
What is in it for you?

♫Hold up, nobody loves you like I do, slow down, nobody love you like I do♫

A quaint sound rang through the dormitory hall, disappearing into the cubicle she shared with her recently earned nemesis. The music abruptly stopped and a curt hello was quipped before the music continued, taking an almost seductive tone. Her roommate ignored the greeting, got in bed and went to sleep or rather pretended to sleep. The year was turning out to be a nightmare. Nasike sunk into restless sleep after endlessly convincing herself that the school year only had 7 months remaining if the holidays were deducted.

The sounds of metal hitting metal, keys jingling, and wood and metal falling on and being dragged on the floor woke Nasike up. The peace broken, she incredulously stared at the terrible terrorist ahead of her.

'What are we, terrible three? Must have skipped a stage or something', Nasike quipped after being woken by the incessant noise. After the spectacle at her home, she decided to cut her losses and speak her mind. In any case, what could be the worst that could happen? Well, except a hurtful response that by now did not hurt as much; especially coming from the person who had antagonized her for no good reason.

'No, just 17 and alive, wake up already unless you want to be a failure', Khalayi responded banging the door and heading out. Her victim had gained some courage; it didn't mean she would let her off if the opportunity arose. She ensured Nasike could not avoid her at any costs. The pranks ceased. It was no fun playing with someone who was guarded against her anyway.

The morning run rejuvenated her, it was her time to think through and may be, just may be find another gem to play; a dismissive introvert with enough courage to retaliate and enough patience to not snap easily. The breakdown is always epic. She smiled, finishing up her tenth lap with warm ups. Her target rather targets were set once she walked past a wall sheltered by brambles. Oh well, they do not meet her criteria but they would do. She silently walked around the bramble to a more visible part of the wall decorated by a couple on a not so welcoming rendezvous.

'That is lots of saliva going about. Not good looking, old, 15 year age gap, minor, indecent assault, if already at 2nd base-defilement, irresponsible adult, we are looking at crashed career and minimum 15 years in prison or life if you land in a Catherine Mackinnon adhering judge. We already know your interest mwalimu (teacher)', Khalayi rambled as she casually leaned on the wall crossing her arms over her chest.

'What is in it for you Christy?' she raised her eyebrows curiously at the young girl who had since distanced herself from the teacher.

'Consent or not, the difference is the same, it does not excuse you sir. Christy's barely 16 and we both know that', her voice transitioned from the casual drawl to a hardened inquisitive almost accusatory tone. It could be her hatred for adults who have the advantage of age and experience and the belief that kids should just grow as kids and be clumsy as kids. No matter how informed they were. Or maybe it was the belief that adults ought to apply more sound reason when making decisions that would involve any person below the age of 18.

'You can choose to stay or come with me Christy but I am not letting either of you off. Especially you, Sir', she stated as she strode past the tongue tied duo. After strolling for a while, she turned, smiled and shouted

'Christy, I can't carry the flask of water from the kitchen, my arms are tired. You know my room'.

She strode away leaving the duo second guessing her intention. Christy snapped out of her shock and begun running after her.

Catherine Mackinnon is a radical feminist.

I lean more on the liberal side

Ikenasiocreators' thoughts