
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Why did I run? I don't know but I knew I should run and fast

On getting to school Michael Andrews and his friends were waiting for me right in front of the door to my classroom with faces filled with so much hate you would think I killed their parents, so I had to hide again so I decided to run to the school basketball court only to be seen by one of Michaels friends Tommy who started chasing after me and screaming.

I managed to avoid them until the bell for first period rang and I managed to escape inside the class, but when I finally relaxed my whole body was when out geometry teacher came in and boom a Pop Quiz first thing in the morning and I couldn't cry. I left my answer booklet all empty totally blank. The rest of the morning was fairly good, until Lunch break, when Michael and his goons came after me again I ended up being chased into the most abandoned part of the school behind the bleachers.

"Nowhere to run Ayo, am going to make you wish you went to Eastside Academy" Michael said with a smirk on his face with his friends circling around me

"What's your problem Michael?" I asked

"why do you always chase after me, huh?"

Michael looks at me and suddenly laughs and says "I don't need a reason to beat you up, I just feel that beating is right"

"Yeah, you should be happy to get our attention" screamed Sawyer, Michaels friend.

"I've had enough of all this, if you guys don't stop I guarantee I won't back down and fight you guys" I screamed

They started laughing "Hahaha who's going to fight, you?" said goon 1 sarcastically

Then they charged at me, in the a surprisingly coordinated formation, I charged right at Michael with only one thought in my head "If am going down am not going down alone"

I dodged Michaels fist that just missed my face by half an inch and struck out aggressively at his chest hoping to knock the wind out his system but that's the thing about jocks they are very resilient because of all the training they undergo, so I failed to knock the wind out of him. I side stepped out of one his goons grapple attack and kicked him in his ribs, causing him to howl in pain which sounded like the howl of an actual wolf. Michaels signaled his other dogs(goons) behind me to stop me from running away and force me in one direction, slowly herding me like a bull, faced with no other option I charged at them; I dodged the first punch headed straight for my face but got hit by another which sent me flying through the air and knocked me out of breath.

I tried standing up only to feel like my insides were on fire, like it was burning then I thought what if I hadn't dodged the first punch aimed at my face, I couldn't help but shiver and cold sweat came running down my back. They walked slowly towards me with a look in their eyes that told me how they all thought of me, I struggled to get to my feet and slowly started backing up into the darker corner of the bleachers. I could never forget the color of their eyes, "RED", 'Blood Red'; in one moment they were human in the next they were not, they looked like werewolves, but more savage. Picture a werewolf but now in front of them werewolves were like cute little puppies. With so many thoughts running through my mind I felt like my head was about to explode, one moment I can see, the next all I see is black; the headache gets worse and I keep on stumbling into the dark.

Next thing I see is the look on their faces, they looked like they were searching for something but couldn't find it.

"where is he?" asked Michael "He was right there" said Sawyer

"where did he go?" the other three asked looking all hysterical

"find Ayo now" Michael Roars

I looked at them shocked that they couldn't see that I was right in front of them, then I looked at my body seeing nothing but a smoke like figure with no physical body but I felt that my body was there but not there at the same time, I thought to myself is this how am going to die.