
Basketball star system. Being Curry is just the beginning

: Give peak Kobe an O'Neal and Kobe can get a three-peat Give peak Kobe a Gasol and Kobe can get a two-peat. What about giving peak Kobe a Curry? ..... Zeng Zhen got the Ball King system, fused Curry's abilities, and became teammates with peak Kobe at the Lakers. The NBA killed a top attacker. A scene of destroying opponents appeared! Super god three points! Elf-like dribbling! LOGO show! .... .... Shocked the NBA in his debut. Saved the day in the playoffs. A career full of ups and downs! Stephen Curry: "Was the one I was chasing, it was like I was living in his shadow." Durant: "He's the one called the Grim Reaper." James: "I hate going up against him." Zen Master: "Surpass Michael? I think he should have done it!"

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Started as a guest for the Green Jackets!

"The fifth of today's five best shots from Zeng Zhen's three-point line over the top to put the bow on the Knicks, an arrow into the soul!"

"In the fourth of today's five best shots, super archer Zeng Zhenzhen chanced a break to the basket and sent a play against Eddie Curry, who was ranting about it before the game, and scored easily on a high hit board."

"The second of today's five best balls, as the saying goes, when the white horse and red gun is a teenager, Zeng Zhen LOGO position long-distance bow, hit the bull's-eye again! This round will Knicks boss Dolan hit a dumbfounded, Dolan grudgingly looked at Marbury, seems to say, you provoke him for what!"

"The first of today's Five Best Balls, Zeng Zhen LOGO show again, did Marbury remember me?"

It was a spectacle to see Zeng Zhen bagging four of today's top five goals when they were shown on the country's top five list. .....


The next day, at noon, the play-by-play meeting against the Boston Celtics.

Zen Master Jackson said, "Tseng, Andrew, you two are starting tonight's game."

Zen master's words let most of the Lakers players are cheered down, Zeng Zhen and Bynum this period of time is very good, they have a lot of influence on the field, they are in the starting words, the starting strength will be significantly enhanced.

Of course, there are unhappy ones, Smush Parker and Kwame Brown are obviously not so happy, Zeng Zhen and Bynum toppled are the two of them.

Bynum had made his debut before, so he didn't feel much. Zeng Zhen, on the other hand, nodded with some excitement.

Starting for the Lakers was something the old him couldn't even think about.

From being on the verge of being cut, to now playing in the starting lineup after five games, this kind of speed is considered very fast. But after a little bit of excitement, Zeng Zhen calmed down, this is something that goes with the territory.

While most players wondered why Zeng Zhen was suddenly brought up to the starting lineup, there were individual veteran players who realized. Kobe was about to make a comeback.

The Zen master is preparing Kobe for when he comes back.

The Zen Master continued, "Tseng, I want you to tandem the team and do a good job at the No. 1 position, and, of course, don't forget to throw in a couple three-pointers while you're doing it to make it tough for them."

"Haha!" The crowd laughed.

Zeng Zhen said, "OK, I will do my best to help the team win."

Zeng Zhen playing the first will not be unconvincing, this period of time Zeng Zhen's performance completely on the Smash Parker crushed away, the average score is 30 +, the last two games is soared to 40 +, scoring ability is too horrible.

Especially on the three-point threat, Zeng Zhen moved to hit eight or nine three-pointers a game, and even occasionally a double-double. This kind of shooting, no opponent is not afraid of.

Of course, the team loved it.

Zeng Zhen's ability to draw space is top-notch.

After setting up the starting arrangement, the Zen Master explained a couple of plays.

Part of the tactics focused on how to find opportunities to create three-point shots for Zeng Zhen. Today was a back to back game and the crowd looked a little tired.

The Zen Master also talks about theory and doesn't do real-world tactical drills anymore.

"Clang, taking the starting position, rewarded with D grade attribute card *5, please check."

"Class D Attribute Card (+1 Attribute up to 70 points)" Not bad.

Zeng Zhen heard the system's reward.

Making a debut seems to be an improvement recognized by the system, so there is a reward that comes along. This reward is still quite generous.

"Use 5 of them and add to the blocking attribute!"

"Clang, successful use, sealing attribute increased from 42 to 47."

The reason Zeng Zhen has upped his cover is to shore up his defense.

While a 5 point boost isn't going to make him significantly better at blocking, this stuff is all about taking your time. It's not the same now as it was when he first fused.

A little bit of progress every day, quantitative change can cause qualitative change. After a tactical meeting at noon, I ate a nutritious meal.

