
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


After the girl with the dragon went up and she talked to the man he an Zeus were called to the stage walking forward he saw a man who was older with grayish hair. The man stood when DJ and Zeus entered onto the stage the man said,"Welcome to the pre-fight interview my name is Anthony what is yours" DJ smiled and said,"My ring name is Reaper and my Partners name is The Alpha" the crowd gasped. Anthony smiled and said,"Nice to meet you both with us tonight we have all of the cities leaders in the presidential Suit just above us, Now getting down to business why are you here to fight". DJ said,"I am here to fight to just meet the Cities leaders" Anthony smiled and said,"What is your battle plan" DJ smiled and said,"well for the most part I have a bag full of tricks I can fight using anything I am given especially with magic" Anthony nodded and said,"Well Mr.Reaper i look forward to seeing your fights tomorrow" Dj smiled and bid his farewell and got up and walked off of stage with Zeus they walked to the ramps and started up the ramps once they cleared the first ramp there was a woman standing their waiting for them he watched the woman and she pulled her hood off and it was Emily the girl he met before she walked up to them and said,"So this is your true form Huh" DJ played dumb and said,"I'm sorry do I know you" she said,"Stop playing Dumb I know its you Reaper, Your the one who saved me" DJ decided to drop the act and said,"Yes i recognized you just wanted to test you a little" Emily smiled and said,"Why are you fighting in this blood bath" DJ said,"I'm still looking for my family and I got a lead that one of people working this knows who took them" DJ made sure not to tell he thinks it is the city leaders who have them a guard came up and said,"what are you doing with Ms. Emily you trash" Zeus growled at the guard and he stepped back and the guard drew his sword at Zeus and DJ's eyes changed and said,"If you wish to live past the next five minutes I suggest you sheath that weapon" The guard looked shocked at the fierceness of DJ's voice and he said,"I am a Royal guard of the City of the Owls you will not threaten me" DJ smiled and said,"Last Chance" the two men locked eyes and Emily stepped forward and said,"Andy I suggest you listen to him that is the Alpha and this is Reaper" The guard lost all of his confidence and said,"I'm Sorry sir I thought you were threatening Ms Emily" DJ smiled and said,"I am a good friend of Emily I wouldn't dare hurt her but i do need to bid you to farewell as i have fights coming tomorrow" walking away Zeus and Dj made it to their room with no trouble. Walking into the room Zeus laid on the floor and Dj walked in and made the armor disappear and he put on his normal clothes and readied himself for his fight against the people tomorrow since this is a week long battle it would go quick and his first fight was the second one. Climbing into his bed he he laid down and fell asleep.

Waking up the next morning he put created his armor again and him and He grabbed his weapons and put them on and he and Zeus walked out of his room to find all the city leaders talking they all quieted down once he exited his room and he and Zeus walked down the ramp feeling the gazes of all the city leaders. Once making it to the bottom of the ramps he found where he and Zeus could find food they ate their own respective meals and they readied for their fight. Walking to the center or the building to the arena to watch the first fight it was a man with a basilisk and his weapon was a spear and shield but the spear had something off about it Dj couldn't figure out what it was but he changed his attention to the mans opponent which was the girl with the dragon but this time the dragon was huge and and it was flying behind her and she herself had two smaller spears only about half the normal length of a normal spear. Dj watch the two circle each other and the mans basilisk's turned to a glowing red and the dragon landed. Emily walked next to Dj and said,"So it's true that the basilisk can freeze its enemies" shocked by her sudden talk Dj said,"But it has a weak point" Emily said,"What's the weak point" Dj smiled and said,"If you can't see it then I can't tell you" Emily huffed and stomped her foot lightly Dj just smirked slightly and said,"Well it's almost time for my match to start" Dj turned and Zeus followed Dj and the two walked down to the base of the arena. Looking out of the gate Dj sees the two swinging their weapons at each other but every time one swings the other either skillfully dodges or blocked with their own weapon. With the woman's dragon still being frozen by the basilisks power the women has no way really up her chances of winning as her stamina has started to wane she becomes slower and slower with each strike she uses but no to avail the man is to good with the spear. Then out of nowhere Dj sees a blue like light emit from the spear then Dj realizes why the spear is so special. The spear helps the user to defend all attacks and it also halves the opponents stamina with each attach. The only way Dj can see to attack him is with a thrusting attract because if you swing your weapon at him the spear is long enough to be able to block any attack but with a thrust you have a small target trying to be blocked by a small target so it is almost impossible to defend against a thrusting attack and as for the basilisks weakness it's very easy the basilisks can only freeze what it is looking at and it has to maintain eye contact with it at all times and so there for it can not move so a easy way to take out the basilisks is one either use a shiny weapon to to mirror the freeze back to the basilisks or stand in front of the basilisks as it cannot freeze humans at such a low level if it were to emit blue or green it could freeze humans but for this low level red it cannot freeze a human fully just parts like a leg or arm something of that nature now if it were to freeze someone's chest or diaphragm yes they would be in trouble as they couldn't breathe and effects after the basilisks look away can last a few minutes. But Dj couldn't prove if all this was true as he had gotten the information from his memory as the person before him had read it in a book he knew everything about every creature known on this island and weapon on this island so he was lucky there

Sorry for the short chapter I didn’t want to start Dj’s fight in this chapter and I also wanted to keep you guys in suspense in who would win this fight

Derek_Scottcreators' thoughts