

Caviar, the talented mercenary must accept the fact that her destiny is connected with a mad Prince who repeatedly dies and regresses. to achieve her life goal of living a prosperous life with her two adopted sisters, caviar meets the prince and offers cooperation. "I will help you but you have to promise me one thing." "what promise?" "don't die and regress until your goal is achieved." so, can caviar realize its goal at the same time as helping the Prince?

Izanagi_Kagura · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Time flies quickly. it doesn't feel like a year has gone by without me noticing. Kairos and kaluna continued to grow and so did I. as caviar, my job is a porters odd jobs that provide power to transport goods.

often the soldiers who used to take me to the people's Hall asked me for help. now, I'm on good terms with those soldiers. I also have a small abandoned house on the corner of town. I just stayed.

however, there is one secret that no one knows about. to survive in the city, it takes a very large cost if not good at managing finances. plus, I intend to get ka and ku into the Academy. therefore, that secret that no one knows about is my second identity as a bounty hunter of an information guild.

ramyeon, that's my name and identity as a hunter in the guild. well, that name I made up for my longing for ramyeon.

after all, after knowing more about my past identity. since I was a child, I have been trained to hunt and survive in the forest where I might waste my talent as a hunter.

another reason I chose this job is because... the reward, of course, is great. great wages coupled with untold talent. who also wants to waste the opportunity to shine as a figure of a great hunter who is rich.

at least, I can rearrange my dream again in this second life, which is to become rich unemployed. just thinking about how much money I'm going to make in the next ten years just makes me fly.

heck, I can't even hope.

"ram, how is it? will you take it?"the figure in front of me kept waiting for my decision.

I nodded in agreement. hunting monsters is easy for this great kav.

"then, as usual?"

"of course."

"good optimism. this is how other employees should work."

"stop flattering your beloved officer. I also work hard to know."

"yayayaya. I know."

"then I go now."

"already going?"the guild leader approached me. I nodded.

"is there anything else you want?"

"hmm," I thought, " I need money."

"ugh, reduce the nature of that currency of yours."

"But Everything needs money."and I just passed out leaving adios and kara both in the room.

"ck, I can't live if I don't have a lot of money."


the fog cleared. the cold crept in. the light is still not showing through. in the meantime, I walk down the quiet streets of the city. it's still too early for people to get up and work and I just got home from work.

my whole body was covered in sweat, my robe was full of blood and mud. my hair's a mess. I've always been fascinated by the mask I wore when I was a teenager.

fortunately, the streets this time were deserted from drunks and patrolling soldiers. it made it easier for me who had always been sneaking around.


whose voice? I lift my head. a person with a familiar style of clothing has been standing in front of me. my eyes lit up for a moment.

"I thought you'd forget, but you didn't, did you?"

there's no way I could forget that figure. eyes like a dead fish, shoulder-length black hair and that dress... it was the last thing I wore before I arrived here. it was my figure in my previous life.

"who are you?"

"I am you."

"no way. I am me. why do you have my figure?"

"I told you, I am you. to be exact, I'm the part of you that you forgot after you got that body."

"no way, am I hallucinating? the Dream part 2?"

"hahaha, not like that. I finally found a part of me and I'm trying to convey something you've forgotten."

"what is Max-

the figure attracted me and suddenly I was drawn in pitch darkness.

it feels almost the same as when I found this body memory. now I have found my own memories. about how I lived my life in the past and other things I did in the past.

right. it's really my memory. now I remember everything. no wonder I didn't feel so alien or difficult after arriving in this world. this is the embodiment world of a strange novel that I once found in a pile of old books.

the name of the kingdom, the territories are the same. the noble clan and the king in office at this time were exactly the same as that of the novel. the difference is, now I'm in possession of a cast that's not even recorded in the story. why?

the novel tells the story of a reincarnator whose destiny is to become a hero who saves the world from a demonic invasion.

and all I remember is that the reincarnator was an Imperial Prince whose presence alone was never expected. Prince reinkanator it will always return to the past if he fails to save the Empire from destruction.

in the first, second, third, to sixth regressions, the prince failed to save the Empire then in the seventh regression, the prince went crazy. he became uncontrollable and possessed. in fact, when he hung himself many times and died, he still got up and came back.

now the question is? on regression to how much do I remember everything? don't I just regressed because of it and because I can't remember it I can't realize?

damn it! why is it that my world is like this? I want to be born a rich boy. it's okay to ignore it as long as I can make money from an easy place.

just thinking about it makes me want to cry again but, now is not the time. the Dawn was so bright on the horizon, I had to hurry home before anyone else saw me.

checkmate. as usual, my husband and I were still asleep. my step immediately led me to the bathroom. I forgot to wash all my clothes. as soon as the cold water poured all over my body, stinging again burst between them. damn it! I'm hurt again.

"sis, Where Are you going?"I shuddered instantly to find kaluna who had just woken up. don't get caught.

"Ah, that's anu.. eee, I'm off today. I want to take you to the city."my answer is vague.

"really?"kaluna believes so. I couldn't bear to lie to him.

"i did. later take kairos, we go together."well, Goodbye my mattress. I still can't seem to rest today.

time flies again. arriving in the main city, the crowd immediately welcomed me and my two sisters. this city was the central city of the Empire where all central political and economic activities were centered. in addition, the city is located close to the port making it a very busy city.

the Megalithic city is divided into three main areas. zone one is an elite area where royal families and nobles usually live there. Zone Two is an intermediate area, in which all economic centers move.people with an upwardly mobile economy live in the region. while the third zone area is the area where ordinary people live with a lower middle economy. the place where I live is at the outermost point of the zone three area where, it is located in the middle of forests and mountains.

"Wow, so many. that's great."kaluna is very excited. kairos, as always, he's kind of annoyed when he's interested. that's funny.

"kav, are you sure?"kairos asked in between our shopping.

"so what? take it easy. your college tuition and this month's money are separate. don't hesitate if you want to buy something. as long as I have enough money in my pocket, I'll buy it."

"it's not that."kairos interrupted me. I linked eyebrows, "then?"

"that, you look very exhausted."

look, he said it shyly. that's funny.

"really? but I don't feel that way."

"whatever you want. I warned you."after saying that, ka ran after me who was cool to watch this. I watched them from a distance.

"why are they so worried anyway?"

who cares about the genre of war in this world. I don't care as long as there are ka and ku beside me and I can admire their cuteness to my heart's content.