
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

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19 Chs

Hirosaki High School! (2)

AN__: Hello!

First of all, shout out to B1G_Dream for giving suggestions in the comments. If you have any more of those, please put them in the comments brother. Every suggestion and question will be considered, reacted to, or answered. So, don't shy away from giving them.

Also, if you find any mistakes in this chapter, please point them out. I'm trying to increase the story's readability. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

Thanks for tuning it!


Thursday, the 3rd of April, 2019. 


On the first day of school, Takeshi was up bright and early, ready to face the day with determination. As he descended the stairs, the delightful scent of breakfast greeted him, and there stood his father, already bustling in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Dad." Greeted Takeshi with a warm smile. A couple of weeks passed since he reincarnated, but he adapted to the situation very well. Even he didn't expect that. He went back to his teenage years. It's very different than a professional basketball player's life, very different.

"Morning, Takeshi. Ready to tackle the world today?" Hiroshi greeted back, a slight grin on his face. He has woken up earlier than usual. His son was going to high school, after all. He must cook a sizeable meal before sending his son to an unfamiliar place. At least, that's what Hiroshi thinks.

Takeshi's heart swelled with gratitude for his father's unwavering support on this important day. Although he has been to high school before, he didn't have a good experience there. So, he felt apprehensive about going back. 

However, seeing his father trying so hard for him, he felt extremely grateful. 'Why didn't I notice it in my previous life?' He thought, feeling ashamed of his past self. Still, he got a chance to redeem himself and he's going to take it.

"Yeah, it's the first day of high school, after all. A fresh start." Responded Takeshi, nodding his head. Looking at his father, he noticed that the food was about to be ready, so he sat on the dining table, waiting for it to arrive. 

In no time, Hiroshi finished cooking,  placing a hearty breakfast plate before him. "Fresh starts are good. Now, sit down and fuel up before your big day." He said, handing Takeshi the cutlery he should be eating with.

Takeshi re-ranged his seat to make sure he was in a good position to eat well, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the delicious spread his father had prepared.

"Thanks, Dad. This looks amazing." Praised Takeshi appreciatively. Although he eats his dad's cooking every day, he could never understand how he makes the food this good. He has even tried to learn from him but to no avail.

In his previous life, he had to live alone after going to France for cross-training because of his injury. So, for more than half a decade, Takeshi hadn't eaten his father's dishes, making him understand how good it was.

Seeing Takeshi's reaction, Hiroshi wore a playful smile as he spoke. "I tried to make it special for you. You're going to need all the energy to conquer high school."

As Takeshi dug into his breakfast, his father couldn't resist injecting a bit of humor into the moment. The room was getting way too quiet to his liking. Of course, he looked cold and introverted, but that's just a facade. Before the death of his wife, Hiroshi was one of the most outgoing and extroverted people in the country. 

He didn't like going to clubs and bars. However, wherever there were a lot of people to interact with, he was present. That's how he made a lot of friends. It is one of those friends that helped Takeshi get admitted into a french High School for his senior year. Otherwise, Takeshi wouldn't have had the opportunity to succeed as a professional basketball player in Europe.

As of now, few people get to see the mischievous and extroverted side of Hiroshi.

"Remember, Takeshi, in high school, you're not just representing yourself. You're carrying on the family tradition of puns." He said, a mischievous smile adorning his face.

"Ah, the puns. You never let those rest, do you, Dad?" Responded Takeshi, chuckling.

"Nope, it's in our DNA." Said Hiroshi while seriously shaking his head. However, that soon broke apart as they both started laughing.

The playful banter between father and son flowed seamlessly, a testament to the deep bond they shared. They have been alone for more than a decade and relied on each other for a similar amount of time. So, it wouldn't be a surprise to call them the best of friends. That's a great relationship to have between father and son, something every family should aim for.

As Takeshi ate, his face turned serious as he looked at his father. "Dad, thanks for everything. I know it hasn't always been easy." He said in a serious tone.

Hearing his son, a warm smile adorned Hiroshi's face as he responded. "Takeshi, there's no need for thanks. It's a privilege to be your dad and witness the person you're becoming."

