

Battle of freedom

Chapter 7(chocolate)


The next day, "good morning nanny allison" i greeted, "morning Michelle" she replied, i stared at the cieling waiting for her to talk, "your food will be on the dining table downstairs and I'll be out to subscribe my line for airtime and I'm going to the supermarket with anne to get some things for you and I"she said as I watched her long beautiful lashes wave in the air making her look like a goddess, a princess and a queen.

"Okay, and don't forget to buy some candies for me" i said smiling as i got ready to take a bath and go have breakfast.

I ran to my window and peeped out of it and saw some kids obviously heading to school in uniforms, there were young, teenage, short, tall, fat and slim kids and some were about my age. A warm tear rolled down my heating soft cheeks for the thousandth time as i raise my hand to wipe it off.

The only thought that came through my mind was that I'm chobby and pretty so why can't I do things like other kids do. I was broken at that moment, my soul cried out, my heart was frozen, it was so cold and frozen that it shattered into a trillion pieces, I was dead inside.


Nanny allison arrived, but luckily for me i quickly took the sadness off my face "Michelle, I've got the subscription" nanny Allison said as she walked up to me, "actually i don't wanna call her anyymore i changed my mind" i said "what's wrong, why so sudden Hun?" She said softly "well nanny Allison tomorrow is my birthday and dad grants me wishes on my birthday so i would just ask for freedom anyway" i said, "oh nice plan and I gotta lil something for you, guess what? Chocolate KitKat" she said smiling, "thanks, love you" i said as I was devouring the poor chocolate.

Thanks for reading 😁😁

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