
You Shoot Me Down But I Won't Fall

(A.N.: I put this Author Note here to not break immersion and as a preventive measure to avoid triggering overly sensible people, not that I think there are among my readers but one never knows. Later in the chapter, you will find what can be considered as racial slurs which may or may not be comparable to the N words for some. I'm not very sure about this last part as I said before I'm mostly ignorant about this subject, but better safe than sorry. Anyway, I do not condone or like the use of slur words, in fact, I didn't even know the one I used in this chapter even existed before I did a brief research for writing it. The only reason I did use it is because it is totally in line with the kind of scum characters I'm writing of. I don't believe that people like the ones that I'm writing in this chapter would use very flowery and elaborate language and refrain from using such words in that kind of situation. You have been informed, have fun.) 

Glenn POV - Earth, Georgia, Mert County, Desert Town - 2010

The two men dragged us into a building across the street and immediately noticed that it was another bar, this one was named Hatlin's Bar but more importantly, is the fact that there are other three men waiting inside for us, and they too were armed with guns which makes this whole situation a lot more dangerous.

As soon as we pushed into the bar, the gaze of the three men immediately focus on us, or more specifically on Maggie as I immediately hear one of them exclaim, "Fuck yeah! It's a hot babe!!" followed by another one who asks, "Was she bit? If so, I don't think we have much time to enjoy her before she turns. More importantly, did you guys already ask about their group? Our supplies are running low and we didn't find anything noteworthy since we raided that group hiding in the Nursing Home back in Atlanta."

Hearing that, I can't help but think about the Vatos Gang that captured me back then when we went back to recover Rick's bag full of guns and rescue Merle.

Though the Vatos gang initially came off as a ruthless gang of thugs, in actuality, they put on the act of a hostile group to scare away others due to their experience with past survivors who attempted to steal their supplies. 

Knowing that the group that these guys are part of has attacked them I can't stop myself from putting on a grim face knowing that it is very likely that no one of that group survived while thinking, 'At the start of the outbreak, the staff at the Nursing Home had left the elderly members to die, leaving the Vatos to take care of them. They may look like ruthless people, but in fact, they were quite good people who looked after the elderly with care but now they are all likely dead at the hands of these people.'

As I'm thinking that, the third man chuckles and walks closer to Maggie, who is still being held by the man with the machete, while saying, "Hehe... I hope this girl is as feisty as that teenage girl we raped a few days ago. I like 'em having a bit of fight in them. It makes everything more fun."

Soon that man is right in front of Maggie and without any hesitation on his part, he grabs and pulls up Maggie's shirt baring her breast in front of everyone, leaving only her black bra as protection for her modesty which makes Maggie yell, "Stop it, you bastard! Noo!!"

She tries to struggle free but the other man's hold is too strong for her to do anything even more so as he moves the machete even closer to her throat making his silent threat clearer than ever forcing Maggie to stay still as that other man humiliates her. 

At the same time, the man ignores her pleas and exclaims in an excited tone, "Wooh! Look at these beautiful knockers!! They are not too big, but they seem quite firm!" 

Then he firmly grasps her left breast with his hand and after a few random gropes over the bra, he comments, "Indeed they are quite firm. We will have a lot of fun with them." before he grabs the left cup of her bra and pulls it down fully revealing her supple pink flesh and rosebud colored tip.

Shortly after exposing her left breast, the man licks his lips and resumes groping her breast, but this time his hand is directly touching her naked flesh and then he focuses on her tip as he starts to pinch, flick, and twist it with his fingers and a lewd smile on his face while he comments, "Oh shit! This girl's tit feels fantastic in my hand and this pink nipple looks so delicious I can barely hold myself back from starting licking, sucking, and biting on it! Man, I'm already getting hard. That's it! I'm calling dibs on this bitch!"

While he is doing all that, Maggie is looking at him with a seething stare as she holds back all the fear and panic from showing on her face but despite that, she isn't able to hide her glistening eyes that reveal her true emotions regarding what is happening.

Seeing her in that state, I can't stop myself from yelling, "Hey, stop i- urgh!" but before I can even finish, I feel a strong impact to the back of my head that makes me fall on the ground and blank out for a few moments as I hear the man behind me yell, "Shut it, Ching Chong! You are our prisoners and we can do whatever the hell we want with you."