As Takeshi finished his meal and prepared to head to school, the sense of gratitude for his father's support filled him. Their easygoing, heartfelt conversations were a reflection of the strong connection they had, and they gave Takeshi the strength and confidence to face the challenges and adventures that awaited his new round-trip to high school.


As Takeshi made his way through the bustling hallways of the high school on his first day, he couldn't help but notice the energetic teenager who seemed determined to befriend him. The young boy practically stuck to Takeshi like glue, his enthusiasm and curiosity radiating like a beacon.

"Hey there! You're new here too, right? Freshmen buddies, I bet! I'm Hiro, by the way!" spoke an energetic teenager with an ear-to-ear grin. The boy has been following him ever since they entered the school gate. At first, it was from afar, but as they got close to the first-year student's classrooms, the boy drew closer before engaging him just now.

To be honest, Takeshi was a bit creeped out. However, he didn't show much of it as he wasn't one to show emotions in public.

"Yeah, I'm new. Takeshi." Responded Takeshi in a cool and reserved manner. However, he tried not to sound unkind. A couple of days ago, Kenji told him that he looked like an dickhead whenever he meets new people. 

That would be detrimental to his integration into a team, especially in Japan where cordiality is a character trait everybody should have. So, he decided to try and change that. 

"Takeshi, huh? You've got that basketball player vibe! Are you into basketball? I mean, you look like you could be!" Said Hiro, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

  "Yeah, I play a bit." Responded Takeshi, slightly surprised but maintaining his stoic demeanor. However, he was having an inner turmoil as the boy continued speaking. 

'Is this guy a stalker?' He questioned, strangely looking at the boy.

"That's awesome! I'm a total basketball fanatic! I watch every game, know all the stats, and even collect trading cards! Have you played before? What's your position?" Questioned Hiro, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. 

"I've played small forward mostly." Responded Takeshi, getting more engaged with the conversation. Takeshi liked talking about basketball, especially with people who understand the game. So, talking to Hiro, seemingly a knowledgeable individual gave him a bit of energy to engage in a conversation.

"Small forward! Nice! Do you have a favorite team or player?" Excitedly reacted Hiro as he heard Takeshi's answer. 

"I do follow the NBA. Right now, Deshaun Bronco is my favorite player." Responded Takeshi, warming up to the kid. He usually doesn't entertain strangers for this long. He didn't know what was wrong with him. 

"Deshaun? Deshaun 'Starboy' Bronco? That's the current best basketball player in the world! Man, we're going to get along just fine!" Excitedly spoke Hiro, extending his hand toward Takeshi, waiting for a high five, which Takeshi gladly took.

Throughout the morning, Hiro's boundless energy and passion for basketball seemed to have a peculiar effect on Takeshi. While Takeshi remained his stoic self, he couldn't help but be drawn into the conversation. Hiro's infectious enthusiasm broke through some of the barriers Takeshi had built over the years.

As they chatted about their favorite plays, debated the best players, and shared basketball anecdotes, Takeshi found himself feeling more at ease. Something was refreshing about Hiro's genuine excitement and unrelenting friendliness. It was as if Hiro's love for the game was melting away some of Takeshi's cold exterior.

By the time they reached their respective classes, Takeshi had to admit to himself that, despite his initial reservations, Hiro had managed to inject a bit of warmth and camaraderie into his first day of high school. He might not have been an open book, but Takeshi had taken a step toward opening a new chapter in his life, one that included an unexpected and spirited basketball fanatic named Hiro Tatsumi.


Hirosaki High School, situated in the heart of Tokyo, boasts a storied history in the realm of high school basketball. For 37 years, this institution has been synonymous with excellence on the court. With an impressive 23 divisional league championships, 7 regional championships, and a coveted national title under its belt, Hirosaki High has stood as a basketball giant in the Tokyo area. 

The roots of Hirosaki's basketball excellence date back to its inception in 1982. From its early years, the school showed immense promise, consistently dominating the divisional leagues. Their mastery of the game was unparalleled, as they secured 23 divisional titles, a testament to their enduring dominance within their district.

