
An intriguing and novel experience, and the advent of the embassy — for those aged 18 and above.

As peculiar as it may seem, the deliberate sojourn in the realm of dreams provided me with a plethora of delight. When we had partially slaked our desires, I was graciously released to surrender to unconscious, uncomplicated and delightful sleep, for in the state in which I found myself while dreaming with my companions and indulging in pleasure, repose was elusive.

I cannot determine how long I unconsciously roamed the realm of Morpheus, but my awakening was nothing short of delightful! My perception of waking was somewhat skewed. I found myself in a liminal state, hovering between wakefulness and slumber. It was as if, having been transported from the dream world to reality, I retained voluptuous sensations that left me breathless, none of which I wished to relinquish. In my reverie, I was assailed by Maria, who launched herself upon me with fervent intensity and ardour.. This creature perched upon my face, pressing her bosom against my lips and commencing to slide against my features, with her clitoris vigorously rubbing against my chin, lips, and nostrils, all while a copious flow of her amorous fluids rained down upon me.

My beloved, however, did not cease there. With one hand caressing my testicles, she delivered a magnificent oral stimulation, voraciously engulfing my phallus with her mouth, allowing it to descend into her throat. Simultaneously, her second hand, hitherto unoccupied, engaged in vigorous stimulation of my rigid erection. Thus, all of her limbs were actively engaged in the act.

Even the contours of her hips were actively engaged, cradling my face and providing a comfortable anchor point for me. This was what overwhelmed me in my dream, pressing down on my dreamscape with its delightful weight, molded into the curves and contours of Maria.

But there were also exciting developments in reality! I was being penetrated, there is no other way to put it, by Koneka. She climbed atop me, laying in our bed, and sat upon me, literally threading her bosom over my erect Eiffel Tower, impaling herself fully to the hilt! Despite the passage of more than six decades since our initial intimacy, she remained as tight as ever, and each time I entered her, I had a slight fear that she might split in two along her buttocks! Yet it was not sufficient for my vagina to possess just one member within.. So, after she began to engage in intimate relations with me, this impudent feline creature placed her lips against mine, invading my mouth with her tongue, seeking to entice my own tongue into her diminutive mouth, where she proceeded to devour it with voracious abandon!

I was overwhelmed by the extraordinary, extraordinary sensations on all sides. It felt like I was in the midst of a drug-induced duality, struggling to comprehend what was happening. My tongue was simultaneously gripped by Maria's vaginal muscles, which she did not want to let go of, and Koneka's mouth was sucking on it at that exact moment. Almost the same sensation was happening to my penis!

I could feel my head trying to find its way into Maria's vagina, and as it did, it moved from her mouth to my throat and back again, creating a cycle. I am only describing the sensory experience and the signals coming from my physical body. However, the flow of information and the myriad of different energies flowing from my partners and from myself to my partners, creating a multitude of interconnected cycles, was not limited to that.

Thanks to our intricate spiritual connections, we became an intricate, interconnected network of communication.. To commence with, the bond between teacher and student has not faded, nor has it been abandoned. Moreover, our matrimonial ties and those that have complicated our interconnections, specifically Maria's connection with Koneka, the mistress — intimately familiar!

In the realm of dreams, Maria exerted all her might to keep me on the precipice, neither fully immersed in the dream world nor fully integrated into the waking world, so that my very soul was immersed in the ecstasy bestowed upon my member by Koneka's feminine essence and Maria's oral caresses, as well as in the savor of her amorous fluids upon my lips, the sensation of her feline lips against mine, and the mischievous tongue within my own mouth.

The force with which Koneka's pelvis and posterior were colliding with mine generated shockwaves not only in the material world, producing a resonating sound, but also on the astral plane. If these phenomena could be analogized to physical events, they would correspond to a category 9 storm at sea, with waves reaching a height of twenty meters.

