
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Desire to Join the Law Enforcement Team

The news from Dou Jige quickly spread, as anticipated, causing quite a stir.

Lu Yunxiao and Hu Jia, the protagonists, once again gained notoriety at Canaan Academy.

Particularly noteworthy were Hu Jia's confession and Lu Yunxiao's rejection, sparking numerous discussions for a while.

Lu Yunxiao's remark about Hu Jia being a tomboy garnered even more attention. The long-reigning "Little Demon Girl" of Canaan Academy finally faced a blow to her reputation.

Many students secretly cheered, nearly idolizing Lu Yunxiao.

Outside the window, the sun shone brightly, marking a week since the Douji Pavilion incident.

"Lu Yunxiao, you jerk, get out here!"

In front of Lu Yunxiao's dormitory in Town Wuyuan, Hu Jia's voice sounded sweet, the door occasionally vibrating from her kicks with her slender white legs.

"This woman just won't quit, will she?" Inside the dormitory, Lu Yunxiao's meditation was disrupted by her sudden outburst, causing his eyebrows to knit.

This marked the fifth day of her relentless pursuit, as Hu Jia remained oblivious to his exact location.

To be honest, he had never encountered such a persistently troublesome woman. Were it not for her being a woman, he might have knocked her down already.

Five days of incessant annoyance had managed to test his patience and even stirred a hint of irritation.

"Crunch!" Lu Yunxiao opened the door, finding Hu Jia standing there with an unhappy expression. To be fair, Hu Jia looked exceptionally attractive today, sporting beautiful shorts and revealing a snow-white waist and slender thighs that complemented her curvaceous figure, exuding a captivating charm.

Nevertheless, Lu Yunxiao remained unaffected. Gazing at her with a stern expression and hands on his hips, he furrowed his brow, and his voice turned icy. "Did you eat something that scrambled your brain and led you to bother me all day? Are you insane?"

"Your brain is the one that's scrambled. You were the one who called me a tomboy first, Lu Yunxiao. I demand an immediate apology!"

In response to Lu Yunxiao's words, Hu Jia raised an eyebrow and retorted softly.

Lu Yunxiao's labeling her as a tomboy had subjected her to mockery from fellow students. Her wounded pride required a personal apology.

"Am I wrong? How do you differ from a tomboy now? What happened to your femininity?"

Lu Yunxiao replied lightly. Apologizing was out of the question; it wasn't his first offense.

Had Hu Jia not taunted him before, he might not have labeled her as a tomboy based on his nature. Now, he found it excessive to expect an apology.

"Why don't I seem feminine anymore? Look, do I not appear like a woman? Do you need proof?"

Hu Jia proudly straightened her chest and approached Lu Yunxiao with enthusiasm, reaching out to take his hand.

"Stop!" Lu Yunxiao waved his hand hurriedly, a frown forming on his face. "Consider the influence. Instead of simply denying being a tomboy, why not embrace some femininity and self-respect? Have you noticed all the people watching us?"

He sighed inwardly. As he had predicted, Hu Jia was truly a handful. Her excitement bordered on recklessness.

"Who cares about them? Go away!" Hu Jia snapped, turning her head to address the students who were observing from the nearby dormitory.

Many students flinched and hastily shut their doors. They weren't Lu Yunxiao; they didn't dare provoke the "Little Demon Girl," Hu Jia.

A wry smile tugged at Lu Yunxiao's lips as he observed this scene. Hu Jia's explosive temperament was certainly something.

"There's no one here now," Hu Jia declared, shifting her attention back to Lu Yunxiao before continuing forward.

Seeing Hu Jia approach, Lu Yunxiao sidestepped, evading her advance.

"Can't you calm down?" Lu Yunxiao expressed his frustration.

"Then apologize to me," Hu Jia interrupted, her voice softening.

"I did nothing wrong, so I won't apologize. Do you think acting older suddenly makes you a woman? Take a leaf out of Ruolin's book if you want to understand real womanhood. The problem isn't with me; it's your self-perception. What girl behaves like you?"

Exhaling audibly, Lu Yunxiao closed the door to his room. He intended to be away for a few days. Dealing with the fiery Hu Jia was more than he cared to handle.

"Huh, who says a woman must be gentle? Can't she be strong?"

Hu Jia retorted without hesitation.

"Of course she can, but is that strength? It's more like recklessness, lacking the awareness of what it means to be a girl. Is labeling you a tomboy really wrong?"

"You may have the body of a woman, but your behavior mirrors that of a man."

Lu Yunxiao's lips curled into a wry smile as he left.

"Lu Yunxiao, wait! I challenge you to a duel, a fight to the death!"

Predictably, Lu Yunxiao's words triggered another outburst from Hu Jia.

"Are you insane!"

Lu Yunxiao muttered, shaking his head, as he swiftly darted away.

Unable to catch up with his agility, Hu Jia stomped her foot in frustration and reluctantly gave up the chase.

Meanwhile, Lu Yunxiao continued on his path, arriving at a building. This was the registration point for the Law Enforcement Team.

This time, his goal was twofold: to glean insights from the Law Enforcement Team and to escape the unrelenting Hu Jia.

The Law Enforcement Team had long been responsible for Canaan Academy's security. They also confronted the malevolent forces of the Black Point area, leading to frequent confrontations.

This was precisely what Lu Yunxiao sought. Swordsmanship was about killing, necessitating bloodshed to achieve mastery. The honing of skills required experiencing bloodshed to become stronger.

Moreover, joining the Law Enforcement Team earned him contribution points, which he could use to acquire sword-fighting techniques from enigmatic manuals.

The reception area and registration point were both situated on the first floor. Lu Yunxiao entered the building.

The hall was teeming with people engaged in hushed conversations, lending an air of liveliness.

A young woman, clad in the Law Enforcement Team's robe, stood behind the counter. Engaged in an animated discussion, she was evidently overseeing registrations. A taller female colleague was also involved in the conversation.

As he approached, Lu Yunxiao cast a fleeting glance at the young woman, sensing a vague familiarity. Although her back was turned, he felt a hint of recognition.

Suppressing his curiosity, he walked up to the counter.

"Excuse me, miss. I'd like to register."

Lu Yunxiao murmured, his gaze returning to the young woman, who seemed engrossed in conversation.