
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

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"Magda Yuni" the creature in the robe yelled in pleasure. 

Damian created distance between himself and the yellow-eyed humanoid. Out of instinct, he threw out two exploding batarangs. The angles of the batarangs were tricky, but he deflected one with a wave of his hand and then avoided the other with a backflip. 

"Magda Yuni!" It cried out once more before it rushed forward. Damian threw out several smoke bombs laced with fear toxins. Using the smoke bombs as a screen Damian moved away. 

The black-robed creature stopped for a moment, and after a time it cackled. The creature to a deep breath in, and turned to face Damian as if it knew exactly where he was. 

"Tendebo ranchee megladinda? Bo ran nedib! Hahahaha"

Damian embraced his fear as he was taught and rushed into close melee range with his opponent. The traded blows, fists, elbows, knees, and kicks were blocked and parried by both. Eventually, the robed man broke through Damian's defenses. Once he broke through, Damian could no longer recapture the rhythm of the fight. 

As the fight seemed determined a new factor entered the battle. Damian's cape disappeared and several tentacle-like robotic arms spread out from behind him. The many arms joined Damian's attacks. It was like several Damians were controlling and fighting the man. 

To his shock, the attacking tentacles didn't seem to affect the man very much! He dodged, punched, grabbed, controlled, and captured the tentacles as he liked. In the end, the man through out his hand in front of Damian who felt his body fly back. 

He regained his footing after falling due to the man's attack. 

"Pre-cog, telekinetic abilities, and exceptional training. How can I beat him, father?" Thinking back to a discussion he and his father had during training, he recalled the advice of his father.

"Pre-Cogs and those with exceptional senses can move faster than you due to their abilities. If you want to win against such people, you must overwhelm them. Throw everything back, don't hold onto anything!" His father told him. 

"Do not hold back in battle, Damian. You must crush your enemy instantly! Every weapon you have must be unleashed on any enemy you encounter, otherwise it could lead to your doom! If you run out of weapons, pick up rocks from the ground. If there are no rocks attack your body. If your body isn't enough, then fight with your blood. Either they die or you do. It is the will to win that determines victory!" Damian's Grandfather instructed him in his younger days. However, due to his fear of his grandfather, his teachings were always at the forefront of his thoughts. 

"Will, furry, overwhelming opposition, I have those things father and grandfather. I will not fail," Damian swore in his heart. 

"Ganjo mediwahk," the black-robed opponent said tilting his head back as if he were breathing something in.

"Teh, teh, Aya omeeto ranta," The man spoke as if he were coaxing an animal. His eyes sharpened in the next moment, "Daga nu Daga, Projinawka!"

Damian saw the features of the creature demanded blood. Taking in a breath, he stopped holding back. 

He knew his father. Although he didn't support actively searching out opponents to kill them, he would rather Damian kill than be killed. This was their promise to one another. If Damian only had the option to kill to live, then Damian must kill!

Damian bounced at the creature, throwing exploding batarangs, and smoke bombs, the octoarms made his movements unpredictable. He set the octoarms to randomized strafing attacks. When they weren't moving him about, they would release concentrated energy bolts toward the figure. 

The figure threw up its right hand and the bolts seemed to be sucked to his palm and absorbed. Instead of being intimidated, Damian grew more determined. He drew out more and more things from his utility belt, bolas, grapple line, and motion-detecting bombs. For the first time, he started using the web shooters his father gave him. He aimed at his opponent's feet, but even after trapping his foot once, the man emitted lightning from his hands and melted the webbing from his body.

The more ferocious Damian became the more his opponent laughed. He could tell he was being taunted. Even still, he didn't give up. He pulled out a special weapon his father made for him before their trip to the Baxter building. 

"Damian, each of the Robins developed an affinity for a particular weapon. Dick had the Escrima sticks, Red Hood has pistols, and Tim has his staff, but you have never chosen a weapon for yourself. Therefore, I have chosen for you, you can change at any time. You like to fight up close and you, but sometimes you need extra power.

I designed this cosmic short sword for you using the cosmic rod technology. Try it out, it can even pierce the skin of the Hulk. It might even be able to slice his arm off, although his healing factor may heal the wound before you finish slicing." 

Damian pulled out one more piece of equipment he had yet to use. The man with yellow eyes watched Damian pull out a cylindrical rod. Before his eyes, the rod emitted a yellow beam of light.

The Creature's eyes widened for a moment before laughing. 

Damian rushed forward, his octoarms shot dozens of energy blasts at his opponent. In a flash, the opponent in the dark robe removed his cylindrical rod. His thumb flicked a button a beam of ruby energy erupted from the cylinder. 

The new laser sword moved swiftly and countered the laser bolts Damian fired. Some of the beams of light were even reflected at Damian. Thankfully, his suit was able to absorb the energy. 

He closed the distance between his opponent and attacked with his cosmic sword while his opponent attacked with his ruby energy sword. The creature cackled as if it were mad. 

They exchanged several blows, but the man was better. He sliced off the octoarms, stabbed Damian through his left shoulder, and then made a pinching motion. Damian couldn't breathe and he felt himself being lifted from the ground. 

His cosmic sword fell to the ground as Damian reached for his neck with both hands and tried to remove whatever was strangling him. 

His opponent brought Damian closer and spoke with a sinister sneer.

"Yagdo epifurious...darrid zedoka, darrid zedoka, Haptuppa, Haptuppa Hoyom!"

Damian didn't understand the creature, but he eventually blacked out. 

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