This was due to the fact that Koneka, in the realm of Yavi, which is the domain of the Astral and the Supreme Spirit, had already long since abandoned her corporeality and now existed as a manifestation of the Astral in the physical realm. Therefore, her ardour for me first manifested itself on the astral level and only subsequently in the material one. However, I would not diminish her abilities; her physical form also experienced a profound impact.! I could literally feel the texture of my penis, the tightness of the vaginal opening, and with it, how she started to boil from her own arousal and the friction created by her rapid thrusts on my member. She was like a skilled flautist playing her vaginal muscles, creating a series of obstacles for me, like rapids on a river, as I made my way from the opening of her vagina to her uterus and back out again.

Maria, being the master of dreams, whose energy plan is a harmonious blend of sensual, mental, and a hint of mana and astral energies, was stirring up these very spiritual aspects of mine through her intimacy with me. All in all, my seven main chakras were quite active and not at all adverse, and this experience was not at all unpleasant or harmful. What was happening to me was good for me and for my wives.. Naturally, this state of our spirits had a profound impact on our spiritual essence, which, through the mutual interpenetration of our energies, resonated with each other, creating a harmonious symphony. This resonance extended to our auras, merging them into a unified reservoir of energy.

This is why our abode in the subterranean city became a focal point for an extraordinary emanation of myriad energies. While each of these energies alone could potentially be harmful to all living beings, when combined, they became a source of immense benefit for any sentient entity capable of absorbing even a sliver of our power.

My two basilisks were now in the form of hypertrophied nagas, attempting to refine their fine motor skills and master the art of writing with feathers that had been enlarged to match the size of their enlarged hands. They were currently in one of my palace's designated training halls, designed specifically for the development of these overgrown children. Each of them was four hundred years of age and had the potential to grow up to a height of fifteen meters when standing on their hind legs.

Today, these children were anticipating an unprecedented experience, as for the first time they were experiencing the emotions of excitement and curiosity towards the opposite sex. With no other potential partners nearby, they were unable to resist the temptation, and in truth, they did not even attempt to suppress their desires. They did not consider themselves human, and human moral norms were foreign to them. Thus, there was nothing preventing them from experiencing the joy and pleasure of intimate relationships with one another. Vassily took swift and decisive action.. Inspired by the concoction of energies born from the amalgamation of the loves of the three deities, which he had absorbed from the ambient space with exhilaration, he literally spontaneously and avidly drew vivid images of his desired future into his mind.

When the amount of energy generated by his wives, emanating with lust and passion, became immense within him, he seized his sister, hurled her onto the desk where they had been practicing writing, and instinctively transformed into a humanoid shape, assisting his sister in doing the same with her outer form. He stimulated her aura with his aspirations and dreams, imbued with his emotions and thoughts, causing her to transform into a giantess at that very moment.

Without hesitation, Vasya spread her legs apart, and without any preliminary caresses, he inserted his ten-meter-long humanoid phallus into Vasilisa's moist and insatiable orifice.

For five long days and nights, I engaged in intimate relations with my wives. During this time, their laces, in the form of gigantic serpents, were occupied with the same activity, having destroyed all the furniture in the study room where they practiced calligraphy. They explored every nook and cranny, including the ceiling, as they engaged in their lovemaking.

It was only after I ceased loving my wives in my dreams and reality, allowing them to rest, that I realized my mistake. With my enhanced sense of spatial perception, I noticed two snakes lying unconscious, their auras now glowing and undergoing a transformation. Having exhausted themselves from their passion, the snakes, unaware of what they were doing, stretched their souls towards each other in earnest. They spontaneously began the ritual of marriage, binding themselves with indestructible ties akin to those shared by my wives and me.. But why should I be concerned, for I have no cause for dismay! This was the most anticipated and desired outcome of the cohabitation of my serpents. Each of them, like the other, would find their perfect companion in themselves, and their progeny would be nothing short of remarkable. Their offspring will be purebred Nagas, and since I shall have my own children who will one day grow up, the presence of these purebred Nagas in the near future will be highly advantageous for the prospect of creating a new and happy family.

