
End of Dong Zhuo

Chapter 301 – End of Dong Zhuo

March 10th, 185 A.D.

The Ghost Legion of Zhang He and Ju Shou entered Henei City without resistance.

Instead of meeting with resisting civilians or soldiers, they threw flower petals in celebration to welcome them.




Zhang He and Ju Shou were flabbergasted. They sent several men to inquire about the information about the city right away.

The investigation had been completed. The result was in.

It turned out that Dong Zhuo kidnapped all young girls and shipped them to Luo Yang to be his concubines. They even took housewives without caring if they had babies or children to raise.

Men who resisted against Dong Zhuo were killed. All young boys were sold as slaves while seniors were forced to work until they died from exhaustion. Any able men were forced to join the militias and transferred to either Luo Yang or Chang'An.