
Batman Beyond: Legacy

A retelling of the stories from Batman Beyond. Batman is dead. The news spread all over the world as soon as it was announced. Meanwhile in gotham, criminals that were too scared to come out into the night before have regained their spirit and began to take back control of the city. 8 years has passed and Gotham is once again overrun with crime. On one fateful night, Terry McGinnis, a troubled youth involved with criminal gangs meets Alfred Pennyworth, the man whom Bruce Wayne left everything to in his untimely death. The same week that the gotham police announced their new police commisioner. The youngest one in history, Barbara Gordon. The winds of change has begun to blow. Author's note: It's the same as the other one in the original novel section. I'm reuploading it here in the fanfic section because I made a mistake of putting it there.

BatsyJihu · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter 51

"Damn it!"

Nelson Nash was walking inside the campus of GCU. He was in a bad mood.

"Nelson!" One of his friends waved from the distance.

When Nelson reached where they were, they noticed that he was annoyed by something.

"What happened? You seem angry."

"Things didn't work out the way I had hoped. Apparently, Terry McGinnis has connections with someone in the board of the University."

-Minutes earlier-

"Are you sure about what you just said?"

"Yes. I heard it from Carter himself before the incident happened. And it wasn't just me he told it to."

Nelson is talking to the University President.

"I'll take your word for it..." The president said before he fiddled with his smartwatch to make a call.

Nelson smiled with satisfaction.

"Oh, Good morning, Mr. Luke." The president's call was picked up by a man named Mr. Luke. "Yeah. I'm very sorry for the sudden call. I just needed to ask a question regarding a student you requested me to take in." The President was being so courteous and polite that Nelson wondered who he could be talking to. Plus, the fact that he said about a student that this certain person requested to be enrolled in the university. "Yes, Terrence McGinnis. Oh, It's not about his academics where he is excelling, but another issue entirely." The President glanced at Nelson.

Nelson was smiling earlier until he got nervous all of a sudden.

"Yeah, somebody told me that he was affiliated with a gang. And I don't know if you gained knowledge of this, but recently, a student was killed due to gang violence, and we were worried about Mr. McGinnis if he would cause more trouble for us in the future...Oh, he really was affiliated with one?"

Nelson began to smile once again.

"The mutant gang? Regardless of their better reputation nowadays, we won't be able to accommodate him anymore if he continues to be associated with them...Oh? Is that right?" The President glance at Nelson again and made him more nervous. The President of the GCU turned his chair around as he continued to talk. "Then, if you say so, we'll have no problems about it. Hahaha! That's okay, sir. It's my pleasure. Alright, Mr. Luke. Have a nice day."

The President turned his seat around once again and looked at Nelson. "It seems you were telling the truth, but it's no longer our concern because Mr. McGinnis has turned a new leaf before entering the university."

"Wha- That's it? No repercussions for him?"

"I just said that he is cleared of any suspicion of currently being involved in a gang. What else do you need to know, Mr. Nash?" The president furrowed his brows at him.

"B-But! Who exactly did you talk to?"

"If you really need to know, that person on the other line was Mr. Luke Fox. CEO of Wayne Ent. and a member of the governing board of the university, and who so happens to be the person that vouched for Mr. McGinnis to enroll here."

"He could be lying for all we know!-"

Bang! The President's palm slammed the desk and then, pointed at Nelson.

"Are you telling me to doubt a more credible source than you?" The President sighed. "That's the end of our conversation today, Mr. Nash. Study well and work hard for our team. And I don't want to hear any more about Mr. McGinnis from you."


"Woah...that guy must be really loaded to be connected with someone powerful as Luke Fox." Dirk, one of Nelson's closest friends said.

"What are you going to do now?" Jody asked.

"We can't do nothing about it. Tsk. This is so freaking irritating. I want that guy to stay away from Dana." Nelson said.

"What is it about Dana, bro? I mean...I get it, she's hot, but so are the other girls lining up to bang you."

Nelson ignored what Jody said.

It was obvious that the main reason for him wanting Terry to get away from Dana is because of his jealousy. The jealousy that's been in his heart ever since Dana introduced Terry to them. The way she looked at him and the way she carried herself around him. His place as Dana's boyfriend was being threatened.

