
Basketball Time Travel: God on the Court

Traveling through 07, and Durant became a teammate of the University of Texas, side by side to fight in March Madness! The opening to activate the system [basketball world's strongest humanoid plug-in], fusion of Iverson template, the road of legend opened! Iverson: "He'll do everything I'd do, and this guy is still two sizes too big for me!" Kobe: "This kid makes me ignite a desire to win, I enjoy the feeling of confronting him!" Reporter: "Michael, what kind of player is Chen Yan in your eyes?" "Possesses top-notch skills, top-notch physical fitness and top-notch fighting spirit!" "And then what?" "And then the NBA came to a big finish!"

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System Fusion, 198CM Iverson?

  "How time flies, March Madness is back this year!"


  "By the way, what school was our first opponent again? New Mexico State?"


  "Definitely an easy win! We've got Kevin Durant, though!"


  "Yes, that guy is a relentless scoring machine!"


  On the campus path, looking at the appearance of men and women of different skin colors passionately discussing, Chen Yan was dumbfounded.


  What's going on?


  Just as Chen Yan was in a daze, a wave of memories suddenly struck him!


  Soon, the memories that kept flooding into his head told him that he had crossed over.


  Chen Yan came from June 2021 to March 2007.


  And also became a member of the Texas varsity basketball team!


  Just as Chen Yan froze in place.


  "Ding! Crossing over has been successful, [Basketball's Strongest Personality Plug-in] has been activated!"


  "The system will randomly assign ballista templates to the host for fusion!"


  "Ding! Template fusion successful, host fused ball player template as:Allen Iverson (1st year rookie)"


  "Fusion complete, system panel generated."


  Immediately afterward, a translucent panel appeared in front of Chen Yan's eyes.


  [Name]:Chen Yan


  Height: 198c.




  [Arm Spread]:218C


  [Bounce in Place]: 98c


  [Assisted Bounce]: 105c


  [Ball Control]: 90


  [Speed]: 92




  [Vision]: 84


  [Breakthrough]: 90


  [Layup]: 85


  [CIC]: 77


  [Three points]: 67


  [Free throws]: 80




  [Running]: 90


  [Steals]: 88


  [Power]: 65


  [Rebounds]: 58


  [Defense]: 65


  [Caps]: 68


  [Spirit]: 95


  [Skills]: Divine Ball Stealing: (active skill, when the host uses this skill to enhance the success rate of stealing by 10%), Answer CROSSOVER (active skill, after using this skill to enhance the success rate of breakthroughs by 10%, and to enhance the first step of speed increase after breakthroughs by 8%)


  Note: The use of active skills will consume a certain amount of physical energy, please use it wisely!


  Overall rating: A


  Listening to the series of system prompts, and then looking at the panel representing the personal attributes.


  Chen Yan instantly understood that his own extras had arrived ah!


  In his rookie season, Iverson averaged 23.5 points and 7.5 assists per game, already at an All-Star level.


  The reasoning speaks for itself, but why was Iverson's rookie season template speed only 92?


  And only 77 and 67 on center and threes, respectively?


  When Chen Yan sent out a question, the system also immediately gave an answer:


  "Because the host's own attribute values are low, some of the original ballista template's attributes have been weakened to some extent after the fusion."


  Well ... Turns out I was the one dragging the template down.


  "Are these attributes fixed to remain the same forever?" Chen Yan continued to ask questions.


  This question is critical and means the upper limit of Chen Yan's future career.


  If the attributes couldn't be improved, then Chen Yan's ceiling was estimated to be an All-Star level player at best, unable to progress towards superstar or even supergiant.


  "Personal attributes are not fixed, the host can win honor points by winning matches and completing system tasks, honor points as the system's general currency can be exchanged for attribute points that improve personal attributes."


  Hearing this Chen Yan's face showed excitement as it meant that he could keep getting stronger!


  In a previous life, Kobe once made the sentiment that we should all be glad Iverson isn't 5'9".