Leaving my delighted but utterly exhausted husband and wife behind in bed, after having only cleaned them of extraneous fluids and secretions with which we had liberally sprinkled the mattress and even the immediate vicinity, noting on the walls and ceiling streams of now-contracted and congealed semen, and with the distance from the bed to any surface other than the floor reaching an impressive twenty metres at times, I proceeded to the bathroom.. As a deity, I am capable of performing extraordinary feats with a mere snap of my fingers, or even without one. However, despite having purified myself through magical means, I desired to immerse myself in the physical realm of water. Thus, I did not deny myself the pleasure of taking a dip in the modest pool within the baths I had constructed in my palace.

After spending just under an hour in the water, I commended my subconscious for maintaining control over the situation. Despite the veil of desire and passion that clouded my mind, I could accelerate the flow of time within my domain, allowing five days to pass in the blink of an eye, equivalent to only eight hours in the world of Hogwarts. It was still early morning, following my encounter with Albus the previous day.

Of course, my time in the hot water was not solely dedicated to relaxation. In addition to basking in the warmth of the mineral-rich thermal spring that nourished my water supply, I also delved into the memories of my clones, observing their activities across various locations.

The most intriguing piece of news I received was from Flitwick. It transpired that after I had departed the Headmaster's office, Albus, in a bid to conceal his error and its accompanying humiliation, resorted to employing another one of the magical artifacts in his possession, which purportedly renders the memories of all sentient beings within the confines of the office so insignificant that they become irretrievable.

This was not a matter of outright erasure or obfuscation of memories, but rather something far more nuanced and intricate, operating on the subtle mental plane of the soul through the sentient spirit, effectively rendering the memories completely unremarkable in the mind. However, much to Albus's dismay, this stratagem did not prove effective against Filius.

Filius, in addition to his mastery of mental manipulation and possession of a robust mental shield, also possessed a protective artifact or amulet that encompassed mental defenses capable of deflecting even the most potent psychic assaults, such as those employed by the illithids.. Were Flitwick to be translated to a human plane of existence, he would not even fear the Mind Archmage for more than a few moments, and he might even surprise the latter to death. Adair's grandson, after all, is already a master in combat magic, blood magic, demonology, dark magic, ritualism, and artefact creation, among a dozen other branches of magic. He was an absolute prodigy of his generation, and I requested his presence at the Tin Islands only out of a whim, to observe him as a professor at his school, as he was employed at Hogwarts. Moreover, he was a highly sought-after expert and member of what might be termed our small scientific department within the Citadel.

What was this department? It was an entire institute dedicated to magic, gathering together the most ardent enthusiasts and enthusiasts of the magical arts, those who sought to create, and indeed, that is precisely what they do there: they invent and devise new potions, artifacts, rituals, and spells, pushing magical science forward by leaps and bounds..And I am elated by the accomplishments they have already realized!

The Magic Research and Development Department, with its numerous sub-divisions, employs over three hundred individuals, including Matt, and hundreds of my duplicates who frequent this location on a regular basis and are actively engaged in the process of invention and experimentation.

Since its establishment a century and a half ago, the department has cultivated over twelve thousand distinct spells, spanning a wide range from conceptual formulations to microscale, highly specialized assaults. Flitwick served as the head of the sub-division responsible for spellcasting. However, I digress.. In essence, when Albus last evening subjected all the witnesses to his ignominious retreat in our dispute, including Filius, to an illithid artifact, my vassal demonstrated no reaction to the hostile actions directed at him, as I had previously engaged in a conversation with Filius during his departure for Hogwarts. In this conversation, I clearly and precisely articulated my stance on the events unfolding within the school, providing him with detailed instructions on his conduct and appropriate actions in the event of various contentious situations. Consequently, he refrained from taking any sharp, retaliatory measures against Dumbledore, instead, playing along and convincing Dumbledore that he too was subject to the effects of the artifact.

It has now transpired that none of the faculty, save for myself, the Headmaster, and Filius, are aware of the actual events that took place during the Pedagogical Council meeting.

On the one hand, this is a positive development, as Dumbledore's decision to retaliate in this manner allowed me to continue my work at the institution without compromising my dignity, thus avoiding a potentially hostile response from the other faculty members and, consequently, the broader magical community of England. This suggests that the entity that is undoubtedly monitoring developments in England, specifically keeping a close eye on Tom Riddle, should not pose a significant threat.