As I'm staying on the ground still dizzy trying to regain my bearing from that hit to the back of my head, I hear the resounding voice of one of those people, very likely not the one who hit me on the back of my head, say out loud in an exasperated tone, "John stop playing with that bitch's tit for god's sake! We got no time for that shit! We must first make them spill out all the information they have on their group. After that we all can have fun fucking her until she gets knocked up and you can suck her milk directly from her fucking tits, you degenerate."

At this point, I hear the man that is molesting Maggie click his tongue before he yells back, "Fuck you, Tom! I'm no degenerate! Do not dare to put me on the same level as that creepy Bran who likes to sodomize young boys or that damned freak Anton who likes doing it with the stiffs. Man... I'll tell you one of those days that bastard is going to find himself out of condoms and he is going to turn into one of them. That guy gives me such creeps that I promise you, that the day he turns into a stiff I'll fully enjoy slowly dismembering him from head to toe and pissing on his remains."

In response to that, another one of our captors lets out a sigh and says, "Haa... I agree, in fact almost anyone I talked to says the same. The only reason the boss and the others put up with his horrid presence is because he is the only fucking competent doctor in our group. As soon as we find a replacement his head will fly faster than I can spell the word fuck."

Then I heard the voice of the man who was standing behind me before I fell on the ground as he said, "Let's stop talking about those things, and let's focus back on our job. The faster we complete it the faster we can enjoy our bounty. John, Tom pick up that fucking panface and put his ass on that chair so that we can tenderize him a little more before asking some question about their group."

At this point, I have already recovered enough from that hit to stand and move on my own, but I decide to stay on the ground and play the part, allowing them to pull up and drag my body to the chair all to buy some more time for me to find a way out of this situation.

As the two men pick up my body, I open and close my eyes while looking around with a confused expression just to give them the impression that I just started to recover from that blow to the head and hear one of them chuckle and comment, "It seems that the princess is waking up." which makes me feel glad while thinking, 'It looks like my acting is working. Good...'

At the same time, I take advantage of this moment with them dragging my body toward the chair to look around and search for anything that could be of use for getting out of this situation in this bar and soon my gaze lands on a nearby pool table and more importantly on the pool sticks and billiard balls on it which makes me think, 'In case of emergency I can use both the pool sticks and billiard balls as imprompt weapons. The pool sticks have quite a long range and are light, which makes them fast and fragile but still good enough to stun or even knock out a person with a good hit. Meanwhile, the billiard balls can be also quite good as improvised throwing weapons. They are small and quite hard and while it is difficult to kill or even stun someone with a hit, they can hurt someone enough to distract him or her especially if I hit a weak spot like the face, neck, or nuts.'

Shortly after noticing the pool table and the object on it, I turn my head to look in another direction and my gaze lands on Maggie, she is still held hostage by the same person as before. 

He is still holding the machete over her throat but with his other hand, he is now casually groping her exposed breast. 

She is still in the same state as before with her shirt is still pulled up leaving her bust exposed for all to see, especially the left one which is still fully exposed because the left cup of her bra pulled down giving me the full view of her beautiful and supple bosom as it gets roughly and carelessly fondled by the man I think is named Sean.

I quickly realize what I'm doing which makes me tear my gaze away from her, and then, I try to focus back on searching for anything else that can help Maggie and me escape this situation. 

Finally, I see something that almost makes me unconsciously smile, I see the figure of Shane's face peering inside from one of the windows. 

Luckily the window in question is in a blind spot of these men holding us hostage so they can't see him, even more so because they are all focusing on Maggie and me. 

At the same time as I'm looking at Shane on the other side of the window, Shane also notices that I'm looking at him, and with a quick series of signs that we agreed on before leaving the farm, he informs me that he and Andrea are going to attack soon and asked me to buy some more time for them to take the position and find cover as soon as the attack starts.

Seeing that, I almost let out a smile, but soon I steel my expression and continue to casually look around playing the part of a person still confused after a strong hit to the head.

Soon they drag my body to the chair and make me sit on it before the fifth man throws a glass worth of water to my face, and in response, I let out a fake groan before I start to look more awake putting up what I think is an Oscar-worthy performance.

Then the man who held me at gunpoint, who also hit me, and who clearly seems the leader of this small group moves in front of me and leans his ugly face closer as he asks in a fake cordial tone, "Now, why don't you make it easier for everyone, especially you and tell us everything you know about your group?"


