
Bastard Hero

An accursed existence, a being that only brings disaster—such is the world that can describe that man. Trevor Herscher, a slave trader from the 18th century, looks down on anyone he deems a heretic. For him, torturing is an act of enjoyment, and the scream of terror is the most beautiful music God has given him. But, alas, karma caught him one day. Filled with rage, he seeks to carry out one man's crusade in another world by striking a deal with an unknown being. Armed with the unknown [chaos magic] in the strange world filled with monsters, artifacts, and dungeons, he abandoned his beliefs on Earth. "Only a heretic can kill another heretic effectively", and with such conviction, he is ready to commit any kind of abominable act as the bastard hero. Story update every weekday There will be chapter known as lore weekend every Saturday

Jester_Zains · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 12: Face Your Dread

Even if I gain some allies, things just did not conspicuously get easier. I need to cover up some holes in my story, console anyone who knew of Bjorj, and further expand my knowledge of this world by begging anyone who seems smart to teach me.

It was near the closing hour of the Colosseum, and instead of sleeping like usual, we were gathered on a long table. There I was in the center of it, spreading the road map of my plan that was written in dirty fabric from deceased fighter with a fragment of limestone. It's a little messy, but it's good enough to be seen.

There was someone who leaked that my fight match would be 3 days from now, and after some discussion, we've decided to conduct the plan during my match when Don Westel's attention was focusing on me. Not only for the distraction factor, they also need prove of my worth, by that they mean combat ability. If I could win this rigged match then no one else in this Colosseum would dare to question my might.

Before my battle started, there was a tradition of listening to the bell of war. On the first ring, each contestant would need to take their stance. On the second ring, contestant would shout their ambition to the audience. Finally, after having no more attachment to this world, on the third ring, both of them would start engaging in their battle.

If the opponent was a monster, the third bell would signal the monster tamer to open the vicious monster's cage.

Hydra, Chimera, Manticore, Leprechaun, Yeti, Kraken, lesser demon, experienced vampire thrall—depending on my luck, I could fight weak monsters like slime or mythical monsters like the rumored Leviathan.

"Both contestant are you ready?"

"Damn right I'm. I'll show those nobles what it's like to piss off an expert of combat."

"If you say so...WEEELEELLLCCOCOMME EVRYONE! TO THEEE GLADIAATOR MATCH OF THE HISTORYYY!!!! I, Aureolius, have the honor of witnessing this tense historical battle as your eyes and mouth!"

"On the right side of the arena, we have the only champion of the famous Fellendules family, Trevor Herscher!"

"On the left side of the arena, we have the apex of monsters, the cream of the cream, made by our specialized breeding method. Without further ado, let's introduce him the Gargantuan Chimeta!"

"Whooooohh!" The crowd cried out upon making eye contact with the giant monster.

I knew what chimera is; my teacher used to tell me about it from one of his foreign books. A chimera, as he described it back then, was a monster with the body of a lion but two additional heads besides its neck: a dragon and a goat. According to another version of the story, a chimera may also had a snake for a tail. In the end, it was just a story; while chimera might had existed once, the description of its true appearance must had been lost with the passage of time.

A 32-foot lion covered in ominous black fur was currently facing me. Eight-chains were attached to the iron collar around his neck. The crimson eye was shining bright as it was fueled by his hatred of other creatures. "Kekekkekskk" and "waooooihwhhho," as described on its torso near the shoulder, were two heads of different animals that grew unnaturally; they were the heads of a vulture and a rat. As for the tail, as far as I could see, it was just a normal lion tail.

On the first ring, I changed my stance, and four of the eight chains holding the Gargantuan Chimera collar were taken off.

On the second bell, two links of the chain holding him were removed. With only two chains barely holding the ferocious creature, the chimera tried charging at me but stopped midway thanks to the remaining chain. In front of audience I confessed my feeling of wanting to stop the spread of heretical teaching but not one word was heard as the shout of the Gargantuan Chimera echoed through the Colosseum.

Finally, after the monster tamer (thankfully) retreated the Gargantuan Chimera a few yards away from me, as the last of both chains was removed, the third ring was heard,

This time I knew the Gargantuan Chimera would rush straight at me, so as it stepped forward, I dodged the first attack just slightly by rolling to the left.

Before he could turn his huge body, I ran as fast as I could to the left hind side of the chimera. Every creature, no matter how large it was, must had a blind spot. However, I was mistaken; before I could reach the hind side, the vulture's head on the left side of the torso was looking at me. The Gargantuan Chimera simply rotated his hind side slightly to the right, negating my entire strategy of exploiting his blind spot.

At least before it could rush at me again, I needed to injure that creature, even for a bit, or else my pride wouldn't have any value.

In less than a second, I increased my concentration to the highest level. With my breath, I utter a short prayer before launching my cutlass straight at the rat head on the chimera's right torso.

Our distance was around 9 feet, and this time I was not mistaken; the throw was done by using my entire muscle as its propeller to fly straight and true to the rat's head. However, it did not stab; there was no wound, not even a speck of blood; the slippery fur of the rat and its elastic skeleton completely reduced the shock caused to it, rendering my attack useless.

Damn it, this Gargantuan Chimera monster was really strong. It had lion head that act as its primal thinking unit, making it an aggressive monster with keen senses, and two heads on each sides of the torso, making it almost impossible to exploit his blind spot. Not to mention the nature of the rat's fur, which negated everything short of piercing attack, and also the vulture head; it was just looking at me without doing anything, but I knew it must also had some speciality.

In my moment of doubt, I heard a familiar voice.

"Trevor fight on! I knew that disgusting slab of meat couldn't compete with my fiance!" Astarte was shouting encouragement from the VIP spectator stand. Aside from her, Raul and Dorothy were forced to hold a large piece of paper with the words "The invincible Trevor would dominate the match."

I heard her voice but didn't look at her nor pay her any attention. As annoying as she was, she was partially correct. The invincible Trevor, huh? Those chosen by God had no fear of death when they spread God's teaching even in the face of death or torture; surely, the same was true in this world.

As long as I believe in my God, I'm invincible. Death, pain, and misery—all of it was meaningless. Reality be damned, rationality be damned, from this point on, I would fight the Gargantuan Chimera head-on!

That's right You finally get it. You might not realize it yet but I have given you some more of my power