Zeng Zhen then took a brief break with his teammates in the training hall.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Lakers' entire team got on a bus and headed to the Celtics' home court, the North Shore Garden Arena. As soon as the Lakers' bus arrived at the arena, reporters swarmed the arena.

"Click, click, click!"

The Lakers-Celtics game is never short of topics no matter what time of the day it is. Zeng Zhen is still the focus of the reporters' siege.

A local Boston reporter asked Zeng Zhen to talk about tonight's game.

Zeng Zhen said, "The Celtics are a good team, but we are that better team, so we will beat them." Zeng Zhen's comment about beating the Celtics was not without merit.

The Celtics' record this season is a little better than the Knicks', but not much better, the kind that can't even make the Eastern Conference playoffs. The Lakers are in better shape than the Celtics right now.

The biggest name on their roster is Paul Pierce along with Ricky Davis.

Paul Pierce bombed 26 points, 6.5 rebounds and 5 assists per game this season, and Ricky Davis was able to get 20 points, 5 assists and 4 rebounds per game. The reporter asked, "You've blown 40 + in two consecutive games, will you continue to blow tonight?"

Zeng Zhen said, "It depends on whether or not it can help the team win, and if it can, then I'll go and do that." Zeng Zhen's interview was relatively more official, and the reporters were relatively less malicious towards him today.

Zeng Zhen is not just talk grippy, but do things also quite grippy, which also let a lot of people to him is not completely unconvincing attitude on the other side.

Reporter interviews Rip Paul Pierce: "The Lakers are on a winning streak, what do you think of tonight's game."

Paul Pierce said, "They're playing well, they just ran into us and we're ready to take them out at home." A reporter asked, "What do you say about that rookie from the Lakers who has been blowing up lately."

Paul Pierce showed a mouthful of white teeth and smiled, "I think I'll welcome him down to the NBA after I single him out."

Although Zeng Zhen threw the ball accurately, he looked too skinny to Pierce, and whenever he had the chance, he could stagger to single Zeng Zhen. Singling Zeng Zhen would not make him feel too much pressure.

The pre-game conference of the two teams did not have any explosive statements out, the Celtics up and down does not seem to have a full grasp of the victory over the Lakers. The media can understand, after all, now the Celtics' record is worse than the Lakers.

Celtics up and down is not the Knicks gang of high self-esteem players, they are also afraid of the gutter overthrow, so the performance is relatively mild. Celtics players moderate, but the fans are not moderate.

Reporters were interviewing fans in Celtics jerseys directly inside the arena. The fans were not alone, but a crowd.

The reporter asked, "Tell me, how would you greet the Lakers?"

A male fan grabbed the microphone and shouted, "We'll tear them apart!!!" "Finish them off!"

"Won't let them leave alive!" "Beat LA"

The fans were very emotional in their chants and the surrounding fans were quickly incited by him. "Beat LA."

"Beat LA" "Beat LA"

Soon the cheers and shouts of the 18,000 plus fans in the stadium were driven up. The Lakers players who were warming up were all shaken up as well.

Suddenly, a fan excitedly rushed onto the court, but luckily security got him under control while he was on the sidelines. For safety reasons, the Lakers also ended their early warm-up.


The CCTV studio and the online broadcasting room were all ready. Hundreds of thousands of fans were also waiting for the game to start.

As Zeng Zhen is getting better and better, there are more and more fans following the Lakers' games. In the past, they only watched the Lakers to see Kobe, but now they also watch Zeng Zhen!

"Can't wait, I want to see Zeng Zhen's game. "I hope Zeng Zhen continues his sixth 30+ game!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, too strong, Zeng Zhen is too strong." "Go Lakers, six straight wins!!!"

"Munchkin asks, can we see Kobe make a comeback tonight?" "Can't see it, it's a couple games away."

While the fans were discussing it.

The starting lineups for both teams were also shown on the screen.

Lakers starters: Zeng Zhen, Vujacic, Walton, Odom, Bynum.

Celtics starters: Ricky Davis, Delonte West, Paul Pierce, Gomez, LaFrentz.

After Zhang Weiping saw the starting lineup, he smiled and said, "I can't believe that Zen Master arranged Zeng Zhen to play the starting lineup so soon, it seems that he is he preparing for Kobe's comeback."

