
Streaking on an alien world

I explored the ship a bit before returning to Yuna who had been sitting on the Puddle cycle by herself for at least thirty minutes now. The ship had quite a lot of tech that I didn't want to leave behind, luckily it also had a stargate on board. I took all of the important Goa'uld tech that I could find including a Sarcophagus and even a Rod of Anguish and sent them to Atlantis. I didn't really want or need the Sarcophagus though.

The Sarcophagus was basically just stolen Ancient tech with a remodel. I could make something like this easy. I just thought id keep it as a trophy and also prevent it from coming into others hands.

Even though the ship could no longer go into hyperdrive, the small thrusters still worked and so I programmed the ship to land on the planet below it in a half hour. I thought id check out the planet before leaving and figured the ship would make a good distraction if I needed it.

Going back up to the hole I had created when I tunneled through the hull of the ship, I saw Yuna still sitting on the puddle cycle above. Pushing off the ship with my feet, I floated straight to the cycle and sat in front of Yuna once again.

"Oh my god, why are you naked?" Yuna asked as she moved as far back as possible on the puddle cycle to avoid touching me.

"They blasted my clothes off, get used to it, I foresee this happening often". I replied as I headed down to the planet below. On the way down to the planet, I caught Yuna sneaking glances at my body, specifically my cock that laid heavily between my legs. Not long after, she scooted closer and put her arms around my waist, her hands were inches away from my manhood.

"The handlebars are hard to hold onto, that's all" She said with a red face.

I smiled at her bashfulness as I landed on the planet near it's gate and then hopped off the puddle cycle. A group of Jaffa approached shortly after.

They spoke a different language, but the translator did it's job well.

A young Jaffa man spoke first "Have you been sent by our god Apophis? Do you come to choose?"

I shook my head. "No, but Apophis will be here shortly, I'm sure you will all be surprised. Apophis hadn't told me much about this planet, can anyone here show me around and tell me about it?"

"We would be happy to serve Apophis" The young man said as he led me around, showing me the highlights of his planet.

According to him, this was the Planet Chulak, a Jaffa planet that served the Goa'uld Apophis. Hearing this I couldn't help but ask. "Where is Bra'tac?"

Bra'tac was a strong Jaffa and friend of Teal'c who happened to run around with sg1. Later Bra'tac would be a counselor for the Jaffa free nation. It wouldn't be bad to be on friendly terms with him.

"I apologize, Bra'tac is under suspicion of helping the traitor Teal'c and his Tau'ri friends escape through the stargate very recently, He is currently being questioned. Would you like to see him?"

I shook my head. "No, that's okay. Instead lead me to the place you guys do the ceremony of implantation at".

"It's just right over there" The young Jaffa pointed.

It was less than 30 feet away from me, I hadn't noticed. Making my way to it, I looked down at the large see through jar that held Goa'uld larva that was implanted into the youth of this planet when they reached a certain age. Seeing them swim around in the liquid inside the vase grossed me out a bit.

Just as I was looking at the Goa'uld slugs slosh away, the Ha'tak ship finally descended upon the planet and landed.

As all the Jaffa, including the young man that was showing me around rushed to the Ha'tak ship that was currently filled with nothing but dead bodies, I grabbed the Goa'uld jar and headed back to the puddle cycle and got on it with Yuna. Her arms wrapped around me once again as I dialed the gate for Atlantis.

I didn't want to stick around for when they discovered the inside of the ship, so right when the last chevron was locked in, I went through the gate as I held onto the Goa'uld vase.

Arriving back on Atlantis, Joppi and Jasmine both seemed to be talking to each other and then stopped once they saw us arrive. Jasmine and Joppi's eyes both taking in my naked body before looking at Yuna with jealousy.

I noticed this and spoke up on her behalf. "I came under fire and the staff weapons they used destroyed my clothes, i'm going to go change now".

Jasmine seeing me run away from having to speak on the matter of my nakedness again shouted towards me. "When you are finished, we should get back to your magic lessons"

I threw my hand up and waved showing that I understood and then quickly went to find some clothes. I wasn't bashful, but Yuto was running around here somewhere and I didn't want to be put on some list somewhere.

After changing, Jasmine and I got to work. We were now in the process of 'feeling' the magic power within us and then using that magic to affect the world outside and around us. As I searched within myself and followed Jasmine's instructions I had hard time sensing anything at first, but as time went on, I started to feel something.

I tried to mentally move what I felt as I directed the power through my hand. Jasmine said it helps to have something to channel the magic. Some people used staffs, some used wands, and some just used their hands. I felt it would be more natural if I could just use my hands and so I channeled the magic through my right hand and then outside my body.

As I connected to the power that resided within me, I willed it to interact with the 4th dimension as I attempted to raise a nearby pencil. After a few seconds of me concentrating, I saw it start to move and then levitate. My first attempt at magic was weak, but now I at least knew I was capable.

Jasmine was shocked upon seeing me move the pencil. "Usually this takes years to accomplish, you learned to do this in a couple of days. Be honest, have you ever done magic before?"

"I haven't lied to you, this is my first time. I guess I'm just a fast learner". I said as I made a second attempt at the pencil, this time effortlessly raising it off the ground.

"That's putting it mildly. I guess that's all for today then, just keep practicing that for now."

I nodded my head "Sure, thanks again for teaching me".

There was a certain level of awkwardness in the air as Jasmine fidgeted with her hands. "Would you like to stay with me tonight?" She asked.

I was happy she asked, but wanted to clarify and set boundaries first. "I will gladly share a bed with you, just know that I will not be tied down by you or anyone else. If you develop feelings, those are for you to figure out, not me.

Jasmine nodded her head as she closed her door and started undressing. "That's okay with me".

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