
Battle Maidens

A vacant throne. Seven contenders and a princess with a mysterious necklace. Shahzadi Rouya’s days as a princess come to a bloody end. When rebels storm the castle and murder the emperor, Rouya vows to reclaim the throne but is forced to flee with an army on her heels and a necklace in her pocket. The rebels won’t stop chasing her until they’ve pried the relic off her dead body and unleashed the ancient spirit trapped within. Evelyn has served many masters throughout the centuries and seen them all inevitably fall. As a Battle Maiden, she’s a warrior spirit bound to the summoner in possession of her relic and capable of defeating entire armies. Evelyn isn’t alone, for each of the seven relics contains within it a Battle Maiden of equal strength sworn to another master. Seven combatants, each bearing one of the relics, lays claim to the throne. Only the summoner who unites all the pieces will become the next emperor to rule supreme or sway the world into chaos.

Troy_Stone · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A Candle in the Wind (pt1)

Markus crumbled the slip of paper together and held it to the candle flame, marveling as it caught and became fully consumed by the fire.

"That bad, huh," came from the viper sitting across from him. Adelaxia happened to be his wife but her love poison to his ears. She crossed her ankles over his lap as she arched herself back over the chair to reach for the platter of fruit on the table. Her little stunt seemed awfully complicated for the fact that she wanted to eat a grape. She plucked a single purple ball from the vine and tossed it into her mouth, smirking at him as she chewed it.

The grape was only a means to an end of what she intended and from his vantage he had a perfect view of her petite breasts only barely concealed by linen. The message didn't go unnoticed by Markus but shoved such lustful thoughts aside for the time being.

"Much worse," he began and brushed her feet off him. "It appears our suspicions all these months have been correct."

The playful look in Adelaxia's eyes dimmed as his words finally dawned on her. She averted her eyes to the map tapestry hanging from the wall, a remnant of the old empire and the borders they once shared through the universe. "What are you going to do about it?"

"We," he corrected. "I'll have to mobilize my Bannermen at once."

"And Justinian?"

"We'll be seeing him today to congratulate him on his renewed fatherhood." Markus massaged his temples to ease away the pain of having to deal with yet another war. It appeared peace would elude him forever. Only a swift and decisive victory could prevent a year-long bloodshed. He went to the dresser and changed into his most lavish robes and weighed himself down in gold trinkets, rings and necklaces.

Adelaxia came from behind and slipped her arms around his waist as she studied him in the mirror. "We'll get through this. Just as we made it through everything else in life by taking one step at a time."

Markus solemnly nodded, aware that their lives were at stake if he failed and troops stormed their world. After finishing getting dressed, he instructed his scribe and sent out messages to the commanders within his satrapy and joined Adelaxia once more. She considered herself a free spirit and didn't bother changing into anything more presentable to the Padishah Emperor, Justinian I. There were two things he loved about her that kept him from seeing other women. The first, her skill and talent to challenge him in bed, and the other her innate ability as a realmwalker mage to open up portals to other worlds. Both saved him a good deal of coin.

Adelaxia's sun-kissed skin shimmered as she accumulated magic and drew a spell in the air. A tear formed where she slid her fingers and ripped open. Untamed energy sizzled through and would threaten to devour the city if she didn't contain the portal. She gritted her teeth and clasped her hands together as she began to stabilize the magic. Her chest heaved as she finished the process and turned to Markus, holding her hand out and waiting for him to take it so they could enter together.

They drifted through the void between worlds for a sparse few heartbeats in which he felt weightless. Streaks of light shot out from every which way as they passed through the other side and appeared outside the Imperial Palace on Aequila. Portals required prior knowledge of the destination, making ventures into the unknown dangerous which was why realmwalkers spent the first three years of their apprenticeship traveling the known routes with a master. Markus could trust her enough to not get them stuck inside of a wall.

Despite all the training, Adelaxia became a master by the age of seventeen. Eager as she was, she constantly strove for new heights and soon had her sights set on him. Markus couldn't and didn't want to resist her for long and let her sink her nails into him.

Markus moved to the doors leading to Justinian's court when a guard stepped forward and blocked his path with a spear. "His Imperial Majesty is celebrating and doesn't wish to be disturbed at the moment."

"Lower your weapon. Do you know who you're speaking with?" Adelaxia snapped. "This is Satrap Markus Relius!"

"Satrap? I apologize, my lord, but the Emperor does not wish to be disturbed. He-he's celebrating the birth of his son." The guard shied away, lowering his gaze out of fear he may make the wrong decision and end up on the Emperor's bad side.

"It's quite all right, he's only doing as he's been instructed. Why don't you go on ahead and tell the Emperor I need to speak with him urgently."

The guard looked from him to Adelaxia and nodded, slipping behind the doors while they remained behind.

"We don't have to wait."

"Calm yourself. A few minutes aren't going to turn the tide here now," Markus said, resting his hand on the pommel of the khanjar.

After a few moments the doors swung inward by servants and he was greeted by the Emperor sitting atop his throne.

"Markus! Come in, come in and take a seat at my side."

They did as he said and strode across the carpet laid out through the center of the great hall. Lavish curtains hung from the pillars. Flutes played from a corner while a half dozen burners gave off incense into the air. Young, barely clad women roamed the hall as far as the eye could see. The longer he looked, the more certain he became of the deadly assassins amongst them.