  Chen Yan looked at himself and then at the system panel.


  Now isn't this 6'9" Iverson coming?


  And it's the kind that can be constantly upgraded and enhanced!


  Chen Yan took a deep breath and combed through his current situation with his memories.


  Chen Yan, a freshman who was drafted last September, currently plays the position of point guard on the Texas varsity basketball team, except it's a substitute for a substitute.


  Averaging just 5.9 minutes of playing time, the numbers are even more dismal at 1.3 points and 1.1 assists.


  Many fans in the country affectionately refer to him as Chen One Point.


  In fact, Chen Yan's static talent is good, 198C height plus 218C arm span, in the NBA is also absolutely counted on the first-class level.


  But other than static talent he has almost nothing else to show for it.


  The average two-point shooting rate of 32%, the average three-point shooting rate is only a poor 25%, relatively rough technology coupled with mediocre athleticism in the perverted NCAA simply can not stand.


  Even so there are still a lot of media outlets in the country paying close attention to Chen Yan's performance in the NCAA.


  Most of these media are for the flow, even if Chen Yan took 1 point and 1 assist they can be blown into the core of the team, the star of hope of the Chinese men's basketball team, is very likely to be the next Chinese player to log on to the NBA after the big Yao ...


  They take whatever title draws traffic anyway, it's pretty outrageous.


  However, the more the media boasts, the more it triggers the disgust of domestic fans, so there is always a lot of mockery at the bottom of the news about Chen Yan.


  A core that averages 2 points and 1 assist per game?


  Don't be embarrassingly dark, Chen Yan joined the University of Texas soccer team!


  This level want to enter the NBA, really think the NBA is the Chen Yan family open ah!


  The plated gold goes back to the CBA, for those who know.


  The netizen's words are not rough, according to Chen Yan's original strength and the NBA is really far away from ten thousand eight hundred thousand miles, can go back to the country to play on the CBA is good.


  But now it's different, 198c height plus the addition of the Iverson template makes Chen Yan very sure that his future is in the NBA!


  Now he just lacks a stage to show himself.


  The NCAA's March Madness is the perfect stage for Chen Yan!


  Nationwide, NCAA 'March Madness' is much hotter than the NBA!


  On the day of the NCAA Final Four, the NBA usually suspends play for a day, which at best is a sign of respect, and at worst is a sign that everyone will be going to the NCAA Final Four that day, and no one will be paying attention to the NBA at all on that day!


  And Chen Yan now has to think about how to get on the University of Texas' official 'March Madness' roster ...


  As Chen Yan thought and walked, he unknowingly arrived at the entrance of the team's training hall.


  "HEY! Chen, you're here early today!"


  Chen Yan had just stopped walking when a voice came from behind him.


  Looking back, a familiar face appeared in front of Chen Yan's eyes.


  This has a handsome face, and this teenager has the temperament of a contractor!


  Can't go wrong with the hot man - Kevin Durant!


  Durant was carrying a shoulder bag, and with his long legs, he jumped in front of Chen Yan in a flash.


  "KD, you're looking good today!"


  After hearing Chen Yan's words, Durant smiled and nodded, "That's for sure, I'm ready for next week's 'March Madness'!"


  Speaking of March Madness Durant was all excited, as a freshman he was a first-time participant in the grand tournament known throughout the United States.


  Then, Durant put his arm around Chen Yan's shoulder: "Let's go, warm up! Chen, be more active in the practice game later, I heard that the coach will announce the final 12-man roster for March Madness today!"


  Chen Yan nodded after hearing this, and the two of them walked into the training hall together.


  Durant and Chen Yan's relationship is good, the two at the same time freshman and roommates, whether it is training, classes or sleep together.


  And both are LSPs at heart, the difference is that they express it differently.


  Chen Yan likes to take the initiative and focus on actual combat.


  Durant, on the other hand, likes to hide under the covers and give those online beauties a nod, mainly for YA and hand jobs ...