
Law 1: Never Outshine the Master

Once upon a time in a big, colorful office, there was a little worker named Timmy. Timmy had a job, and his boss was a grown-up named Mr. Smith. Timmy liked his job, but he knew something very important - he should never make Mr. Smith feel not-so-good.

Timmy understood that Mr. Smith was the boss, and bosses are special. They should always feel like they are the smartest and the best. Timmy didn't want to make Mr. Smith sad or mad, so he did something very nice. Whenever Mr. Smith had an idea or said something, Timmy would listen carefully and say, "Wow, Mr. Smith, that's a great idea! You are so smart!"

Timmy also made sure to help Mr. Smith with his work. If Mr. Smith needed help with a big task, Timmy would say, "I'm here to help, Mr. Smith!" He made Mr. Smith look even better by working together.

Timmy knew that sometimes, people, including bosses, can feel a little unsure or not so confident. So, he always made sure to be kind and make Mr. Smith feel happy. When Mr. Smith felt good, he was a very nice boss to everyone.

And so, in that colorful office, Timmy and Mr. Smith worked together happily because Timmy always made sure to be a good friend and help Mr. Smith shine bright like a star. The end!