
Battle Dragons: Tornadoes

A young warrior named Ismareal sets off on his quest with other prophecy warriors; to fulfill the prophecy to stop war.

SilverKitsune · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Everyday Life

Ismareal sat down and wiped his sword with a handkerchief and sighed. He and his friends were destined to fulfill the Great Warstopping Prophecy. But could we really do it?, he thought, especially me? Could I lead my friends to become heroes? "Ismareal!" One of his caretakers named Cosmo snapped at him, "You." Ismareal reluctantly followed him to the rocky practice battling training arena. This place was disastrous, as each day he suffered, battling and training so he could survive in the outer worlds. "READY?!" Cosmo called out. They both nodded their heads, but Ismareal did it especially reluctantly. "FIGHT!" Cosmo yelled. Cosmo charged at him, his forelegs reaching to claw Ismareal. Ismareal kind of forgot that they were wearing high technology shields, so it would pretend they got hurt. Ismareal used his sword and swung at Cosmo's right foreleg, Cosmo's strongest leg. Cosmo, pretending to be foe dragon, winced and then Ismareal charged and stabbed him with his sword. Unexpectedly, Cosmo flew right up and charged. The battle soon ended. "You should have seen that!" He scowled. "All right, I get it!" Ismareal spat. Cosmo pushed him with strong dragon tail before walking away. "Don't take it too hard…" His other caretaker named Destiny whispered while she walked past him in their secret cave hallways. Ismareal walked into their room, where all the prophecy children were gathered. "What happened?!" One of them named Marigold cried, worried. Her fingers fumbled nervously. Ismareal sighed, "We can't anymore.." there was silence. "We are going to escape."