
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

I met Xiao Yan for the first time

"Yes, I thought you were indifferent to me, but I didn't expect you to actually come," Xiao Yu said with a bright smile. Lu Yunxiao's arrival as scheduled had made her very happy.

"Because I've agreed, how can I not come? I'm not the type of person who breaks contracts," Lu Yunxiao replied with a slight smile, his gaze then turned to Mentor Ruolin.

"Mentor Ruolin, I heard that you've been promoted to the Xuan level mentor. Congratulations!" Lu Yunxiao extended his hand and congratulated her.

"Thank you. If you hadn't taken the first place and entered the inner courtyard, I wouldn't have been promoted to the mysterious stage mentor so quickly," Instructor Ruolin replied with a smile. She had always aspired to become a Xuan level instructor, and now, with Lu Yunxiao's help, it had finally happened.

"It's very fortunate for me to recruit Lu Yunxiao, a student from Mocheng," she thought.

"Are you still accustomed to living in the inner courtyard?" Instructor Ruolin inquired.

"Yes, Xiao Yunxiao, is the inner courtyard enjoyable?"

"Are there many geniuses in the inner courtyard? I heard that there are so many masters in there."

A group of female students whispered among themselves.

"The inner courtyard indeed has many masters, and the competition is much fiercer than in the outer courtyard. As for whether it's enjoyable or not, I can only say it's alright. In fact, the outer courtyard is more interesting," Lu Yunxiao replied with a smile.

"By the way, Junior Yunxiao, what just happened? Why did Rob look so panicked?" Xue Ni turned her eyes and asked with a smile.

Rob's expression appeared somewhat strange, as if he were frightened.

"It's really nothing, right, Senior Rob?" Lu Yunxiao spoke gently and glanced at Rob.

"It's nothing, really. I just saw Junior Lu here, and I was a bit surprised," Rob quickly replied, secretly grateful that Lu Yunxiao had said he didn't care about things that he didn't want him to get into earlier. For the time being, everyone seemed relaxed.

"That's Lu Yunxiao for you. Someone like him can only be looked up to. If we were to ask him to settle scores, he probably wouldn't even consider it," Xue Ni naturally didn't believe what they were saying, but since Lu Yunxiao was too lazy to explain, she didn't press further.

Although she was a bit mischievous and playful, her scale was quite good. Lu Yunxiao's gaze shifted, scanning one by one, pausing briefly on certain figures before shifting to Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu, these should be the children from the Xiaomu family, right? Why didn't you introduce me to them?" Lu Yunxiao looked at Xiao Yu and said with a smile.

"I wanted to introduce you too, but there hasn't been a chance to speak with them," Xiao Yu replied, giving Lu Yunxiao a playful look. This guy was so popular that he started chatting as soon as he arrived, and she had to find an opportunity to introduce him.

"Hey, Yuer, do you blame us for entrapping Junior Yunxiao?" Xue Ni laughed.

"Forget it, I'll let it slide," Xiao Yu was about to hit Xue Ni, but Xue Ni quickly hid behind Instructor Ruolin, and a few giggling female students surrounded her.

Xiao Yu glanced at this group and then led Lu Yunxiao a few steps forward, saying, "This one here is Lu Yunxiao. He's the number one genius in the outer courtyard of Jia Nan Academy. A true talent in the world."

"Yun Xiao, this is my incompetent little brother, Xiao Ning. He's a new student at the school this time."

Of course, Xiao Yu introduced her own sibling first.

"A nine-stage spirit enthusiast, not bad, this young man is quite energetic, it seems like it won't be long before he tries to challenge the fighters," Lu Yunxiao glanced at Xiao Ning, who was also one of the poor souls with a background in anti-inflammatory medicine.

"My brother is older than you, and you're calling him a young man? If I remember correctly, you're only fifteen years old, and my brother is eighteen," Xiao Yu rolled her eyes and said.

"Age doesn't matter. I enrolled before your brother, so I can be considered his senior. It shouldn't be a problem to call him a young man," Lu Yunxiao stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yu pursed her lips, and Lu Yunxiao's words made sense.

"Senior Lu, hello!" Xiao Ning bowed, his expression a bit restrained. Although he was used to being arrogant in the Xiao family, he felt a bit nervous and uneasy in front of Lu Yunxiao, the number one genius of Jia Nan Academy.

"Hello," Lu Yunxiao naturally returned the greeting with a smile and then turned his gaze back to follow Xiao Yu.

"This is Xiao Mei, she's in the same year as you, but she's also a new student this year. She looks very pretty," Xiao Yu then introduced Xiao Mei.

"Very beautiful, a fifteen-year-old nine-stage spirit enthusiast has good talent," Lu Yunxiao looked at Xiao Mei. Xiao Mei was indeed pretty, but not exceptionally so. Compared to Xiao Yu, their appearances weren't much different, but Xiao Yu's legs would instantly kill her in a matter of seconds.

Of course, this was Lu Yunxiao's high standards. In the eyes of others, Xiao Mei was already a rare beauty.

"Senior Lu, you're so kind," Xiao Mei curtsied with a pair of beautiful eyes shining like stars. With Lu Yunxiao's outstanding appearance and the title of the number one genius, it was very touching to the hearts of these little girls.


Lu Yunxiao naturally noticed Xiao Mei's gaze, but he didn't feel anything. He had long been used to such gazes since a long time ago.

"As for this person, just call him Xiao Yan."

After Xiao Mei finished introducing, it was Xiao Yan's turn, but judging from Xiao Yu's attitude, it seemed that she wasn't very close to Xiao Yan.

"Is he Xiao Yan? A four-star fighter, not bad."

Seeing the black-clad young man in front of him, Lu Yunxiao's eyes flashed. Was this the anti-inflammatory medicine?

Well, his appearance could only be considered refined, somewhat handsome, but he couldn't compare to the big handsome men. Compared to him, the gap was quite obvious.

"Do you know me?" Xiao Yan's eyes were slightly confused. The guy who gathered everyone's attention even knew him?

And why was this guy so handsome?

Xiao Yan muttered in his heart, he had never paid too much attention to appearance, after all, in the land of revenge, strength was respected, but Lu Yunxiao's handsomeness still made him slightly mesmerized. This guy was very handsome and made people a little jealous.

Also, he could see the strength of a four-star fighter at a glance. This insight made Xiao Yan's heart slightly stunned, but he couldn't sense the depth of Lu Yunxiao at all.

Was this the genius from Jia Nan Academy?

Sure enough, there were so many geniuses in the world, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

"I heard Xiao Yu mention it earlier, she said you're a little pervert who's horny..."

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