Shortly after saying that, a cruel smile forms on the man's face as he adds, "Trust me, you won't like the process of us forcing those pieces of information out of you. But on the other hand, if you play nice and easy, I'll let you have fun with that bitch with nice tits over there. Of course that is after we have done having fun with her and breaking her in. Hehehe..."

Hearing that, I stay still in silence for a few seconds while looking down to give them the impression that I'm considering their proposal but then I raise my head and look at the man facing me straight in the eyes before I smirk and boldly say, "I'm sorry but even if I tell you everything I know about our group, it won't make much of a difference. The reason for that is that you guys have fucked up. Among all the groups of survivors you could find in the whole state, you stumbled right into one of the most dangerous ones for your kind."

In response to my words, the man who is interrogating me doesn't look intimidated but instead, he looks amused as he calmly asks, "Oh? Why would your this mysterious group of yours be so dangerous for us? Enlight me?"

I almost show a trace of surprise on my face as his current reaction is the perfect one for what I want to do, which is simply to buy some time for Shane and Andrea. 

In fact, I had half expected that he would start to beat me up as soon as I let out those cocky words but it seems he is able to maintain his calm state much better than the rest of the people of this group of degenerates and because of that, he thinks that I'm telling him that in a desperate attempt to scare him and his group into letting us go, and from his face it is clear that he finds such a sight amusing. 

Realizing that I do not hesitate to answer his question maintaining the same cocky tone, "The reason for that is that not only is our group quite big, but we also have many people that were part of the army and police force before the outbreak. Hell, one of the leader figures was a member of some kind of special force, and let me tell you that guy is a monster. I saw him deal with more than 100 of those things on his own using a simple wooden staff without breaking a sweat. Hell! The guy was even casually singing while smashing walkers' heads like they were watermelons. In fact, now that I think about it, until now I have never seen him forced to pull out the gun he is carrying around. There are times when I even start to doubt that he is actually human. I'm pretty sure that he can actually destroy your group on his own." 

While saying all that, I also can't help but be grateful that Shane took some time to give us some useful tips in case we are forced to tell a lie for whatever reason, he told us that in his experience as Deputy for King County Sheriff's Department the best kind of lie is the one that has a little bit of truth in it, that makes it not only much easier to remember in case you have to repeat it, but you can also use your feelings regarding the true part of your lie to mask the lie better and make it more believable.

As for why a member of the police force is so knowledgeable about such a subject, well, Shane told both Andrea and me that he needed to learn a lot about lying so that he could catch a lie told to him by possible suspects, but also to lie and deceive them in case it was needed.

Cops can lie and from what Shane told us many do and they don't have to tell the suspect that they are lying, cops lie to get confessions that may not be possible in other cases, and for sure some may even abuse this to get an innocent incriminated, but Shane still fully believes that it was a necessary evil to deal with the truly bad ones.

In his words, "It might seem underhanded, but it's downright silly to think drug traffickers, serial killers, or rapists are going to be honest with the police, and you can catch a lie with a lie quite easily." 

While all that quickly goes through my head, the man standing in front of me fully digest everything I just said and after a few moments of silence, he starts to laugh out loud before he starts mocking me, "Hahaha! This small dicked Chinese must think that we are retarded just like his commie people! I mean if you are going to bullshit to us at least make it believable!"

Hearing that, the other men in this bar also start to laugh out loud and mock me while completely ignoring the figure of Shane with his shotgun raised while he signals me a slow countdown with his fingers.

"Hahaha! What an idiot!"

"Ghehehe! Does he think that Terminator is part of his group!?"

"Hahahaha! It would have been a lot better if he told us that his group had a nuke or some shit like that!"

The man in front of me stops laughing, walks toward Maggie, and with his friend, they drag her toward the pool table while yelling, "I heard that Chinese people were supposed to be smart but you are downright stupid! Come on! If your group was really so powerful and prepared then why did they only send a scrawy, stupid kid like you, and this hot chick over here with a horse and barely any weapon!? Do you think we are as stupid as you!?" 

Then they shove her head against the table, and then the man that was mocking me moves behind her in a very suggestive pose before he looks back at me and gives me a threat, "Last chance! Tell me the truth or I'm going to fully strip this bitch and fuck her ass forcing you to watch her squeal while my friends beat you up and break every single one of your bones until you tell us what we want to know!" 