After all, had Dumbledore not concealed the events, by tomorrow, every influential figure in Britain would have been aware of them. Albus may possess authority, but not all our colleagues are aligned with the Headmaster. Therefore, news of a wizard bold enough to publicly challenge the Headmaster would swiftly find a vast audience.. Alas, I find myself compelled to feign compliance with Albus's wishes and feign respect, or at the very least, conceal my disdain for the majority of the mages within the school. Oh, woe is me! With this melancholy thought in mind, I approached Jaromir, for yesterday I received a missive from him expressing his desire to meet and converse, as there was intriguing information at hand, and more.

Greeting, your imperial majesty. With this salutation, I clasped the shoulder of my protege and vassal, who stood at a desk piled high with documents, contemplatively perusing something scribbled on a most intriguing parchment.

"Ah, good day to you as well, suzerain. You have arrived most fortuitously. Otherwise, I might have been compelled to hasten to meet you, for there is but little time remaining for a response. I am curious as to the nature of your visit. What brings you here?"

Yesterday, a diplomatic mission from the resurgent Celestial Empire came to our capital. As you predicted, the Communists could not maintain control over the country for long, and the noble clans have emerged from the shadows to assume power. Their council now governs the land.

The delegation came to establish diplomatic relations with us, and it seems they also desire to reclaim Manchuria. This is what my advisors say, though I doubt they would dare to even dream of such an ambition. Manchuria and Korea have been divided between Russia and Japan for more than fifty years, and there is no way to claim them except through conflict!

Oh, how passionate the young man is for his homeland. He would not concede an inch of territory to the enemy, considering it his own.

Why are you asking me these questions? It so happens that I have acquired certain knowledge which leads me to the conclusion that a significant portion of Chinese clans had their origins in the Ayakashi. This small fraction of them, at their inception, was not entirely hostile to humanity and possessed a measure of rationality. All of these entities, naturally, hailed from the Japanese archipelago.

Nevertheless, their reluctance to engage in direct conflict with humans was not comprehended by Japanese sorcerers, as they could not conceive the possibility of encountering reasonable and intelligent representatives among the Ayakashi; they simply disregarded this possibility, automatically classifying all members of this race as enemies and resources to be exploited as slaves.. As soon as ayakashi, having regained their senses and no longer willing to endure the constant threat of attack from emoji, came to terms with their true situation in Japan — where they were destined to be perpetual targets of local mages — they promptly migrated to the continent, seeking solitude in a more secluded region. It was these very early emigrants from Japan's mystical fauna who, in settling in what is now China, sought to integrate into human society, founding dynasties that were not immune to human contact, resulting in the birth of hybrid offspring.

In my efforts to comprehend the political and mystical landscape of the Celestial Empire during this period, I was limited in my understanding due to the fact that China's magical realm, at the dawn of the millennium, had retreated into obscurity, distancing itself from the lives of ordinary citizens.. At that point in time, there was a widespread massacre of all, with all parties vying for control over the spatial gaps and portals leading to the mystical realm within the confines of China. What sparked the conflict between the clans, a war that lasted for five centuries and intermittently flared up and subsided? I cannot say for certain, but that is of less importance. However, I was able to uncover that during these conflicts, the true fox-shapeshifters, whom I encountered in Venice, known as Nekomata, as well as fox-demons, dragon-demons (not the true ones, for they were far weaker and thus I classified them as a degenerate generation transformed into flying lizards), and other Yokai representatives, as well as numerous other magical races, and of course, the magical clans and sects, were engaged. Interestingly, within China, there exists a singular portal that serves as the gateway to the realm inhabited by phoenixes, a realm so sealed that even Gringotts seems like a mere back alley in comparison.

It is difficult to speculate on the reasoning behind J.K. Rowling's decision to include a phoenix as one of Dumbledore's familiars in her works. However, it is clear that this choice is not without its contradictions.

Phoenixes are creatures of the elemental plane of fire and life, a fundamental aspect of the universe and the Wheel of Samsara. They are rare creatures, and their offspring are even rarer. The next-born phoenix egg is often seen as a trap for the immortal atman, as it ensures that the individual will be reborn in the same form, unable to escape the cycle of reincarnation.