Battle Maidens. Legendary Daeva bound to ancient relics and forced to heed their master's will. Each was a specialist for a particular weapon type but they were all equally lethal.

Padishah Justinian beckoned them closer and indicated to a pair of pillows by his throne. Markus couldn't help but notice the eyes of his friend wander to Adelaxia and the smile that formed as he marveled her body. He giddied on the throne and clapped his hands. A serving girl stepped forward with a pitcher but Markus shook his head and declined.

"Please, allow me to introduce Adelaxia."

Adelaxia took the pitcher from the girl and filled up the Emperor's goblet.

"Ohh, I see you've got yourself a nice one." He eagerly emptied the goblet to keep her at his side. "I've never been one to part with what I like. It's been ages since I've seen you. You should really come and visit me more often."

"Yes, well, that's because I've been busy ruling the satrapy you so generously gave to me."

"I understand. Ever the dutiful one but come, you must celebrate with me. It's not every day one becomes a father after all."

Markus clanked goblets with Justinian but sipped on his wine while the latter downed the drink in a single go. The news from earlier still troubled him and he needed to confront Justinian about it as soon as possible. "I apologize in advance for tipping the mood but matters are urgent. The former Shah has rallied an army of fifty thousand, mostly mercenaries and bandits from the Frontier and Outer Realms. I've put my forces on alert but they won't be able to hold off such a large-scale attack for long."

Justinian stopped drinking, his eyes cresting the rim of his drink as he took him in. His expression soured, and the musicians stopped playing while silence spread throughout the hall. "So the old crow's come out to die after all. Was wondering if the elements already got him or if he'd face off against me one last time."

The former Shahs had ruled over the Outer Realms for centuries with a decades-long war against the empire. Justinian, with the help of Markus, managed to crush the army a year ago which allowed Justinian to take on the title of Padishah.

"It appears he's been biding his time to recruit an army. His forces threaten my satrapy but they won't get far without a fight against my guard units."

Justinian grinned, playing with the rings on his fingers. "No matter. He who controls the maidens rules the universe. Where is it their forces are gathering?"

"Khyam. I'd be willing to lead an army there myself."

"Nonsense. You should stay and celebrate with me. The Battle Maidens will make short work of their continued rebellion." Justinian smiled at Adelaxia and beckoned her closer. "You got yourself a fine husband. A good friend of mine."

"You're too kind, Your Majesty," Adelaxia said, her cheeks blushing ever so slightly as she filled his cup with more wine. "I'm the fortunate one for him to take me."

Justinian grabbed her ass and barked a laugh. Markus bit his tongue not to speak out against him. He lowered my gaze to the floor and accepted it for what it was. Adelaxia knew what she was getting herself into when she accompanied him inside the palace. She could have waited outside for him to return but seeing him lay his hands on his wife spurred an anger in him he never usually felt. The calm he wore so dignified trickled away.

"Attia ... I want you to go to Khyam and bring me the head of the pretender. His skull should adorn these halls to remind anyone who refuses to submit of the consequences."

"Very well," Attia said, rising from her cushion behind the Emperor. She glanced at Markus before vanishing in thin air.

Out of the seven Battle Maidens Justinian possessed, three remained on watch inside the Great Hall but wore more casual clothing to fit in to the guests. Markus knew each and everyone of them during his time with Justinian battling the lords, and later the Pashwa Empire, that held them.

"What about you, when will we get to celebrate the birth of your child?" Justinian asked, smiling as Adelaxia refilled his goblet. "And don't come with any lame excuses like you haven't found the time to nail her to the bed. One can always spare five minutes."

"Soon enough, I hope. We've only just married and would like to enjoy the time we share before having to split it between a family. Isn't that right?"

Adelaxia perked up, quickly putting a smile on her face as she realized he'd been referring to her. "Oh, mhm. Surprises usually come when you least expect them and at the most inopportune time. It's what makes them a surprise after all."

"Ohoho," Justinian growled, slapping his knee. "Sounds like she has a confession to make."

"Speaking of which, I have one of my own to make." Markus flashed a grin as the doors to the Great Hall burst open. In poured dozens of Raksha guard units followed by a handful of magi wielding fire and setting the lavish curtains alight.

Guests screamed as they attempted to flee but were caught in the middle of a battle.

In that very moment, Justinian sent the maidens out to confront the enemy. They whisked past Markus, drawing their weapons at breakneck speed. The Raksha redirected their attention to the oncoming women but their movements and strikes were slow in comparison and left them astonished as the maidens cut them to pieces.

Markus gripped his khanjar, pulling the ornamental dagger out its scabbard. He had the blunt blade sharpened just for the occasion and thrust it up beneath Justinian's jaw and into his skull. His friend's eyes widened as he lashed out futilely.

"Shh, it's okay. You may find peace at last." He twisted the dagger and ended the rule of the Padishah Emperor Justinian I. He slumped over and the fighting died out almost immediately as Justinian was no longer able to supply the Battle Maidens with magic and keep them in the world.

Be sure to follow my Twitter and Instagram to check out the accompanying illustrations. troystonewrites

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