Xu Jicheng said, "It's true that Smashpark's individual offensive ability is far inferior to Zeng Zhen's, and this arrangement is also to enhance the attacking power of the starting lineup, to avoid the team falling into trouble at the beginning, and to see how well Zeng Zhen adapts to playing in the starting lineup."

While the commentators chatted. The game started.

Bynum jumped in the ball with LaFrentz.

LaFrentz, who is 30 years old, is 2'11" and plays center or power forward.

At one time he also took the best rookie to follow the All-Star, but he is now slipping, averaging 11 points and 7 rebounds per game this season, which is a standard blue-collar player.

Bynum jumped early on the jumper, and the ball went straight to LaFrentz to Ricky Davis. The Celtics started the offense.

The fans erupted into a huge cheer at the start of the offense.

This kind of away feeling is Zeng Zhen has not experienced before, the fans here seem to hate the Lakers in particular. Ricky Davis dribbled across the half-court with the ball, and Zeng Zhen followed the defense.

The Celtics are short on organized guards right now, and Ricky Davis is a temporary cameo.

Although it is the first time to play the starting lineup, Zeng Zhen is not so nervous, mainly also because now the starting lineup is also the core lineup. Ricky Davis gave the ball to Pierce on the inside.

The Celtics play centered around Pierce, and after getting to him, he stopped to observe. Pierce is an offensive kaleidoscope with very many offensive options down low.

Pierce saw that his teammates were pretty much standing still, and he took a tentative step back and forth against Walton with the ball on his back. The single hit impacts a step.


Pierce's power game is so strong that he knocked Walton back a step. Immediately afterward, he rolled over and made a direct jump shot.

Walton kept pace with Paul Pierce, but failed to limit his shots. "Bang!"


It was still a buzzer-beater, and the basketball fell in with rebound precision.0-2

More than 18,000 fans at the North Shore Garden Arena hissed.

It was just a regular season goal and these fans were acting crazy. Bynum muttered from the sidelines, "It's too loud in here."

Zeng Zhen said, "There might be something wrong with these guys."

Odom said, "They only do that to us." Lakers' offense.

Zeng Zhen received the ball and dribbled across the half-court against the defense of Ricky Davis. Boos and insults continued to ring out from the scene.

Zeng Zhen played calmly as he directed his teammates to run from the arc.

Odom dropped in from the lane to the free throw line position, and Zeng Zhen gave the ball over, then quickly started making a run of his own.

Zeng Zhen's run was so fast that Ricky Davis was directly thrown off by the counter-run. West quickly followed, and Bynum raised up in time to block West.

Zeng Zhen ran out to the left side of the field at the 45 degree position with a chance to catch the ball.

At this time, the ball rotated to Walton, and Walton also gave the ball to Zeng Zhen at the first time. Zeng Zhen received the ball and he quickly made a shooting fake.

Changing defense was Paul Pierce, who was shaken right off.

Zeng Zhen took a step to the right side of the ball, completely shook the space after the three-point shot. The basketball drew a wonderful arc.

"Swish!" 3-2.

Zeng Zhen hit his first three-point shot of the night. The sound of the scene was slightly subdued.

Zhang Weiping laughed: "This is our common Zeng Zhen running style three points, false wobble and cross step that a very solid fundamentals, not the average player can use."

Xu Jicheng said, "Yes, although it is a simple action, but contains the details of the opponent's defense anticipation, as well as their own rhythm adjustment, they want to lock Zeng Zhen's outside shot is still very difficult."

Paul Pierce shook his head along with West.

Sure enough, there was a reason why Zeng Zhen had risen so quickly. Next, the Celtics offense.

West dribbled across half court and directed the run.

Zeng Zhen defends against West, with LaFrentz lifting up to make a cover.

Zeng Zhen was blocked, West broke a step, and Bynum assisted on defense. West continues the ball to Paul Pierce in the lane.

Walton continued to give Paul Pierce confrontation, but it didn't do much good. Paul Pierce turned around and scored on a layup.

3 to 4.

The fans at North Shore Garden Arena cheered once again. Lakers offense.

Zeng Zhen dribbled to the front court as the boos continued. Zeng Zhen looked at his teammates running the ball and he frowned.

Back to back is still a big impact on the Lakers, the Lakers up and down the pace is much slower, the crowd is not too willing to move. Zeng Zhen gave the ball to Odom, ready to continue his own run.

Only this time the Celtic defense is tighter, Zeng Zhen continuous counter-running and penetration are not out of the open space. Now Zeng Zhen in the beginning of the game has attracted the attention of the opponents, they do not dare to give Zeng Zhen openings. Odom waited and found that Zeng Zhen did not have the opportunity to receive the ball, he chose to attack.

