
Batman x Arc Reactor

Jack woke up in Marvel as Tony Stark, only to die in the final battle with Thanos despite his all attempts to survive. But to his surprise, he reincarnated again in DC Universe as a newborn baby in the Wayne Manor with his memories intact. He has a new goal... He will create the legend of Batman in his own way, a fusion of Batman and Iron Man. But technology in this world is too primitive compared to the Marvel Earth... Follow Jack's journey as Bruce Wayne in this reality of DC as he brings new inventions into this low-tech world and fights crimes in the most ruthless way possible. ---[YES, THERE IS HAREM. END OF DISCUSSION]--- [The Earth MC born isn't that advanced. Multiverse, different timelines, all that shits, so, don't say, I said DC is low tech lol] [MC kills] I don't own DC or Marvel works except for my OC Cover picture isn't mine. Found it on the internet. If it belongs to you and you want to remove it, provide proof and I will remove it. --- 18+ advance chs https://www.patr eon.com/XcaliburXc --- Do not translate or post my work anywhere.

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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203 Chs


Wayne Manor was wrapped in the darkness of the night. The moon cast eerie shadows across the grounds, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. Inside the mansion, all seemed calm as the inhabitants of the grand estate slumbered peacefully, unaware of the impending danger.

In the quiet of the night, Selina stirred in her sleep, a sense of unease washing over her. She had always been vigilant, even in her dreams. Her instincts told her that something was amiss, and she slowly opened her eyes, trying not to make a sound. She turned her head to find Bruce, who was already awake and was looking out the window. He turned his head and signed her to keep quiet.

Selina, sensing the urgency in Bruce's gestures, silently slipped out of bed and started putting on her clothes. Her movements were swift and soundless. Once dressed, she joined him at the window, careful not to make any noise that might alert the potential threat.

Outside Wayne Manor, in the dark of night, a group of assassins moved with stealth and precision. They were trained in the shadows, experts in covert operations. They crept silently through the estate's sprawling grounds, taking out the guards with ruthless efficiency.

As Bruce and Selina watched from the window, they could see the intruders' movements. The assassins moved like phantoms, striking without a sound. They incapacitated the guards one by one, rendering them unconscious before they could raise an alarm.

'So, it begins...' He thought with a smile. Finally, he will get to test his progress on these assassins or whoever they are. He turned to Selina, "You wanted to know my goal, right?" She nodded, curious about what Bruce meant.

He smirked, "To kill people like them who disrupt others' peaceful lives... No second chance, no mercy, only death." Selina widened her eyes, never imagining Bruce would be capable of such thoughts. However, seeing how serious he was, she couldn't help but gulp, 'He is dead serious.'

"Take lives?" She questioned, unsure if he was being truthful. He didn't reply. Instead, he focused on the intruders below. She watched as the assassins made their way toward the manor. With each step, her heart raced faster. "Is this what you meant back then? Our deal?" She asked with a grim expression.

"My goal is to cleanse this world of scumbags, Selina," Bruce replied, his voice cold as ice. He wanted to hold it back from her and was waiting for a good moment, but this moment was as good as any, "We will nib the bud before it blooms into something dangerous... Or rather eradicate it entirely." His words sent shivers down her spine. She had never seen this side of Bruce before.

As someone who grew up in the streets, She has seen the dark reality of the crime world, even if it's little. She has witnessed kidnapping, drug deals, people getting destroyed by the drugs, and one fateful night, she witnessed a shooting in the Crime Alley when she was just around eight years old. She saw two men shooting at a young boy around her age, and his family, but she was too powerless, too weak, and scared to do anything. It was a faded memory, but she still remembers the sound of the gunshots.

Selina understood that sometimes drastic measures needed to be taken to survive.

