
Battle of all race: Starts by Strengthening all things.

Jiang Chen travels to Blue Star World were Lords of all race fight for supremacy. He obtains the Divine Stone of Creation at the beginning, which can strengthen all things. [Ordinary Hero Order] → [Legendary Hero Order]: Summon the Empress at the beginning. [Ordinary soldier Talisman] → [Legendary soldier Talisman]: A giant dragon is born, one against ten thousand. [Swimming Pool] → [Angel Reincarnation Pool]: Endless angels, stunned me. [Ordinary Sapling] → [World Tree]: Rebuild the royal court, and the elves bow their heads. [Rusty Iron Sword] → [Xuanyuan Sword]: Sword Immortal Li Hanyi can kill ten thousand demons with single sword. Forge the Immortal Divine Realm, defeat the immortals, gods, Buddhas and demons, and set foot on all heavens and worlds. Jiang Chen: Wealth, strength, status, beauty, immortal life... I want them all. follow jiang chen in his path to supremacy. ***Enjoy the novel pls follow for more updates***

Itz_lazy_Rabit · Eastern
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106 Chs

Chapter 34 Leading The Mainstream Faction! Legendary Spiritual Flesh!

In the battlefield of all races, there are three mainstream factions of lords.

①Entertainment lord: focus on the development of entertainment industries, such as film and television, tourism, sports, catering, etc. For example, the famous Lord Shen Wanshan of the Sixth Heaven.

②Farming lords: Focus on developing territorial resources, and most of them are keen on building defense towers. It is said that He Shen, the largest farming lord in the Qing Dynasty, had millions of defense towers at all levels in his territory.

③War lords: Focus on developing heroes, arms, and personal strength. They actively participate in national wars, ethnic wars, and even fight in foreign battlefields. The most famous ones are Han Xin, Huo Qubing, Li Jing, etc.

There are three routes, no matter which one is taken to the extreme, there is a bright future.

As for other niche genres, there are also "blood lords", "bounty lords", "deduction lords" and so on.


The most notorious one is none other than the "Blood Lord".

They have no moral bottom line, and use massacre of other lords as a means of rapid escalation. They commit rape, robbery, and all kinds of evil and are the public enemies of the whole people.

As long as the bloody lord appears, Dragon Kingdom officials will immediately recruit bounty lords to encircle and suppress him. If necessary, they will even send powerful lords themselves to take action.


As soon as the speculation that Jiang Chen was the Blood Lord came out, everyone was immediately frightened, fearing that Jiang Chen would suddenly appear and destroy them.

Fortunately, An Chuxia immediately explained.

An Chuxia: "What do you know? He Qi had a grudge against Jiang Chen because he lost everything in the hero battle list, so he organized a group of lords to take revenge on Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was acting in self-defense."

Tu Shan Yueyue: "Brother Jiang Chen is very gentle and will never follow the bloody trend."

Ying Yinman: "I was also present during the day. The murderer Renheng killed them. If it is true as sister Chuxia said, then their death would not be a pity. Of course, if Jiang Chen really becomes the Blood Lord, I will personally kill him. I will never Appeasement."

Wei Ming: "I agree, everyone in the Blood Lord will be killed, but we can't unjustly accuse good people!"

All the big guys expressed their opinions one after another.

Others also remembered that this was indeed the case.

"It turns out that He Qi said that there are gold mines in the territory to lure Mr. Jiang Chen there."

"This makes sense. If they stayed in their own territory, how could they be blamed? Boss Jiang Chen doesn't know how to clone himself!"

Li Muze: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My little brother, I would like to thank Jiang Chen for not killing me yesterday. I will definitely visit him to say thank you in the future."

Looking at the dead lord, Li Muze was so scared that he almost peed.

He actually defeated Jiang Chen, a murderer, yesterday. He was really smart.

If he hadn't had money in his pocket at the time, he would have been the first one killed.

After a few minutes, the killing finally stopped.

Everyone counted, there were 41 lords in total.

An Chuxia: "It's over. Fortunately, Jiang Chen is fine!"

"Goddess An, you are too partial!"

An Chuxia: "Am I biased? These lords are just dead, but Jiang Chen was frightened!"


Jiang Chen's reason for killing was already clear.

But another question troubled everyone again.

How Jiang Chen killed dozens of lords by himself.

Even if Jiang Chen really had an epic hero, it would still be impossible.

Use stratagem?

Take advantage of the terrain?

Or a one-time prop?