The fate of those reborn as phoenixes is a bleak one. They must endure an existence as a mindless bird, with the intelligence of a chicken, and an irritable, flighty temperament. Due to their innate nature, which prevents their souls from returning to the Wheel of Samsara after death, they are doomed to this existence until the end of time.. The lifespan of the phoenix, prior to its ultimate demise and subsequent rebirth, is measured in mere years, rendering it insufficient for the soul to extract even the tiniest sliver of information regarding its past incarnations and previous cycles of reincarnation, thereby precluding any chance of self-realization and liberation from this perpetual cycle.

The fleeting existence of a phoenix for a few years fails to foster the development of a fully formed consciousness or allow the memories of previous lives to take root. Upon self-immolation at the end of its life, the phoenix not only burns its physical form but also incinerates all its spiritual layers, rendering the possibility of retaining any memories in its next incarnation null and void.

This predicament would likely be mitigated if phoenixes possessed a longer lifespan, but unfortunately, these creatures cannot be tamed due to their inherent nature. Their very essence is consumed in the act of self-immolation, leaving behind only the brief moments of joy they bring during their brief existence.. Were the bird to be devoid of its essence, the foolish conjurer, having bound himself with such bonds at the resurrection of the phoenix, would not only suffer a severe rupture of familial connections, but also receive the final remnant of pure fire mana, which is unlikely to serve his magical endeavors.

These creatures possess an extraordinary capacity for destruction, and their existence on Earth is limited to a few hundred individuals. The care of these phoenixes is entrusted to Chinese and some Indian clans, who keep the birds under the constant influence of powerful mental suppression and control. The reason for this is the valuable components that can be extracted from them.

I find it amusing how absurd the narrative involving wands, identical hearts, and the chosen one seems to be. Who would willingly hand over or pay a wand worth several thousand galleons to an orphan who lacks interest? This is Tom Riddle we are talking about. A single tail feather from this bird can fetch a price ranging from five thousand gold pieces and above, depending on the seller, the buyer's identity, and the prevailing market conditions at the time of acquisition.

I had the opportunity to gather both less and more data on China, and I was satisfied with the information that I acquired from Jaromir after his ascension to the throne of Japan. This was due to my lack of interest in China at that time. Unlike many parts of the world, which are characterized by separate and extensive territories inhabited by civilizations and communities with varying cultural heritages, China presents a unique situation. Within the borders of this nation, there exists a remarkable concentration of interdimensional gateways to the realm of magic, where diverse magical races have established their presence, including numerous magical clans who have successfully secured a portion of the supernatural realm as their own.

Among the male members, there is but one mage who merits attention, albeit he falls short of the archmage in terms of strength. However, among the female contingent, there are three individuals who stand out. Two of these are members of the Nekomata race, while the third is likely a Kitsune Ayakashi. She must possess at least eight tails, assuming she manages to conceal her true nature and strength from detection.

The manor where they are currently residing is surrounded by a tight perimeter and is under constant surveillance by witches from my guard who possess strength equivalent to or greater than that of a master. Tomorrow evening, an embassy gathering will be held in the palace located within the Moscow Kremlin. I would appreciate your presence at this event.

And here are the individuals of interest to me. Koneka, a reticent cat, rarely initiates conversations, yet she occasionally asks questions. During her early years, she inquired about her background and whether she had family. At that time, I was unable to provide an answer, but I pledged to investigate as soon as I could.

The slaves of the seven-tailed slave, whom I had slain in Venice and who had accompanied their mistress to Europe from China, were unable to furnish me with detailed information regarding the origin of Koneka's mother. However, they did provide me with some insights into the political climate of China and Japan. Their knowledge was limited to the fact that Koneka had been abducted from Japan to serve as a companion to the seven-tailed nekomata, which still inhabits that country.. Towards the close of the previous century, I became aware that the Japanese Ommyoji clans, two and a half centuries prior, had expelled from their islands the entire diaspora of the intelligent Ayakashi and the Nekomat fae race, forcing them to migrate to the continent. Most of them settled in China and what was then known as Korea. Upon learning that two intelligent felines had arrived in Russia, I harbored a hope that, thanks to them, I might be able to locate the relatives of my own tailed and perfect spouse.