'I trust him. I am sure he has big plans. If killing one saves ten people, why not? But he won't go on a full killing spree like that MC from the game, would he? Fuck it! Girl, wtf are you thinking? Does he look like a lunatic to you? But still... Taking lives... I want to know the limits...' She knew he was different from other men, but killing... then again, they did come to kill someone or harm someone for whatever reason.

Right now in this moment, she had to make a choice; either follow Bruce and walk along with him on his path to end criminals, or live like a regular person. She knows that they won't throw her out on the streets after all this time... But... 'Can I really stay still knowing I have the power to make a difference? I... I can't let all my training go to waste... I can't break his trust or love... Shit! I have to ask him and he will probably get angry for thinking so low of him, but I just had to know...' She thought.

"By criminals, you mean the big ones, right? You ain't planning on killing the kids who were forced by their situation to join gangs, right?" Selina asked with a grim expression.

"Huh? What? No! Why would I go around killing kids and small-timers? You insane?" He questioned, finding her asking stupid questions. Kids have a future while small-timers makes good informant. It would be a waste to kill them, plus, he doesn't want to lower himself to the level of thugs and lowlifes. "Don't you dare to think so little of me. Our goal is to kill the top brass before they can do dangerous things and the rest will fall apart. We will rescue the ones who were forced by their situation, and GCPD can take care of the rest." He explained, sighing.

'So that's why the training... A vigilante! Now that sounds cool,' She thought, imagining Bruce and her kicking some serious asses.

"Hehe... Sorry... I was playing a game last night about a guy killing everyone in the name of justice..." Selina apologized, feeling relieved after hearing Bruce's plan. She smiled and held his hand, "I thought you were going on full terminator mode, killing everyone." Bruce chuckled at her cute action, ruffling her hair.

"Let's start our first mission together, shall we?" He said with a smile as the balcony door opened and four assassins entered the room.

They moved swiftly, their daggers drawn and ready for battle. They spread out, surrounding the pair, prepared to strike at a moment's notice.

"So, I am your target, huh? Who put you up to this? Black Mask or some other creeps? Oh, well, not that it matters since you fuckers are all gonna end up dead tonight anyway!" Bruce spoke casually, seemingly unfazed by the assassins' presence.

Selina stood behind him, watching the assassins carefully. She could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of battle.

"Such confidence, I like it," One of the assassins spoke. "Break his limbs... Everything will be fine as long as he is alive."

"What about the girl?" Another one asked.

"What else?" The first one replied, "Kill he..." Before he could finish his sentence, Bruce swooped in and grabbed his Adam's apple with the grappling technique he had learned.

"KILL WHO?" He ripped his Adam's apple out, blood splattered everywhere as the assassin screamed in pain, but no sound came out of his mouth. He fell on the floor, gurgling and clutching his neck as blood poured out. Bruce threw his Adam's apple towards another assassin's face. The blood splattered, blinding his eyes temporarily.

"FUCK! ATTACK," The third one yelled closing his eyes.

But it was futile, Bruce poked his eyes out using his fingers making him scream in pain as he fell on the floor. The fourth one attacked him from behind, thrusting his dagger forward. But Selina caught his wrist and twisted it, and then she quickly punched under his elbow, breaking it instantly. With a crunching sound, his bones came out from his forearm, making him scream in pain. Then followed by a sharp chop on his throat, knocking him out in an instant.

The last one tried to jump out of the window, but Selina used her speed and flexibility to her advantage, leaping off Bruce's shoulders and straight onto the assassin's shoulders. Using the momentum of her fall, she wrapped her legs around his neck and twisted her body backward, snapping his neck instantly. She flipped back gracefully, landing on her feet beside Bruce.

She froze for a moment, 'Did I just...? No, don't hesitate. It's them or us...'

The assassins lay scattered on the ground, their bodies broken and bleeding. One missing his throat and bleeding out, the second one became blind and bleeding, the third one was unconscious and bleeding, and the fourth one was dead.

"Not bad, Selina. Not bad at all." Bruce praised, impressed by her performance.


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