
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Discovery in the Abyss: Unveiling the Secret of Lingjin

Wu Hao's attack had seemingly weakened the Green Crystal Python considerably, rendering it more manageable.

However, even without Wu Hao's intervention, Lu Yunxiao could still take down this early Tier 3 Green Crystal Python on his own. The surge of power brought about by his growing fighting spirit instilled him with unwavering confidence.

Ten months of dedicated practice had not been in vain. Lu Yunxiao was content with his substantial progress.

With the Feihong Sword, he cleanly severed the head of the Green Crystal Python. A vibrant emerald magic core emerged from the severed head.

Lu Yunxiao extended his hand and gently collected the magic core. A third-order magic core held value, making it a decent commodity on the market.

Bijing Python was a wood-attribute monster with a trace of water attribute. Its magic core ranked fairly high among third-order magic cores.

Dual-attribute monsters were scarce; they generally possessed balanced attributes and immense potential for growth.

However, it was rarer for a monster to possess two attributes in harmony. More commonly, they had secondary attributes. Encountering such creatures wasn't unusual; for example, Lu Yunxiao had encountered the Red-Tailed Flame Sand Snake before encountering the Bijing Python today.

Interestingly, both these encounters involved snake monsters.

The Bijing Python's magic core was smooth and round, emanating a slight chill. Lu Yunxiao touched it before tossing it to Wu Hao.

Each Bijing Python yielded only one magic core, raising the question of distribution. As Wu Hao had taken a blow for him earlier, Lu Yunxiao decided to give him the magic core.

Yet, to his surprise, Wu Hao tossed it back.

"You should keep it. You defeated it, and I have no use for it," Wu Hao said firmly.

"All right," Lu Yunxiao accepted, no longer declining Wu Hao's offer. Excessive modesty would have appeared insincere.

Furthermore, the magic core was a valuable material for brewing wine.

After storing the magic core, he sheathed the Feihong Sword, allowing the fighting spirit to dissipate. He and Wu Hao exchanged a glance before crossing the pool together, landing on the small mound.

Before them stood a three-meter-tall Bijing fruit tree adorned with four sparkling, radiant Bijing fruits, glistening brilliantly in the sunlight.

Lu Yunxiao plucked them and placed the fruits in two jade boxes. Jade boxes were the most common and effective containers for storing medicines and elixirs.

They split the four Bijing fruits—two each for Lu Yunxiao and Wu Hao—fairly.

"Wu Hao, let's go," Wu Hao suggested softly, clearly content with his two Bijing fruits.

"Actually, we might have to wait a bit," Lu Yunxiao interjected, his head tilted.

"Huh?" Wu Hao's brow furrowed, confusion evident.

"I've discovered something new," Lu Yunxiao replied cryptically, delving into his thoughts once more.

"System, now's the time. Can you explain that attraction to me?" Lu Yunxiao queried mentally.

"Host, remember Lingjin?" The system's voice echoed within Lu Yunxiao's mind.

"Lingjin?" Lu Yunxiao paused, recalling an entry from ancient texts. "I've come across mentions of it in some ancient texts. It's as renowned as Different Fire, but extremely rare—much scarcer than Different Fire. Hence, not many on the mainland know of it."

Different Fire was widely recognized on the mainland, while Lingjin remained relatively obscure.

"Are you referring to Lingjin now? Could it be..." Lu Yunxiao's mind connected the dots, surprise evident in his tone.

"Yes, your attraction to that object stems from Lingjin. An innate elemental body naturally resonates with its associated element and consequently responds to Lingjin," the system confirmed.

"Who would've thought that after all my bad luck, this would finally happen," Lu Yunxiao mused.

"You've got it right. The host is generally unlucky, but this time, it's an unexpected fortune," the system chimed in with amusement.

"So you mean there's Lingjin here. But where?" Lu Yunxiao surveyed the area, yet found no trace.

"Heavenly treasures inherently hold their own secrets. Finding Lingjin won't be a straightforward task. Host, remember: Gold generates Water in the cycle of the Five Elements."

"Could it be that this valley, which seems ordinary, has abundant spiritual energy and various herbs, and also births the unique Bijing fruit tree, is due to the presence of Lingjin?" Lu Yunxiao's eyes lit up as he pieced it together.

Indeed, the cycle of the Five Elements connected Gold to Water, giving rise to aquatic trees. This explained the presence of numerous herbs and spiritual energy fostering the growth of the Bijing fruit tree.

In essence, the presence of Lingjin likely influenced the area.

"So, Lingjin is beneath this water. The water acted as a barrier, causing the sensation I felt to be vague and faint," Lu Yunxiao concluded, a gleam of understanding in his eyes.

"Very sharp, Host. Don't forget, Gold generates Water. Lingjin, as a form of Gold, naturally generates a water environment," the system elucidated.

"There's nothing unusual about this valley on the surface. Yet, due to the Five Elements' cycle and Lingjin's presence, this extraordinary environment facilitated the emergence of the Bijing fruit tree," the system continued.

"In other words, the Lingjin is submerged underwater. My vague attraction was due to the barrier formed by the water," Lu Yunxiao realized, connecting the dots completely.

The system playfully commented, "You've caught on quickly."

"In that case…" Lu Yunxiao muttered, his gaze fixed on the water's surface.

"Yunxiao, what are you thinking?" Wu Hao inquired, noticing Lu Yunxiao's focused expression.

"I intend to go down," Lu Yunxiao declared.

"Go down? You mean dive again?" Wu Hao's eyes widened, bewildered by Lu Yunxiao's intentions.

"Yes, would you like to join me?" Lu Yunxiao didn't hide his purpose from Wu Hao. After all, Lingjin could only be refined by those with metallic vindictiveness—something Wu Hao, as a non-metallic individual, couldn't do.

This treasure was akin to an exclusive find.

"Sure," Wu Hao agreed, curiosity piqued by Lu Yunxiao's resolve.

"Let's do this," Lu Yunxiao affirmed, leaping into the water.

Wu Hao followed suit, and the two commenced their descent to the depths.

The pool's clarity was deceiving; its depth was significant, and the chill of its waters was palpable, even for Lu Yunxiao.

However, with his fighting energy enveloping him, Lu Yunxiao managed the plunge. After over ten minutes of descent, as he started to feel the cold intensify, he noticed a distortion ahead.

Extending his hand, he felt the spatial shift and was drawn in. An enchantment shield lay at the pool's bottom.

As he entered the shield, his surroundings expanded abruptly—a cavern lay before him. The enchantment had transported him into a cave.

The cave was expansive, its ceiling dotted with silver light spots that illuminated the cavern.

Upon closer inspection, the silver light spots weren't actually light—they were pieces of silver-white metal, glowing with fluorescence.