
Battered and Bruised, but NEVER Beaten

"I've always been bullied because of how destructive my quirk is, and some even prodded me to pursue villainy, but I always answer back to them, "I WANT TO BE A HERO, LIKE ALL MIGHT AND THE REST OF THEM!" They all fall to deaf ears...but that won't stop me from achieving my dreams. I will control this quirk, and I will become a hero!" -Ryu Yoshitsune

FriendlyFireM098 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Quirk Assessment Test (Part 1)

(Ryu's POV)

The letter from UA came in the mail, and I have a feeling that I've passed and will have made it to the hero course. Right now, myself, and my mom and dad are sitting on the family sofa, as the letter just lays on top of the coffee table. It's unopened with the wax seal still there, and I am shaking in my boots at the moment. Mom places a hand on my shoulder, making me turn to see her warm smile.

Her kind tone resonates with me. "Open it, son. We're both just as nervous as you are. We'll be proud of you for trying either way." I quickly feel reassured from that as I undo the wax seal on the letter and open it. Inside is a small metal disk and some paperwork, but I decide to check the metal disk first. I place it on the coffee table before it buzzes to life, revealing a projector screen of the one and only All Might in a striped yellow tuxedo.

With that heroic tone we've all come to adore, he speaks. "I am here, as a projector screen!" My eyes widen, but my mom and dad just chuckle at my awestruck face.

"Young Yoshitsune! I am here to tell you that I am the UA's new faculty member!" His arms are spread out wide to express how amazing the new is, and it definitely is.

"That's great news! I can't wait to study under the number one hero!" My excitement makes him chuckle before he resumes his speech.

"That's not all, Young Yoshitsune! I am here to tell you your results for the UA enrollment exams, and I am pleased to tell you that you have passed BOTH the written test and the practical exam! With flying colors!" By now, my father is engulfing me in a tight bear hug as my mom is jumping around us happily, but with a cough from All Might, we went back on track.

"The practical exam is not about combat points however, it's also composed of Rescue points, which are awarded by the judges, who are the faculty members of UA, for heroic deeds on the battlefield. And with that valiant deed with that zero pointer, I am glad to say that you have gotten first place in the practical exam!" He says as he uses a remote to change the screen to a scoreboard with the top ten, and just like All Might said, I am at the top of the list, with just as many villain points as Bakugo, who is in second. And I have just ten more rescue points than Midoriya, who ends up with zero villain points, and sixty rescue points, garnering him the seventh place of the top ten. My eyes are streaming with tears as my mom and dad embrace me in a family hug, with tears in their eyes too.

Then All Might says one final thing before signing off. "Come, Ryu Yoshitsune. This is your Hero Academia!" The metal disks turns off after a few seconds, leaving myself and my parents in a crying mess, with my mom crying more than the two of us.

"Oh my baby boy is going to UA! This is the best day yet!" She says through the crying.

"Son, I couldn't be more proud to see you shine. Congratulations." My old man says with his signature close-eyed smile before we all let go of the hug. Mom then rushed to the kitchen and gets her cooking apron on her, the one that she wears ONLY for special occasions.

"Well, since Ryu is going to UA, I think it's time we have ourselves a congrats feast! Chicken, Pork, and Beef Barbeque for dinner tonight!" Dad and I cheer in delight when she says that, and not long after the food was done, we begin eating until we couldn't eat any longer. After that wonderful feast, I immediately head to bed.


Throughout the time after learning of my acceptance to UA, I had done some mandatory preparations before school would start. First, is the training my dad put me through. It was rigorous to say the least, but not something super stressful or harmful to me. Then, I did some advanced studying with my mom, just to be a little bit ahead in terms of lessons so I won't cram when an exam comes up. There was also the clothing allowance too, but that was before I enrolled to UA. Right now, is the day I get to step foot into UA as a proper student. I wear the proper uniform, composed of a white button-up shirt with an official red UA necktie, with green pants to go with it. I also wear the gray formal jacket as well before I tie my black rubber shoes. I then grab my stuff, sword included as my parents meet me at the front door to the house, wearing warm smiles on their faces. My mom opens her arms out for one more hug, and I accept her request .

"I'm so proud of you, Ryu. You'll do great." She says softly as we let go of the hug.

I respond back with a wide smile. "Thanks mom, I'll make you even more proud and become a great hero in your eyes." She can only nod in response before my dad brings me in a hug while patting me in the back. I do the same to him a few times before we let go.

"We know you will, son. Now get out of here before we get all soppy again." I nod before waving them goodbye as they do the same until they're out of sight. I sigh to myself before determination is written all over my face.

"Time to prove myself that I got what it takes. I'll show them all how much I've grown." I say to myself as I rush to school. I do so quite easily, until I make it to the three large doors with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on three different doors, signaling the year level of the students. I go into door one before making my way to Class 1-A, my assigned classroom, and when I get there, I see Midoriya, that brown-haired girl that was with him before, and the guy with glasses that ratted him out during the enrollment exams. I adjust the sling on my bag as I walk over, and they manage to notice me when I get to at least 5 feet away from them.

