
Battle Through the Heavens : Elemental God

In this world, the spirit of fighting reigns supreme, and paradise is reserved only for the strong. Lu Yunxiao emerges from the void, his left hand clutching gleaming gold while his right hand wields a blazing fire. A river of holy water rages beneath him, accompanied by an unending chorus of gods and thunderous roars. Across the vast mainland, the formidable are plentiful. Amidst this tumultuous realm, he is fated to become a master of vicissitudes, controlling every twist and turn! Remember, all content is presented purely for the sake of entertainment. Please refrain from taking it seriously. ------This is a Translation------- Alternate Title : 斗破之元素封神 Status : Ongoing Author : The clouds are also popular

DaoistH0Nusn · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Beyond the S-level evildoer

"Teacher, about what you asked earlier, I'm fourteen years old, not a three-year-old kid. Understanding such matters is only natural," Lu Yunxiao responded, his tone flat.

"Oh? Really? In that case, does our little genius have a crush on anyone?" Instructor Ruolin inquired, a smile gracing her lips.

"Why do you ask, Instructor Ruolin? Are you interested in my personal life?" Lu Yunxiao didn't give a direct answer, instead narrowing his eyes and posing a rhetorical question.

"The instructor is just being kind, thinking that if you don't have someone you like, perhaps the instructor could introduce you to someone. There are plenty of beautiful young women at Canaan College," Instructor Ruolin replied, her smile undisturbed.

"I appreciate your consideration, but there's no need. I'll pursue someone I like on my own," Lu Yunxiao said calmly.

"It's a missed opportunity, then," Instructor Ruolin lamented, shaking her head.

Lu Yunxiao merely curled his lips and didn't engage further. He realized that despite Instructor Ruolin's gentle demeanor, she was no lightweight when it came to conversation. Her approach leaned towards the tactical side; she knew how to play her cards well.

Certainly, not every woman was as innocent as Yun Yun. Though around the same age as Instructor Ruolin, Yun Yun had a more conservative disposition. She was pure, kind, and steadfast in matters of the heart. Lu Yunxiao couldn't help but feel a little lost in thought when he recalled Yun Yun, the breathtaking figure that had captured his attention from the very beginning. The allure of this woman was truly captivating; after only a few days, her image had etched itself into his mind, refusing to fade away.

"One day, you will be mine, and that day isn't too far off," Lu Yunxiao resolved silently. Yun Yun had left a profound impact on him, making her the first woman he had yearned for in so many years.

"Since you're keen on Yun Yun, focus on self-improvement. Strength is your foundation," the system interjected.

"Of course, I'll do everything I can to accelerate my growth," Lu Yunxiao responded with determination. His commitment to becoming stronger had never wavered.

In a world like the Doupo Continent, strength was the bedrock for all endeavors. Without it, one couldn't retain what they gained. This lesson was ingrained in Lu Yunxiao from the start.

With Instructor Ruolin by his side, Lu Yunxiao's gaze shifted to observe the proceedings. His eyes scanned horizontally, catching sight of a group of new students gathering outside the door.

Instructor Ruolin also withdrew her attention from Lu Yunxiao, directing her gaze toward the incoming newcomers.

Lu Yunxiao integrated himself into the crowd of new students, a modest group of around twenty in number.

Reflecting on the long queue he had seen earlier in the morning, Lu Yunxiao couldn't help but shake his head. Most of those people were just seeking the thrill; very few managed to pass the test.

Once again, Instructor Ruolin swept her gaze over the new students, amusement flickering in her clear, watery eyes. She spoke, her voice gentle, "Hello, everyone. Congratulations on passing the test and officially joining Canaan College. However, as the school aims to gauge your potential, I need to assess your true strengths."

"An eight-stage fighting spirit corresponds to an F-level potential, which is the minimum requirement for admission to Canaan College."

"A nine-step Dou Qi is classified as an E-level potential."

"A one-star fighter represents a D-level potential, and so on. The highest grade is a five-star fighter, which falls under the S-level potential."

"Speaking of which, in Canaan College's more than a decade of history, only one person has ever reached the S-level potential. The 'Little Demon Girl' became a standout figure in the academy shortly after her arrival."

Pausing, Instructor Ruolin cast her gaze toward Lu Yunxiao, a smile playing on her lips. "I never anticipated encountering someone with S-level potential, but today, I'm meeting you. I dare say there's a chance. What do you think, little genius? Can you attain the S-level potential?"

"Instructor, only time will tell," Lu Yunxiao responded, shrugging with a smile.

"True, but your confidence is evident," Instructor Ruolin mused, a glint in her eyes suggesting she was already leaning toward a particular assumption. It seemed highly likely that an encounter with an S-level potential student was in the cards for the day.

"Perhaps," Lu Yunxiao answered, his demeanor calm.

"What an amusing young genius," Instructor Ruolin chuckled, raising a sheepskin scroll and ink pen in her hand.

"Alright, let's begin. Starting from the left, state your name, grade, and age."

With a pleasant smile, Instructor Ruolin initiated the procedure.

As the students began reporting their information one by one, most fell under the E or F levels, and their ages hovered around nineteen.

A sole student stood out with a D-level potential, much to Instructor Ruolin's satisfaction. In a city like Mocheng, having a student with such potential was already a remarkable achievement.

There were no students at B or A levels, as expected.

As more than a dozen students reported their data, all eyes turned to Lu Yunxiao, who had yet to share his information.

Having effortlessly defeated a four-star fighter like Zhang Yuan, it was clear that Lu Yunxiao possessed at least the strength of a four-star fighter. This meant an evaluation of at least an A level, with a strong likelihood of an S-level potential given his casual victory—indicative of a five-star fighter's power.

Before Lu Yunxiao disclosed his information, everyone's thoughts were speculative, and anticipation was palpable for his true potential.

"Little genius, it's your turn to reveal your secret to all of us," Instructor Ruolin addressed Lu Yunxiao with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Yunxiao responded with a faint smile. He glanced at the intrigued faces around him and softly announced, "I'm Lu Yunxiao, a six-star fighter, and I'm fourteen years old!"

As the words left his lips, a hushed silence fell over the tent. Even Instructor Ruolin, who had been poised with her pen, faltered in her movements. Astonishment registered on her elegant features.

Others present were equally flabbergasted, their mouths agape as they stared at Lu Yunxiao in disbelief.

"A six-star fighter with potential exceeding S-level, and at just fourteen years old! The 'Little Demon Girl' is only sixteen, yet this young genius already surpasses her!" Instructor Ruolin managed to speak, though her words were tinged with astonishment. This time, she had truly struck gold.