"What if we try to rough him up a little bit?" Mason suggested.

"Then, we'll end up as the bad guys. Especially to Dana."

"She's resting for a couple of days, right? She doesn't have to know. We just have to make sure he doesn't tell anyone afterwards."

"What's your plan?" Nelson asked him with interest.

"Well, I was thinking of luring him somewhere, away from prying eyes, and then we give it to him until he agrees to stay away from Dana."

If it's anything that people fear the most, it's getting hurt. These men know this since they have done this

Nelson smiled. "That seems simple enough, but how do we get him to come?"

"We'll just say we need some help for Dana's welcome back party or something."

"Hmmm..." Nelson pondered for a moment but his smile already says that he agrees with the plan.

"Just us four?"

"It's just one guy. We don't need the whole team for that." Mason smiled.


"Who is it?" Max asked after Terry's smartwatch alerted him of a message.

"It's just Nelson Nash trying to get me to help with a surprise party for Dana when she comes back." said Terry as he stared at his smartwatch.

The reception was great even though they were deep underground where they made a base and were preparing for anything that the Sons of Batman and The Jokerz might do. The reason was, the mutant leader had already set up signal boosters in it to be able to communicate with the other members of the gang. Terry also requested for Luke Fox's help to make travelling in the tunnels more convenient.

"Hmmm...I know you can handle yourself but I still don't like it." Max said and glanced at her girlfriend Carrie who was bonding with the other members of the mutant gang.

"Ah, don't worry too much about me. I'm more worried about you guys helping us. I still can't thank you both enough for agreeing to do this."

"Nah...We're both happy about it. Especially for Carrie. She's been dreaming about this for like half of her life. Serving a purpose greater than ourselves is a great thing."

Both of them looked at Carrie who had no problem getting rough with the men. They were already fond of her as if she's been with them from the start.

"By the way, we can't keep calling ourselves the mutant gang anymore, can we?" Max said.

"Yeah...but do we really have to call ourselves something?"

"Even the military has names for their squadrons, Terry."

"I guess Sons of Batman is already taken, huh?" He teased.

"That's somewhat egotistical anyway."

"Yeah, well, the Red Hood was a previous Robin. I guess it's his pride as an adopted son."

"What about you? How did you get into this thing?"

"Well...as you can imagine with who I was hanging out with, this wasn't what I wanted at first, unlike your girlfriend. A couple of people saved me from the rut that I was in, and it led me here. They didn't push me the responsibility onto me, it was my decision, but it was because of them that I got that option in the first place. And I'm glad I did."

"That would be Alfred and the police commissioner, right?"


"Yo." Cedric finally came back along with his handful of men. They were the ones that installed the transportation system around the tunnels.

"That was quick."

"It only took us almost two hours. It's very convenient."

The transportation system they installed just needed to be lined on the walls of the tunnels and indicate where the stops should be.

Don's team were in charge of assembling the transportation capsules that carried five people. It looked like giant balls that balances itself and follows where the lines that were installed on the walls as guides. A person only needs to press the map on the screen to indicate what exit or stop they need to go.

"This is pretty high-tech." Carrie said.

"Only to us. People from the government probably already had this kind of tech years ago." Max said.

It made sense because Wayne Enterprises is the government's contracted supplier of tech. But only a few chosen people in their group know that their donor was Luke Fox.

"Did you already test it?" Terry asked Cedric.

"We used it to get back here."

"Can I try? I need to go somewhere else anyway."

"Why would you need my permission for? It's thanks to you that we got this in the first place." Cedric chuckled.

Terry placed his hand on the capsule and a hatched opened up. The inside looked luxurious and spacious. As he sat down, the hatch closed and a screen from the ceiling went down. It produced a map of the underground tunnels and pinpointed the exits.

"Time to go and meet up with Nelson." He said as he tapped on the screen. The capsule sprinted and jolted him a little bit. After just second, he was already at the exit where he wanted to go. "I have to thank Mr. Luke again later." He said as got out of the capsule and proceeded to the exit.

He is about to meet up with Nelson Nash where they were readying for Dana's surprise party.