"Oh, Ryu! You made it in! This is gonna be awesome!" My best bud says with a wide smile on his face as I pat his shoulder with my hand but quickly come to realize that I forgot to bandage my arms. So, I quickly take out some wraps before turning around to wrap them so that the three of them wouldn't see. Afterwards, I quickly turn around and scratch my nape embarrassingly.

"Sorry about that, you three. I just don't want anyone to see what I have going on with my arms. But aside from that, my name's Ryu Yoshitsune. I'm actually this guy's best buddy, so we call each other by our first names." I pat Midoriya's shoulder one more time before I hold out a hand for them to shake as the two of them do the same.

"Nice to meet you, Yoshitsune-kun! You and him must be super close." The girls says as she places her fingers together without her palms touching each other before giving a close-eyed smile.

"It is good to meet you, Yoshitsune-kun. My name is Tenya Iida." He says with authority, almost as if he has this sort of, "follow the rules or face the consequences" vibe.

"Likewise, you two. I can't wait to start my first day here in UA." Before I can say any more words, we all hear a very bored voice behind us.

"If all you're trying to do is make friends, then I suggest you leave the school." We turn to see a very tired looking man inside a yellow sleeping bag.

"Welcome to UA's hero course." The man says with just as much boredom before his unzips a portion of his sleeping bag to drink a packet of juice from it, and the only thing that's going through our minds was.

'What is that thing!?' Then he gets out of his sleeping bag and tells us how time is precious and that it took us at least eight seconds to settle down, which is kinda scary of him to say.

"My name is Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher." As soon as he says that, my mind becomes completely blank from that until Iida gives me a good shake to snap me off my thoughts. Aizawa then fumbles inside his sleeping bag to reveal a blue jump suit.

"I know this is sudden, but put these on and head outside." He says still as bored before turning his head to me, which makes my blood go cold from his stare.

"Yoshitsune. You look just like your parents." I am surprised by his sudden change in tone. However, I quickly realize something from my younger years. Whenever, my parents were out doing their underground hero work, this same person is always there to keep me company. That's when I finally realize who he is.

"Uncle Aizawa!? I didn't know you were a teacher in UA." I say with a wide smile on his face before I go to give him a hug, which he reluctantly accepts.

"Alright, alright. Just put these on and meet me outside." He gives all the uniforms to Iida, the brown-haired girl, Midoriya, and I to pass to our other classmates before he leaves us to change. I decide to leave my sling behind just in case.


After Uncle Aizawa left the classroom, everyone from my class started to ask me about his relationship with me, but all I tell him is that he was my babysitter when my parents were out doing hero work. It became more of a nuisance as we reached the field, and Aizawa tells us that we'll be having a Quirk Assessment Test, even though it's supposed to be the orientation today, but all he has to say is...

"If you wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Just from that statement, everyone gasps, while I cross my arms and narrow my stare. Then he tells us about how the education system thinks that we should all be on the same level to prevent people with good quirks from rising too far to the top, which he claims is dumb and assumes that they should learn to accept the change. Also, we'll be doing a series of physical activities with the help of our quirks to help us maximize potential and effectively train in areas we're insufficient at.

Aizawa turns to me. "Yoshitsune, you got first place in the entrance exam. How far was your softball throw back in junior high?" By now, everyone, except Bakugo, is awestruck at my feat. I am embarrassed to say the least, but I shrug it off either way.

I place a finger on my chin as I try to recall my last softball record. "I remember getting 60 meters at least. That's all I can remember though."

"Then try using it with your quirk. Anything counts as long as you stay in the circle." He gives me a softball, which I accept before I stand in the circle, but that was after I grabbed a lead pipe from behind the apparatus shed.

I think to myself 'Well, since we're using quirks now, I might as well give them a little show. I'll just have to use my quirk and swing it like a baseball bat for maximum distance.' That's just what I did, I heat up the pipe in my left hand and toss the softball into the air before taking a swing stance. As the softball reaches it's point to where I can swing, the pipe glows brighter before I let out a grunt as the pipe connects with the soft ball. It zooms forward with a loud "BOOM" as it flies with the velocity of a torpedo until it lands really far away from my starting position. Aizawa shows the class my record for the throw, and it was a whopping 801.7 meters. Everyone is already pumped for the tests, saying that it seems like fun, but my uncle is never the type for fun and games.

He plainly says. "Whoever comes in last has no potential at all, and is expelled immediately." All of us, excluding myself and Bakugo, are horrified at his claim. But Bakugo and I just glared at each other before returning out stares to Aizawa.

I say to myself. 'Yup...I thought as much...well, it's time to give it all I got! Watch me, Uncle Aizawa!' With that on my mind, I punch the palm of my hand as my quirk activates with a dim glow and a smirk on my face.