
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Hujia's Nature

The rest of the students exchanged doubtful glances at Lu Yunxiao. A stunning young woman had just made the first move, and typically, most men wouldn't decline such an offer.

Moreover, the Little Demon Girl was far from ordinary. Her exceptional qualities, both in terms of identity and talent, made her confession even more alluring. Most people would readily accept her affection, making Lu Yunxiao's swift rejection perplexing to them.

In their view, the situation was baffling.

Facing Hu Jia's incredulous gaze and her passionate expression, Lu Yunxiao examined her delicate features closely and smiled, "You're beautiful, and your figure is exceptional. Among the students, few can match your appearance."

Hu Jia's eyes blinked in response, her lips forming a half-smile. His acknowledgement of her attractiveness didn't go unnoticed.

"Then why are you rejecting me? Do you think so little of me?" Hu Jia asked, a mix of confusion and irritation evident in her voice.

She was frustrated. Lu Yunxiao's refusal was swift and unambiguous. Did he truly look down on her?

With a calm demeanor, Lu Yunxiao set aside the scroll he held and spoke gently, "I don't think so little of you. In fact, you are quite exceptional. However, my refusal is due to our recent introduction and my perception of dishonesty and disrespect."

"Why am I being accused of dishonesty and disrespect?" Hu Jia retorted, her disbelief clear in her tone.

She was nursing the wound of her confession's humiliation. How could Lu Yunxiao consider her disrespectful?

Lu Yunxiao's lips twitched slightly at Hu Jia's spirited response. He was already planning to let her down gently, but her persistence prompted a change in his approach.

Lifting his gaze, Lu Yunxiao met Hu Jia's eyes and spoke with a calm smile, "You are indeed well-known. Do you know why?"

"What do you mean?" Hu Jia replied impatiently, her status within the academy already assured.

"You're known for your attraction to women," Lu Yunxiao stated matter-of-factly.

Hu Jia was taken aback by his response. How did he know this? He had only been at the academy for a short time and was believed to be focused solely on cultivation. How did he know about her preferences?

"A person who has a strong interest in women suddenly confesses to me. Do you think I should readily believe it?" Lu Yunxiao asked calmly.

"Even if I had those inclinations before, can't my feelings change? After meeting you, can't I be drawn to men instead? Is it fair to reject me based solely on my past? My confession in front of so many people should be credible enough, right?" Hu Jia argued passionately.

For a moment, Hu Jia's spirited defense caught Lu Yunxiao off guard. Her reaction was stronger than he had anticipated.

Observing Hu Jia's demeanor, Lu Yunxiao's lips twitched slightly. It seemed she wouldn't see reason until he dismantled her illusion.

Meeting her gaze evenly, he continued, "Have you ever considered whether your confession was convincing or not? Did you ever feel moved by your own words, even for a moment?"

"Well, of course," Hu Jia responded softly.

She believed her performance had been impeccable. She had conveyed her affection earnestly, and her confession had been genuinely heartfelt. In her mind, she had executed it flawlessly.

"Not at all," Lu Yunxiao said simply.

This verdict was like a bolt of lightning striking Hu Jia. She stood frozen, the realization crashing over her. Lu Yunxiao had managed to discern her insincerity, exposing her carefully orchestrated confession.

Onlookers were equally astounded. While they had found Hu Jia's confession unusual, they hadn't identified any flaws. Lu Yunxiao, however, had effortlessly detected the discrepancies. They marveled at his perceptive insight.

Lu Yunxiao's calm demeanor despite Hu Jia's heartfelt confession left everyone in awe. His ability to see through her was truly remarkable.

"Lu Yunxiao!" Hu Jia's voice quivered with anger and frustration.

Her face was flushed with embarrassment. Lu Yunxiao had publicly declined her advances and then proceeded to criticize her acting skills. His final comment had been nothing short of a taunt.

His taunt had even been a play on words!

Surrounded by the curious gazes of onlookers, Hu Jia discarded her genteel facade, revealing her true nature as the Little Demon Girl. Her initial gentleness had transformed into anger, and all she wanted now was to confront Lu Yunxiao and vent her frustration.

"Why, can't keep up the pretense? Just as I thought, your true nature is showing now."

Lu Yunxiao smiled as he continued to speak.

"You said it, Lu Yunxiao. You're going down," Hu Jia declared with a determined glint in her eye.

The humiliation of being rejected by Lu Yunxiao, coupled with his public criticism of her performance, fueled her anger. All she wanted was to give him a piece of her mind and teach him a lesson he wouldn't forget.