
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Robin, The Boy Wonder

Alfred and Damian listened as Bruce recounted his adventures since he arrived in this new marvelous universe. 

"This is cave 4, I have a total of five caves and each one has a Super Alfred Robot stationed," Bruce explained.

"Master Bruce, does New York have so many unknown caves?" 

"I created my version of Clark's Kryptonian building crystal. It creates artificial caves. It's much more convenient than hoping to find a place," Bruce explained.

"Father, should I go to this mutant school?" Damian asked.

"It's up to you. I think you're old enough and proved you can make good decisions. In a few days I'm meeting Dr. Reed Richards, you can come along if you want," In this universe, Bruce decided he would loosen the reigns a little. It was a good opportunity to see what kind of choices Damian would make.

"What did he do?"

Bruce turned to his son and puzzled over what Damian meant. Damian understood his father's lack of response, but he didn't get it. 

"Usually when you say you have a "meeting" with someone, it means they're getting a visit from the Batman. I'm wondering what Dr. Richards did to deserve a visit from Batman. 

Bruce, now enlightened, looked thoughtfully at his son. 

"Dr. Reed Richards is an international superhero leading one of the most powerful and longest-lasting teams. With only four members, The Fantastic Four has saved this planet repeatedly. 

Whether it's threats below the Earth, among the stars, or from dangerous dimensions, the FF has proven the qualifications as America's heroes.

Among all of the geniuses of the world, none of them is worthy to carry Mr. Fantastic's shoes. If I were to rate his intellect in our terms, I would say he possesses a 12th-level intellect."

"Okay, so that makes me even more curious about why Batman needs to meet with him," Damian said. 

"For all the good he does in the world, he is probably one of the most dangerous men in the world. Most of the things Richards saved the world from were the result of his recklessness. No one puts limits on him. 

If I can't find a way to control him, then we might die without knowing why. It will probably be some experiment he conducted, or some super weapon's blueprint easily stolen from Richard's insecure servers. 

The man is a menace. I've spent a good deal of my time since I arrived setting up firewalls, changing passwords, and protecting all of his ludicrous technology. I can't get any sleep because all I can think of is whether today is the day everyone dies due to Richards' stupidity."

Bruce grimaced as he thought about how scary these five years were. He worked his tail off protecting Richard's data, but no matter how well he protected the data, there was nothing he could do if Richards lost control of one of his reckless experiments. 

"Yeah, I'll go with you," Damian was interested in meeting this guy who had his father sitting up at night. 

"Before we meet him, you should familiarize yourself with the FF. Alfred, you're coming with us," Bruce looked at his butler.

"Me? Master Bruce, why would you need me to come along?" Alfred was cleaning and arranging the fourth Batcave. 

"I don't need you to come along, I want you to come with us. You have some strength, now. How many years has it been since you've been part of an operation? Don't you want to try out your new powers?" Bruce asked.

Alfred thought for a little while, "Very well, Master Wayne, I am curious about my strength. However, I cannot guarantee I will be of much use." 

"That's fine, I might choose a couple of my Bat-Spiders to come with us," Bruce said. 

"Bring one of the girls," Damian said with a cocky grin. 

"Those girls already have their eyes on Peter. Are you sure you want to risk humiliation?" Bruce asked his son.

"Humiliation? Those girls think they like Peter, but that's because they haven't met me yet," Damian smugly responded to his father. 

"Master Damian, it is good to be confident, but overconfidence can lead to ruin," Alfred remarked as he examined the youngest member of the Wayne family. Alfred always worried that Master Wayne would get himself killed before having progeny. The universe seemed to agree and pulled one over on Bruce. He received a son without consent. 

"Study up on the FF and then get some rest, we'll pay a visit to the school tomorrow. I'll introduce you to the Professor and some of the senior X-men," Bruce promised.

"How do they match against the Justice League?" Damian kept thinking about whether he came to a weaker or stronger universe. 

"It depends on who they put on the roster. If it's their best, they can put up a fight. There are a lot of weak X-men, though," Bruce responded. He has spent the last five years developing an understanding of all the major powers on Earth. Of course, he's also been working on determining how to counter everyone. 

 Damian logged into the Batcomputer. Files on the four primary members of the Fantastic Four appeared. After he finished reviewing Earth's First Family, he began studying the X-men.