Greetings, my dear friend! I must inform you that I will be attending the meeting with representatives from the Celestial Empire, as my godchildren are expected to attend. I cannot afford the risk of any harm coming to them, so it is my duty to be present and ensure their safety.

By the way, I serve as the magical godparent to seven of Yaroslav's children, three of them being from Maria Nikolaevna, and two from the twin siblings. However, Iolanthe Peverell serves as their godmother, which is the best way to ensure the security and legitimacy of their claim to the Russian and Japanese thrones.

Furthermore, Iolante is a direct descendent of Koschei, the son of Chernobog, who was the brother of Svarog and Morana. In other words, she is connected to the Slavic pantheon through blood, lineage, and magic, making her and I the last line of defense for the well-being and safety of these young heirs.? When the enlightened aristocracy of Russia became aware of our existence, those who were chosen as godfathers for their future rulers felt an even deeper reverence for their sovereign. It was no secret to the most ancient and noble families that the origins of the Peverell line and their presence as godfathers to their future governors were matters of great significance, not only for them but also for the divine.

However, despite the curiosity of the local bohemian crowd, none of them were able to uncover the true identities of these godfathers. They only knew that we existed, yet none had ever laid eyes on us or made our acquaintance, and they yearned for it greatly. Neither Iolanthe nor myself have a fondness for public life, preferring to remain incognito for as long as possible, allowing the local aristocracy to continue to keep the secrets of their imperial court. Nevertheless, I was not willing to risk being discovered by a demon, quenching my curiosity regarding England's canonical history.. The patriarch of the Peverell family is fully immersed in the affairs of the Order, and is currently engaged in the task of assembling an army of undead under my instructions, in anticipation of a potential demonic incursion.

The army now numbers over two dozen thousand combatants, with the weakest element being the death knight. For this entity, the master of magic presents no challenge, and only upon encountering the master will it falter and ultimately part with its undeath.

The most powerful units consist of lichs and nekrodracons, or more precisely, nekrovaerns. The Order of the Dragon has acquired virtually all wyvern skeletons for over fifty years, with a few exceptions going to the ingredient market. Currently, ninety percent of the output from the European dragon sanctuaries is acquired by us, having even managed to secure the presence of witches within their ranks, who now serve as butchers.

All of this is undertaken with the intention of disposing of their souls, in addition to acquiring bones and other components from these flying armored and fire-breathing vessels.. The fifteen witches who have been assigned to the reserve and tasked with the elimination of individuals for dismemberment into ingredients are not only adept in the practice of soul magic and demonology. They possess the ability to easily capture the souls of flying lizards, which they transport to the Citadel. There, Iolanta uses necroconstruct to bind these souls to dragon skeletons, creating the undead.

These undead creatures are imbued with extraordinary resistance to magic and possess immense combat capabilities manifested in incredible physical prowess, swiftness, agility, and the ability to unleash a deadly ice breath attack. Their victims are frozen to absolute zero at a distance of up to a hundred meters. Moreover, these creatures are immune to fatigue, pain, and unquestioningly obey the commands of their master.

The process of creating these undead entities requires the expertise of a powerful mage, with greater potency resulting in superior results.. Nowadays, all mages convicted of criminal acts in Europe are dispatched to the Rocky Haven, where they become part of an army of liches serving the Order. Last year, I had the opportunity to visit a special spatial lacuna created by us for the purpose of housing this undead force. It was a truly awe-inspiring spectacle that left me trembling.

The space resembled a vast plateau suspended in the void, illuminated by a faint glow from numerous autonomous magical fireflies. Surrounding it were tens of thousands of necromantic creatures emanating deathly energy. Everywhere my eyes fell, there were only the undead, who, in a unified and synchronized movement, turned their lifeless eyes towards me as soon as I entered their presence.