The apex of their achievements came in 1997 when Hirosaki High clinched the National Championship. It was a moment that etched the school's name into the annals of Japanese high school basketball history. With exceptional teamwork, skill, and a commitment to excellence, Hirosaki stood proud as the best in the nation.

Beyond the divisional leagues and the national stage, Hirosaki High School asserted its dominance regionally. Their unyielding spirit and unrelenting pursuit of greatness resulted in seven regional championships. These victories not only showcased their basketball prowess but also served as an inspiration to aspiring players across Tokyo.

In recent years, however, the Hirosaki High School basketball team has faced significant challenges, marked by their absence from the National Championships for the past eight years. The reasons behind this downturn are multifaceted. Changes in coaching staff, increased competition, and a series of injuries to key players have all played a role.

While the team's reputation remains undiminished, it's undeniable that they are grappling with a rebuilding phase. Their fall from the national spotlight has not deterred their determination to rise again. Hirosaki High's rich history and enduring spirit serve as a beacon of hope that guides them through these trying times.

Fortunately for them, three exceptionally talented players might join them this year.


High school basketball tryouts are a critical event for both aspiring players and coaches. These tryouts are typically held at the beginning of the school year or basketball season and serve as a means to select the best-suited candidates for the school's basketball team. The process can vary somewhat from school to school and from one region to another, but the fundamental elements remain relatively consistent.

Tryouts often begin with a series of physical fitness tests to assess the athletes' overall conditioning. These tests may include sprints, agility drills, and endurance exercises.

Coaches assess players' speed, agility, strength, and stamina.

Participants are also evaluated on their basketball-specific skills, including shooting, dribbling, passing, and defensive abilities. Coaches look for fundamental basketball skills, including ball-handling, court vision, and shooting accuracy.

In addition, Coaches may organize scrimmages and drills to evaluate players' game knowledge, teamwork, and basketball IQ. Scrimmages allow coaches to assess how players perform in real-game situations, including offense and defense.

On the 3rd of April 2019, Hirosaki High's basketball tryouts were about to start at 3 p.m. 

By 2:45, Hirosaki's basketball gym was filled to brim with freshmen looking to join the team. As a giant in Japan's basketball history, they receive many new players every year. 

Among the crowd, Takeshi stood there, waiting for the coaches to arrive. However, he was also looking at the teenagers' faces, trying to see if he recognized any of them. Having players with high potential will be very helpful to their rise to the top, after all. 

'Shigeatsu Yasuda, Japan's future captain and starting point guard. He played in the NBA for 13 years, averaging a decent 14.3 points, 7.6 assists, and 3.9 rebounds per game in his career. He will be Japan's most legendary player and my future best friend.' Noted Takeshi as he glanced at a teenager standing not far from him.

Yasuda was around 178 Cm tall. He is a tall young man with black hair, styled in a buzzcut, and brown eyes. He looked handsome, but not out of the norm handsome. If females were to realistically rate him out of ten, he would be a 7.5. 

After looking around for a while, Takeshi spotted another familiar face. 

'Hyouma Fukuhara, a future substitute player of the Japanese national team. He can play the Power Forward and Center positions. Instead of going overseas, he stayed in the J-1 professional league, becoming a local legend. With 19.7 points, 11.4 rebounds, and 2.8 assists per game, he forced the national team coach to call him.' He thought, smiling as he glanced at the tall teenager.

Fukuhara was 189 Cm at 15 years old. Among the hundreds of freshmen present in the basketball gym, he was by far the tallest. Taking his eyes off Fukuhara, Takeshi scanned the crowd for a third time. However, he didn't notice any more notable players. Maybe some of them made it to J-3 or J-2 basketball leagues. However, those leagues were too low for Takeshi, a starter in the country's national team to notice.

A couple of minutes passed as Takeshi quietly stood in the center of the crowd. Suddenly, a loud whistling sound was heard, gaining everybody's attention and prompting them to look toward the entrance of the gym.