

During the 21st century the chuck Norris excavation team discovered new species of bat during the Wide exca competition, a specie which holds a terrible disease that led to a worldwide vampire pandemic, and caused countries to separate from each other by building giant walls containing bunkers to prevent the pandemic from causing further damage and protect the unarmed people. Morty starks a fifteen (15) year old inhumane boy who seems to be immune to the virus and also seems to be able to control it gets separated from his parents as a result of the pandemic, leaving him with his sister and some companions and also to put an end to the pandemic as he seems like the only one that can stop it.

AbrahamDevTM · Fantasy
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Chapter Four - Break Time

"This sponge cake is the best" Morty said as he takes a bite from his cake

"Yeah I know, don't tell mom we took this especially with the cola" Mr. Starks replied as he drinks his cola

"Let's go to the arcade after this" Morty replied with a smile on his face

"You know about what happened yesterday, it's normal for you to have a crush" Mr. starks said as he rubs morty head

"All these things are just part of life but there are rules to follow it" Mr. starks said

"This reminds me on how I met your mom" Mr. starks said

"Wow tell me about it" Morty replied

"It was a cloudy day, I knew it was going to rain so I took my umbrella that was also the day I told your mom I liked her and she also liked me so I took a walk with her under my umbrella, ever since we've been good friends and now we are married and have two wonderful kids" Mr. starks replied as he was lost in his thought

"Hmm sounds like a romantic love story" Morty replied with a smirk

"Yeah it was, all you've got to do is just be calm and be yourself" Mr. Starks replied

A minute after Mrs. Starks and molly had walked into the restaurant

"Oh shit, dad it's mom" Morty said surprised

"That's why we came with hoodies, put on your hoody and quietly walk out" Mr. starks replied as he and morty put on their hoody and walks out of the restaurant

"Slow down molly, I think I just saw your dad" Mrs. Starks said as she stops walking

"Cool down mom dad could never dress that cool, they are probably just gangsters" Molly replied

"Hey don't doubt your dad, anyway let's get lunch and get out of here" Mrs. Starks replied as she walks towards the counter

"I bored mom what are you going to do" Molly said as she walks out of the restaurant with Mrs. Starks

"How about we walk on your dance steps" Mrs. Starks replied

"Yeah let's go" Molly replied as she takes a taxi with Mrs. Starks

"I don't really see how dancing makes people like you" Molly said

"Don't be silly everyone loves a pretty girl that can dance" Mrs. Starks replied

"But I'm good at it already" Molly replied

"Yeah but not good enough and I have just the perfect training method" Mrs. Starks replied

"Oh brother, I wonder what morty is doing" Molly muttered as she follows Mrs. Starks dancing steps

"Wow I guess you were able to follow all my dance step, but there's a final challenge" Mrs. Starks said as she smiles

"Okay but let's go to the spa first I need to rest my feet a little" Molly replied

"Okay, Okay, but after that we are going to the arcade to test your skills" Mrs. Starks replied

"Ahhh this is soo relaxing" Molly said with a relaxed cool voice

"I know, its premium" Mrs. Starks replied calmly

"The side strawberries also taste great like you're taking a strawberry milkshake" Molly replied as she takes a strawberry

"Nothing beats the taste of a tropical berry blend soo healthy" Mrs. Starks replied as she takes a sip from her tropical berry blend

"Oh yeah, this is the life" Molly replied

"So I heard about what happened at school" Mrs. Starks said

"Oh about that, it really isn't serious" Molly replied

"Don't worry its normal, even I had a crush at your age" Mrs. Starks replied

"Wow who was it, dad?" Molly replied

"No" Mrs. Starks replied

"Tch" Mr. Starks said as he scoffs

"What happened" Morty replied

"Nothing, I just felt irritated" Mr. Starks replied

"So who was it?" Molly replied

"It was this boy in my class, I don't really remember" Mrs. Starks replied

"But your dad was the most interesting man I met" Mrs. Starks said

"Tell me more" Molly replied smiling

"It was a cloudy day I didn't expect it so I didn't bring any umbrella, it was starting to drizzle already when your dad ran towards me with an umbrella, then he told me he liked me and then he walked me home under the umbrella, romantic isn't it and now we are married" Mrs. Starks replied

"Well that's surprising, Oh we've spent soo much time here" Molly replied as she drags Mrs. Starks hand

"Oh that's right let's go to the arcade and get some ice cream" Mrs. Starks replied as she takes molly and leaves the spa