It was a remarkable experience to be surrounded by tens of thousands of the deceased, restrained from attacking me only by my status as a member of the dragon knight order.. Iolanthe, a brilliant young woman, succeeded in augmenting their necromantic construct with a new component, which enables it to discern friends and foes based on the unique aspects of the aura associated with our fellowship.

And this is but a glimpse of the measures I have taken to ensure the military might and security of Earth and the realm of magic.

Upon the restoration of order in the Russian and Japanese empires, I, Jaromir, commissioned efforts to fortify their defensive capabilities and bolster their military potential. The preparations were meticulous, encompassing every aspect of warfare, and were executed with utmost thoroughness.

In the aftermath of the economic upswing, where the GDP surged, the budgets of these empires began to allocate substantial funds towards the development, construction, and deployment of a multitude of defensive structures and weapon systems, along with the necessary infrastructure.. Furthermore, the most advanced technologies and the pinnacle of magical engineering were employed in the construction process. Even in the event of a global cataclysm altering the fundamental constants of the world, the project was designed to maintain its original functionality and capacity for magical operations.

This was achieved through the stabilization of specific regions of space, containing military infrastructure, and their anchoring in interdimensional realms. In the event of an apocalyptic scenario, such as the transformation of the Earth into molten lava or the atmosphere into corrosive acid, these areas would be shielded from such catastrophic changes.

Moreover, physical and energetic constants would be maintained at a tolerable level, ensuring the viability of magical operations within these protected spaces.. The armed forces of the Russian Empire now number in excess of a million personnel, with over five million reservists who are called up for military training camps every three years for one month. These camps are designed to push recruits to their absolute limits.

There is no room for laxity or negligence in the realm of military science. Everything is meticulously executed in accordance with the most rigorous military doctrines of the modern era, conceived by the finest minds of our time. These doctrines anticipate and prepare for combat scenarios that are beyond imagination, utilizing every available tool at the disposal of a military force.

I have spared no effort in ensuring that our weapons are nothing short of extraordinary. The development in this field continues unabated, making the army I speak of a fusion of the magical and scientific capabilities of both empires.

Indeed, a similar situation occurred in Japan, and more recently in Europe. Following Gellert's actions, Europe is now effectively under the control of the Church. No candidate for the position of leader of Muggle countries can be considered without the approval of the Vatican.

Thanks to Gellert's past policies, when he held power in Europe, any mage who was not aligned with him was considered against him. As a result, in modern Europe there are almost no ancient or noble clans remaining, or rather, they are independent only in name. During my time as leader of the Order, we managed to gather many former squibs and mages with disabilities from prominent magical families. Now I have more than half of Europe's gifted aristocracy under my rule. What does this mean?? It is worth noting that more than half of the enchanted realms where the House of Lords holds sway are now under my complete control, which implies that I possess at least the votes of those countries represented within the MCM in my possession.

It is important to clarify that I do not include all the countries within its composition, as they have long since firmly aligned themselves with the Vatican. In essence, the ICM's claim to be democratic is a mere illusion, as I generally possess two-thirds of the voting power among the representatives of the magical enclaves seated there.

For the remaining third, I possess ample leverage in the form of blackmail and coercion, should the need arise to secure their support. Additionally, bribery remains a viable option, should it prove necessary.

In light of the current global dynamics, I am aware of the strategic maneuvering by Chinese magical factions, who, transcending their internal divisions, have united to form a formidable presence on the global stage.. Indeed, the government in this realm was previously overthrown by magical clans led by the Communist Party of China. This event was accompanied by the loss of Manchuria during the conflict between the Russian Empire and the forces of Gellert, with his hand Nazis, who were allied with Nazi Germany. In this alternate reality, this did not endear them to the two most powerful empires of the world.

Thus, the establishment of a new order under the rule of the magical clans was a logical step, as it sought to avoid becoming satellite states of neighbouring countries or becoming new provinces within these empires. Additionally, it was rational for them to pursue diplomatic relations, despite the fact that we had dealt them a blow by taking significant territory from them, a move that Japan could not afford to ignore.

In essence, I see no reason to wait until tomorrow when I could examine their embassy right now. After all, I am God, and I can do as I please!