The battlefield is littered with corpses.

When Jiang Chen looked at his harvest, he was not only filled with emotion.

"460,000 energy..."

"No wonder everyone knows that Blood Lord is a road of no return, but some people still take the risk!"

Especially the energy to kill the lord, each person has tens of thousands of energy points, which is comparable to an excellent boss.

Of the 460,000 energy, more than half was contributed by the lords.

After counting the harvest, Jiang Chen immediately built a smelting plant and reached level 2 in seconds!

Then she replied to An Chuxia.

Jiang Chen: "Don't worry, I've already taken care of it."

An Chuxia: "Are you injured?

Jiang Chen: "No!"

An Chuxia: "The battle must have been brutal..."

Jiang Chen: "... Corpses are everywhere, it's extremely tragic!"

He tells the truth.

An Chuxia suddenly became nervous: "Are you seriously injured?"


There is definitely no death, but one farmer was hit by an arrow in the arm, and it is estimated that he will not be able to recover until tomorrow.

Jiang Chen: "There are some casualties, but they are still within the tolerable range!"

An Chuxia: "That's good. Alas, although they deserve to die, you are too impulsive...those lord families will not give up!!"

Jiang Chen: "Why don't they just give up? Why don't they just give up? I have nothing to worry about in Blue Star. As for the battlefield of all races, they dare to come and take revenge on me?"

An Chuxia: "But you can't stay on the battlefield of all races all your life. I don't need to explain why, right?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "I know that Blue Star is the foundation for the continuation of life, and it is indeed impossible for me to give up. But with the speed of my development, those lord families should be the ones I'm afraid of!"

As long as he can reach the combat power of ten thousand stars, not to mention those small families, even the An family and the Li family will treat him with courtesy.

Turning off the chat interface, Jiang Chen said to the empress:

"Empress, can you locate the owner of that falcon?"

The empress shook her head.

Jiang Chen didn't force himself and said to Cinthia:

"Take action!"

A fish slipped through the net, and Jiang Chen didn't bother to spend time searching.

And he guessed that this guy was probably Lin Mo.


The thunder gun was projected again, and the falcon at a height of 100 meters instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen opened the regional channel.

Jiang Chen: "Impose a little punishment, but I won't do it next time!"

Everyone thought that Jiang Chen was summarizing his killings.

Except Lin Mo.


Garcia covered his eyes and screamed, startling Lin Mo.

"What's wrong?"

Garcia said loudly:

"Lord, before our position is exposed, run away!"

Although he had seen the results of the battle from the regional channel, Lin Mo still couldn't believe it:

"Is Jiang Chen really that strong? Didn't he use one-time items like magic scrolls, talismans, or bombs?"

"No, if I read it correctly..." Garcia hesitated for a moment, then softly spat out eight words, "Epic hero... epic unit!"

Lin Mo looked horrified.

Immediately afterwards.

He then saw Jiang Chen's warning, and his expression became uncertain.

With the legendary farmer Nong Yi here, the first unit of gold was quickly mined.

Looking at the long list of enhancements behind the gold, Jiang Chen smiled.

[Strengthening Direction ⑥③④]: Star Gold, consuming 1000 spirit stones.

"Now, all the materials are complete!"

Jiang Chen issued an order:

"Nong Yi, you stay here and do your best to mine gold!"

"Cynthia, you lead half of the goddess warriors to station here."

The two said in unison:

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

The duration of the Elementary Any Door is only one hour, so Jiang Chen will naturally not stay here.

He had basically killed all the lords near the gold mine.

Of the 6 goddess warriors, only one needs to be left to guard the gold mine. The others will not affect the spawning of monsters at all, and no one has grabbed it yet.

After arranging the gold mine, Jiang Chen led the others to step into the arbitrary door again.

As soon as she returned to her territory, the empress held her stomach:

"I'm hungry!"

Jiang Chen was also hungry.

Only then did he remember.

I've been on the road today and haven't eaten anything since breakfast.

Half an hour later.

Jiang Chen, the empress, and the goddess warriors sat down in order around the simple dining table in the center of the territory.

A bowl of porridge and a large plate of barbecue were placed in front of Jiang Chen.

Porridge is a spiritual porridge made from the epic spiritual creature Dragon Tooth Rice.

The meat is roasted from legendary quality monster meat.

Jiang Chen sighed:

"Just take a bite!"

He already knew the effects of Longya Rice.

"I wonder how effective the legendary monster meat is?"