Facing the 2'01" Gomez, Odom chose to dribble burst on the right side.

It's just that Odom's footwork is also a little slower, and Gomez moves across to get his defense in place. There was no room for Odom and he opted to take a strong shot.


Gomez jumped up to seal the deal.

Odom was still too careless, thinking that Gomez, who is shorter than himself, was not much of a defensive threat, and as a result only got slapped. The ball that Gomez slapped out was gotten by Ricky Davis.

Ricky Davis accelerated straight to the front.

Vujacic kept backing up and Zeng Zhen accelerated back to assist in defense.

Just Ricky Davis' impact was decisive, and he didn't come back directly after Zeng Zhen's assisted defense, leaning directly on Vujacic to force a layup to put the ball firmly in the basket.

3 to 6.

It was a difficult shot, but it also demonstrated Ricky Davis' good individual ability to capitalize on this kind of ball on the rebound. The cheers of the fans at the North Shore Garden Arena continued to grow.

Laker offense.

Zeng Zhen dribbled to the front court, Zeng Zhen did not give the ball to Odom this time, but gave the ball to Walton first. Walton was smart enough to give the ball to Bynum in the lane.

The Lakers' players then spread out the space and Zeng Zhen ran the outside.

The Celtics' defensive tactic is man-to-man, switching whenever there's cover, and Zeng Zhen still hasn't run out of chances.

The quality of the Lakers' players' coverage was also not high today, always letting people get around, and then the Celtics' players were very aggressive on the defensive end, keeping Zeng Zhen close.

Bynum chooses to back bump LaFrentz a bit himself.

LaFrentz is experienced and he's keeping his weight down.

Bynum has a definite advantage, but it's an advantage that isn't obvious. Bynum can't squeeze, and he jumps to the front for a small hook.

Bynum, now unskilled at this trick, made a small hook with a lot of force and slammed hard into the inside rim of the basket. "Frame!"

The basketball slammed into the basket and bounced out.

LaFrentz steadies himself and controls the rebound.

LaFrentz gave the ball to West, who took it across half-court and then proceeded to give it to Paul Pierce down low.

Paul Pierce continued to one-up Walton down low, this time after consecutive tentative steps, jutting a step to the right and pulling up for a close-range jumper immediately after.

The basketball made a wonderful arc. "Swish!"

Precision hits. 3 for 8.

Pierce went 3-for-3 from the field for six points early in the game. Walton's entire game was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Paul is awesome, just one-on-one singles like that." "Haha, bull."

"Squash them and just play." "Come on, beat the Lakers!"

The Lakers opened in the momentum of a weak, Zen master did not rush to call a halt to the game, but let the players on the field to adjust themselves. Lakers offense.

Zeng Zhen dribbled the ball to the front court, Odom can't stand at the free throw line, and volunteered to come out and receive the ball.

Zeng Zhen gave the ball to Odom, who realized he had no chance after one step and gave the ball back to Zeng Zhen. Zeng Zhen received the ball and moved to the right side, Bynum raised the cover, LaFrentz did not catch up in time.

After Bynum blocked West, Zeng Zhen appeared in a very small gap. Zeng Zhen burst a step in, high mid-range simply pulled up.

It was a smooth rhythm and a very fast shot. The basketball made a wonderful arc.

"Swish!" 5-8.

Despite hitting a brilliant two-point shot, the fans at the scene still erupted in loud boos. Zeng Zhen also felt some annoyance.

Playing away from home sometimes feels like that's the point where it's so upsetting that there's no way to receive positive feedback. You can get booed for scoring a goal.

Celtics offense.

West dribbled to the frontcourt and then gave the ball to Pierce. This time Walton came up on top of the defense.

Pierce gives the ball to Gomez in the lane, Odom's feet slow down a bit, and Gomez catches the ball and flies right in for a layup. The shot was a solid hit.

5 to 10.

Zhang Weiping said, "Today's Lakers players are in a bit of a slump ah, especially the defense, the problem is very big, Odom this ball is very easy to be cut in, this ball should not be."

Xu Jicheng said, "In terms of physical fitness should be the Lakers in the middle of the disadvantage, but now the game has just begun ah, this physical fitness problem also looks a little too serious."

I hope you will support my other contracted work [Traveling to a parallel world and becoming a full-attribute goalkeeper], your support is my motivation!

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