At the same time, Maggie tries to struggle free, but the two men holding her down are way too strong for her to fight back, the man who held her hostage with the machete is even holding her arms firm in place behind her back preventing her from reaching out any of the objects of the pool table that she could use as a weapon to retaliate.

But even if the situation looks very grim, I can't help but smirk as I cast one quick glance at Shane's figure as his countdown is about to end because he is showing only three fingers.

Realizing that they are about to act at any moment, I look back at the man and say, "You just told me that you couldn't believe that a group as powerful and prepared as the one I described would send only us with almost no weapons to defend ourselves. But..."

At this point, I take a little dramatic pause to drag on my speech more and buy a little more time and then I cast one last glance in Shane's direction and see that the countdown is about to end, so with a wide smile I conclude, "But... who said that there are just the two of us here?"

At the same time as the man realizes the meaning behind my words, both Andrea and Shane spring in action as a deafening explosion that can only be the sound of a gunshot followed by the sound of glass breaking is heard. 

That is quickly followed by the sight of the man holding Maggie falling on the ground with a bloody hole in his head, while the head of the man that was interrogating me literally burst into a bloody spurt as he also falls on the ground dead with a huge, bloody hole on the side of his head.

In response to the attack, the situation turns chaotic as one of the men behind me yells as he starts to fire back, "Fuck! They are shooting us! Take cover!!" followed by another voice who exclaims, "They got Chuck and Sean!"

Meanwhile, I take advantage of this chaos to quickly rush toward Maggie who is lying still on the pool table very likely in shock for the sudden change of the situation.

Once I'm close, I grab her by her shoulder and try to drag her to take cover from the ongoing shootout, but as soon as my hands touch her shoulders, Maggie starts to fiercely struggle while screaming. 

Took by surprise by her sudden struggle, I don't hold her firmly enough, and because of that she breaks free and starts to run away from me.

But unfortunately, she doesn't get too far away from me as in her panicked state she runs into the crossfire area and gets hit by one of the wayward bullets that Shane and Andrea are exchanging with those men that captured us.

Seeing the blood spurt and her figure fall on the ground like a broken doll, I can't stop myself from yelling out loud, "Noo!" before I quickly rush by her side while making sure of laying as low as possible to not only avoid the bullets flying around as Shane and Andrea exchange fire with the people of the group that captured us but also to make myself as small as possible as a possible target and a much harder target to aim at and hit.

I quickly arrive next to Maggie, who is now groaning in pain, and without wasting any time, I start to drag her back toward the pool table away from the ongoing gunfight.

Once we are safe under the cover of the thick pool table, I don't waste any time and quickly start to check on Maggie's situation. 

For a moment, I'm once again distracted by her firm bosom, but soon I shake my head and focus on what is truly important at the moment.

I quickly pull down Maggie's shirt to cover her bosom, and then I search for her gunshot wound, it doesn't take me very long to find it as it bleeding a lot dirtying her shirt with her blood as it continues to flow out from an area around her collar bone.

Seeing that, I immediately take Maggie's hand, rest it over her wound, and applying a soft force I instruct her, "Maggie, listen to me! Keep pressing here to stop your bleeding as much as possible!" before I ask in a worried tone, "Can you do it!?"

In response to my question, a much paler Maggie grunts and replies, "Yes..."

Hearing that, I nod and reassure her, "Good. Hold on, as soon as we deal with them we will bring you back to our place as fast as possible." which makes Maggie exclaim in a worried tone, "W-Wait." 

But I'm already checking the ongoing gunfight and searching for a way to help Shane and Andread conclude it as fast as possible so I dismiss her worry by saying, "Don't worry. In our group there is Doctor Jayr, he is so good that he found a cure for cancer, I'm sure that a bullet wound is as easy as breathing for him."

Then I noticed that the shooting stopped and all five of the men who captured us were now lying on the floor in a pool of blood, shortly after, I heard Shane's voice coming from the outside as he asked, "Glenn! Are you okay?"

I reply with, "Yes!" before I look down to check on Maggie, and to my horror, I notice that she has passed out and isn't pressing her hand on her wound anymore.

On instinct, I immediately move to press my hands on her wound to block the blood flow as much as possible while at the same time, I yell in panic, "Come! Maggie got shot! Help me! We have to take her to Jayr! Hurry up!!"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts