

Pasquale’s world is torn apart after witnessing his father’s murder and is forced into hiding with his brother, Matteo and lover, Bianca. Their lives take a turn as they discover from a letter Pasquale’s father had written, revealing the existence of supernaturals in their world. Pasquale is tasked with caring for them as they journey to unravel the secrets of the world and uncover their true identities. Guided by his father’s journal they find their way to New Orleans. Pasquale while battling with acceptance and peace, is hit by a wave of loss and sets out on a vengeful quest. Will he find the peace he seeks in revenge? Or would it lead to further darkness and despair.

UtraX · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Veiled Intrigues

It was difficult watching Elaine give in to this man's demand and take his disrespect like that. I couldn't say anything, not yet anyways. I figured I'd observe a little, knowing nothing about the way things worked in the city, but mostly I was curious, who is Vincent? And why is Malcolm at the center of all this?

Elaine didn't seem bothered, and somehow that seemed to ease my worry, the past few days had it's effect on me, so much happened in so little time that the news of Malcolm being kidnapped didn't seem to set off alarms in my head. Malcolm was in danger, but neither of us seemed bothered, I knew my reasons, but for her? How could she be so calm, knowing his life depended on her response, I wonder.

The gentleman upped and left the bar. It took a few more hours for the bar to clear out, but I waited patiently, I had more questions, but she had to keep the bar running. I helped out locking up the bar when all the workers closed. Finally, it felt right for a conversation.

"So, who's this Vincent?" I engaged. She leaned in as I spoke and took a deep breathe. 'Ah! She's been expecting me to ask.'

"Took you long enough, I guess I'll tell, you since you've decided to stay a while."

"Vincent runs the only gang in the city, he has all the thugs, goons, and shady criminals under his thumb. He's the only known vampire currently in New Orleans, and like all vampires, he seeks one thing – a daylight ring. That's why he's abducted Malcolm and I wonder why he didn't put up a fight."

"It's probably because he couldn't." I replied, cutting her short as she spoke.

"What do you mean he couldn't? Malcolm can take care of himself, trust me. " she defended.

"Well, back in River plate, we had a running with a red eyed vampire. All we did was run."

The smile on her face faded the moment she heard me, her thoughts were frozen, the blank look on her face said it all.

"Did you say red eyed?" she asked, shocked.

"Yeah, like blood."

"What the fuck did you guys get yourself into." She yelled, pacing. I could see it in her eyes she wanted no part in this.

"Who is he?" I asked. There was a deep pause and a deep breathe before she could say anything.

"Van Basten, the most dangerous living vampire we know of. We have no idea how many vampires survived. All I know is back when there was balance of power, he answered only to the king. His personal assassin. Now I hear he only kills for the thrill, he calls himself an artist, he picks out his targets, only our kind of course, but neither of you fit his criteria. So none of this makes sense, why was he after you?" She was fumbling as she spoke, tapping her finger against her lips as she paced.

I felt the heaviness set on my body and the sinking feeling in my stomach, at the same time I could feel the conflict between my brain and heart, logic fighting fear. There had to be a solution.

"So, this artist. That's why people fear him so much? We ran the moment Malcolm heard I'd met him."

"I'm surprised myself, Malcolm is one of the strongest witches alive, he might not be able to kill him, but he definitely can stand his own against him. Unless…" she replied, a deep pause followed as she second guessed her thoughts, nothing made much sense at that moment.

"Wait, Malcolm's a witch?" I asked.

"Tell me exactly what happened when you saw him." She asked, keen to determine what was going on.

"well, I told Malcolm I'd just seen a red eyed vampire in his neighbor's house, and he made us leave for New Orleans immediately, saying he couldn't do anything as he was now."

"As he was? You've got to be kidding me!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No wonder he didn't put up a fight. He's probably had his magic sealed. No! It's the only explanation right now. That son of a bitch! That'll also explain why I've not been able to track him in the past 20 years." There was this tightness in her eyes and expression as she spoke, she was irritated.

I had a lot more questions. I wanted to keep asking and learning all through the night.

"Elaine, can you really make a daylight ring?"

"I swear to God Pasquale, if you ask me one more question, I'll fry your brain without breaking a sweat." She yelled furiously, all of a sudden the aura surrounding her changed, she'd snapped. After gaining her composure, she looked up at me and said, "I'm sorry. It's complicated, making a daylight ring isn't like casting any spell. The spell was created by an ancestor of mine, but she added a condition to it. Only the female children of her line could cast the spell. Before my sister died, she sealed off that part of me, I can do magic, but I can't make a daylight ring, not anymore. So as far as the world is concerned, there's only one witch who can cast that spell – me."

"So every vampire alive thinks you can make a daylight ring, but you can't, and in fact no one else can. Still though, doesn't that make you a target?"

"I'm not so sure about that anymore. Answer me this kid: your girlfriend. Is she by any chance from a Rugge family?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" he eyes lit up, I could almost hear her scream 'I knew it.'

"I see," she said, lighting a cigarette, "do you by any chance know her mother's name?" she added

"Yes, I believe it's Brianna. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious, did she have green eyes? Her mother," another question, she was already in tears when I looked to answer her. All the pieces finally lined up, father's letter, his message to Bianca the night of the funeral, there was only one conclusion, and I couldn't help but give her the answers she needed.

"Yes, she did and so does Bianca." We didn't need to say any more words, I could feel her shaking in excitement, the smile on her face while she let her joyous tears flow, was more than a smile, it was a burst of joy. She bowed her head towards me and said "Thank you!"

This was no random meet, it was a family reunion and I'm sure Malcolm knew.

While we spoke there was a silhouette from behind the wall, an ear tuned to our conversation, silently picking off all we've been saying, the soft whimper gave it away, the blue scarf flying across the wall into the hallway. She must've figured it out too.

"Hey!" Elaine called out gently. But Bianca took off like a mouse, back into her room.

"I'll go talk to her Elaine, truth is all of this has been a bit too much for all of us. Maybe it's best you let her come to you?" I suggested as I stood up to go talk to Bianca, on my way to her room I looked in ours and Matteo was fast asleep and when I got to hers I had to prepare myself, I had no idea how she'd react.

"Hey!" I said softly after letting a soft knock on the door and letting myself in. I walked in on her cleaning her tears.

"You okay?" I added as I took a sit right next to her on the bed. I didn't really know what to do or what to say to her in that moment, her expression was slack, her eyes wet and dull, she was sniffing and wiping her nose.

"What if they don't want me too?" she asked with a flat monotone voice.

I lost my words when I heard that, my body moved on its own and pulled her in for a hug. We embraced in silence for a moment before she asked again, "What if they hate me because I'm a bastard?"

"You're not a bastard, Anca, and if they don't want you it's their loss, cause I want you, I need you."

"Yes, I am a bastard, Pasquale. I was reminded of that everyday I lived in that house. And they hated me for it, as if having the world hate me for the color of my skin wasn't enough, my own family hated me because my father raped my mother." She tried to stifle her cry, there was no way I couldn't feel the unspoken pain in her words.

There were no words I could think of, I could only hold her in a comforting embrace as she wept without control on my shoulder.

"It doesn't matter if they want you or not, cause I love you, and I'm sure they will too." I finally said.

"How do you know they would?" she asked again.

"I saw it in her eyes, but we won't know for sure until you talk to her."

"Okay, but can it wait till tomorrow? For now I just want to stay here with you all night." She replied, and of course I obliged.

We sat there, two souls woven together; by sorrow and compassion, grief and love, with the wind blowing in from the windows above, and the moon spreading it's glorious light, perfect harmony. In that moment words had no meaning, and the silence spoke volume through our embrace. A comfort in dark hours and in that darkness, the fangs of evil brooded, for its hope has been restored.