respectfully introduced himself, acknowledging their praise. These two elders, known as Qian Lao and Bai Lao, were formidable figures at Canaan Academy and could easily sweep through the entire Black Point region if they left the academy.

After the introductions, the elders opened the entrance to the library. The space before them rippled like water, and a portal appeared. However, the elders reminded them that there was an energy barrier protecting the items inside, and they couldn't force their way through it.

Lu Yunxiao and the others nodded in understanding. They were ready to explore the treasures within the Cangshu Pavilion